I Really Need Help

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by DanForABetterLife, Jun 19, 2020.

  1. DanForABetterLife

    DanForABetterLife Fapstronaut

    Hi! I keep on relapsing. I’ve read about noFap before and followed some of the tips. I’ve added a blocker to my phone and had it password locked (worked for me). But then I had found a way to bypass the blocker, went to my old habits again. My longest streak was about 25 Days.

    Exercising, Meditations (HeadSpace) worked for me, however, there just seems a need for me to find more inner strength and not just plain will power. I really want to change my life, but I keep coming back to square one. I need your help on those who successfully recovered. Some tips or life lessons may provide me a new way of solving my problems. Thank you in advance!
    Chris_Cactusblossom likes this.
  2. What are you doing to combat social isolation?
    FX-05 likes this.
  3. DanForABetterLife

    DanForABetterLife Fapstronaut

    About twice a month, I go out with my cousin and go ride our bicycles. I also chat my friends online. Though, right now, times are hard due to the pandemic. It’s hard to go out and ask people out. Hhhmm, that question provided me a good insight. My relapses right now could be attributed to low social connections.

    So how, do you create more social connections right now with this ongoing pandemic?
    Chris_Cactusblossom likes this.
  4. Having a few close guys friends that I don't have to hide anything from has helped me tremendously. They know what I think, they bust my balls, and I don't have to put up a facade to get their approval. Friends like that go a long way in life.
  5. The #1 thing that has worked for me recently is to listen & learn about how people addicted to alcohol try to get off the bottle. Talk about scary. A British guy named Craig Beck has excellent, no BS videos on Youtube. Whenever he mentions a desire for alcohol, just substitute the word porn and it'll hit home. He made me realize will power is a joke, which was the most eye opening thing I have ever heard since trying to get rid of this disgusting addiction of mine. Anyway, even if you don't like his message you will still learn something. Education is very powerful when trying to overcome this or any addiction. Good luck.
  6. Doomsday

    Doomsday Fapstronaut

    For me masturbation is a hobby, any hobby can be addictive, when I get bored i.e when I have free time I enjoy my hobbies.
    Right now when I get bored I use the time to learn or go to another hobby.
    Not only was PMO (hopefully it stays was!) ruining my life but it’s a hobby that gets boring.
    I find word games on my phone work my mind and distract me enough.
    DanForABetterLife likes this.
  7. Did you make your guy friends in everyday life along the way, or did you go out of your way to make friends?
  8. Friends of friends, board games, marijuana anonymous, and work. I've also got my friends out at the monastery. The ones I am closest with are from marijuana anonymous. There are boat loads of guys busy with porn on the internet, trying to gain confidence with women, and struggling to level up in one way or another. The more we can find each other, compare notes, and push each other in the right direction the better off we are. I am thinking of joining my local political party because that's really got me motivated. Also sand volleyball. Just pick something and go do it. You've got to have at least one person in your life that you can invite along with you if you are afraid to go alone.
  9. DanForABetterLife

    DanForABetterLife Fapstronaut

    My closest friends live far from where I am right now due their work (I’ve opened this up to one of them and he was accepting for what I want to achieve). I’ve already tried opening this up to some of my new friends but they just laughed at me saying that Porn and Masturbation is a NORMAL thing or I will get blue balls from doing this nofap thing.

    Right now, I’m planning to have online support groups or partners to reach my goals. Anyone of you who knows something that I can do or join? It is hard when people around don’t believe in what you believe in and make fun of you.
  10. Cefuroxime

    Cefuroxime Fapstronaut

    Nerve like a steel, soul like platinum. That the 2 factors can prevent you from relapse. From my experience, if you used an app or internet block to stop from pmo, it is not helping so much because you are much more smarter than the smartphone. Dont give up yaa, fight it like a warrior with full of strategy
    DanForABetterLife likes this.
  11. Randy Andy

    Randy Andy Fapstronaut

    Pm+ are normal, that is not the same as good. Many good things are not normal, the number of people who do something has a surprisingly low correlation with its helpfulness in many cases. Basically I'm saying it's ok for you and me to be abnormal.
    I tried a lot of the same things to stop and they had the same efficacy. It is an inside job and you're right that something more than will power is needed. I saw a bumper sticker once that said "will power is not a real power." Of course will power world for me for some things but my will used to be to have more pm+ so obviously will power wouldn't have worked to get free of pm+ addiction.
    This is unlikely to submit to tricks and life lessons, I needed a complete overhaul of my thinking. I should qualify that: tops and tricks won't help a real addict, but someone who just has a pm problem it totally could work. This is a forum for addicts so as an addict I talk that way and assume others here are addicts so nothing else will work. But it's easy to misdiagnose ourselves, we don't have a lot of science to it it's just 'i use pm so I must b addicted" and of course many times we see the opposite difficulty, "I'm just watching hardcore BDSM, it's normal everybody does it. Oh they don't? Well it's just porn so it's not hurting anybody." So I like to think of it more as a choice and see how I like the results of my choice. I don't know if it's possible to be addicted to pm but I choose to be a pm+ addict today
    One thing that helps me is practicing the solution for anger (easier said than done last if why it comes to mind is I'm feeling anger now :)
  12. DanForABetterLife

    DanForABetterLife Fapstronaut

    Thanks bro. Yes, I understand about getting a strong sense of wanting to be free from this thing and about willpower. But I think a blocker really helps if you can’t really stop yourself due to the bad habit of watching Porn being ingrained so much within yourself. I can compare it to the training wheels of a bicycle. The blocker helps me to be free from it in a short while but eventually I will no longer need it.

    Additionally, being free from Porn and Masturbation (when you really are addicted) needs more than nerves of steel. I think it should be more like being fluid and having a set of foundations that will help you cope up with the stresses of life. I humbly respect your opinion and I admit that I’m just starting out here. Regards!
    Cefuroxime likes this.
  13. DanForABetterLife

    DanForABetterLife Fapstronaut

    What’s your goal with joining this community? For me, it is to gain support and to share my support with other people who really want to recover from this addiction. I think for most of us, Porn and Masturbation is just a way for us to put bandage on a deep wound that we got from our bad experiences in life, or because of a bad mindset that we have in life (eg. we should be perfect, we can live alone, we can can control all the things that will happen in our life).

    From what you have just said, that you have chosen to watch a certain kind of Porn, maybe you need to reassess your motivation for joining this community or the reason why you are doing this journey. Try to get a pen and paper, go outside where you can be alone in nature (try leaving your phone behind) and write your motivation for recovery. Also, try to idealize your future self (about 2 to 3 years from now, free from Porn and Addiction), on where you are, with whom you spend your life with and the things that you do with your life. Hope my suggestions could help in finding a new spark of hope in you.
  14. TheProdigalSon

    TheProdigalSon Fapstronaut

    I just saw the YouTube video where Beck mentions this. Did you happen to hear his tool for breaking the subconscious connection? He mentioned Ivan Pavlov’s experiment with dogs and how Pavlov extended his research by stop ringing the bell altogether after months leading to deconditioning the dogs. In the case of alcoholics and sex addicts, how do you stop ringing our bell? Because that urge will be there and will power has obviously failed to help us in the past. What is different?
  15. MyMind07

    MyMind07 Fapstronaut

    Apparently the password locker didn't work. Otherwise you couldn't bypass the locker. Don't fool yourself.

    What are you gonna do to not relapse again?
    What actions will you take?
    What will you do when you have urges?
  16. DanForABetterLife

    DanForABetterLife Fapstronaut

    I’m using an iOS device as my main phone. Screen time helped me a lot. The reason that it failed was because I discovered a website that it failed to mark as an adult website. Right now, I have made my friend (who has the password to my screen time) to add that website to the list of blocked websites (I also blocked other websites such as Instagram, SnapChat, Twitter and other websites that can tigger me).

    Additionally, I have contemplated on the things that I am doing prior to the relapse and the emotions that I am feeling. I have reflected that I am not inline with my values back then and I am again just letting my emotions control me.

    To not relapse again, I will go back to my daily routine that I am building back then such as exercising (body weight exercises, jogging, etc.), focusing on my nutrition, cooking meals, journaling, finding a suitable career for me and connecting with the people around me.

    I think urges are part of the journey and as we experience them, we can know more on what we are trying to mask with Porn and Masturbation. I was so lonely back then when I give in to the urge, I felt that I was alone in this journey. That’s one of the reason I made my account here, to find support and share support with other people that want to better themselves.

    I hope I can further your journey with my insights.
  17. Ben teks

    Ben teks Fapstronaut

    I have been trying not to watch porn and masturbate but I am not able to do it. After breaking streak of 10 days I am feeling sad and depressed and my urges are becoming stronger. somebody please help me.
  18. Yeah, he does that old Pavlov talk a few times. He is certainly trying to get people to take his course, which I fully understand.
    I honestly do not know if we can stop the bell ringing. I think what he is getting it is that we need to stop responding as we have in the past, which is no easy task. I'm not endorsing his course in any way, but I must admit when he talks about will power being bullshit, I sat up and listened. I think I was suspecting this for a long time. Anyway, I agree with your point. I really believe that by learning how other addicts have suffered we can learn a lot. For me, being grateful that I am not an alcoholic or a drug addict (maybe it could have happened, who knows?) gives me a stronger passion to kick PMO to the ground forever and ever. Cheers, brother.
  19. DanForABetterLife

    DanForABetterLife Fapstronaut

    I think you should change something in your lifestyle? Try this thing out. Make a vision for your life. Have time to visualize your life two or three years from now without Porn and Masturbation. What are the things you are doing? What are the goals that you have achieved? Who you are as a person? Who are the people that you share your time with? Set maybe a week to really visualize your life. And then prioritize things that will fill up your time as you transition your focus on building the life that you want. Set small, achievable goals and really take time to achieve this goals. Even if you fail, feel the real joy from making an effort to achieve something in your life. I hope this helps mate. Cheering you up for a longer streak.
    Ben teks and Ogikubo like this.
  20. Randy Andy

    Randy Andy Fapstronaut

    I can see how this misunderstanding occurred. I should have said that i have not had to use any form of sex with self, partners other than the spouse nor any form of pornography since 3/12/2013. If you or anyone herehas anyquestions I would welcome a personal message :)
    DanForABetterLife likes this.