First solid morning wood in ages!!!!

Discussion in 'Porn-Induced Sexual Dysfunctions' started by seaguy44, Jun 6, 2020.

  1. seaguy44

    seaguy44 Moderator Assistant

    This morning I just woke up with first solid morning wood. My morning wood was pretty very strong.

    I'm just happy. This is a good sign of healing....It makes me feel like a man..healthy morning woods means healthy erections which means better and healthier sex with women.

    I'm just... happy
  2. EnglishTosser

    EnglishTosser Fapstronaut

    Great! How long is your streak?
  3. seaguy44

    seaguy44 Moderator Assistant

    14th days now (2 weeks!) :)
  4. EnglishTosser

    EnglishTosser Fapstronaut

    That's amazing, keep it up.
  5. seaguy44

    seaguy44 Moderator Assistant

    Thank you and you are on your 52nd day streak now?
  6. EnglishTosser

    EnglishTosser Fapstronaut

    Yep, had periods of waking up with decent morning wood and feeling better. Unfortunately I feel terrible right now and can't get erect at all. Very sad and frustrating.
    drkarim likes this.
  7. seaguy44

    seaguy44 Moderator Assistant

    Maybe you are in a flatline now? That can happen
  8. Free your mind

    Free your mind Fapstronaut

    Same here.
    We have to stay strong!
  9. The same happened with me, stay strong man.
    Free your mind likes this.
  10. UnitedWeStand

    UnitedWeStand Fapstronaut

    As the time passes flatline will fade away forever. 250 days and i get a flatline every 2 months or so that last maybe 1-3 days and has very little effect now. I hardly notice it, trust the process flatlines are good believe it or not.
    drkarim likes this.
  11. Hey man, can you talk more about this?
  12. UnitedWeStand

    UnitedWeStand Fapstronaut

    When i started rebooting in my 19 i would get a flatline the first or second week that lasted for maybe 2-3 weeks. Then i was having a flatline after every orgasm that lasted for a week or two. As i was recovering flatlines were lasting less than the previous one and i would get a flatline every other orgasm.
    What i say is that rebooting is a gradually process with no magic numbers and tricks or tips.
    We are all different with different past and addiction.
    drkarim, oldpunk and ewerson18 like this.
  13. Owen999997

    Owen999997 New Fapstronaut


    May I ask:

    did you hage a routine these two weeks until your morning wood returned?

    i.e. did you have a regular sleeping pattern or did you sleep whenever, did you exercise during these weeks etc.

    in trying to understand if the no fapping and abstaining from porn is the only change you need to make for to get “cured” or are there more factors involved
  14. seaguy44

    seaguy44 Moderator Assistant

    Yes it's important to have good sleeping habit for this. I did exercise, but not all the time.

    The most important thing is to stop fapping and stop porn. That is what helped my morning woods. Also be sure to check your testosterone level too. If it's too low, you may not have regular morning woods.
  15. drkarim

    drkarim Fapstronaut

  16. kamov

    kamov Fapstronaut

    I'm 72 days in hard mode and the only time I had morning wood was probably a month ago, now everytime I wake up I don't have morning wood, altough I feel very easy to be hard
    Wugazi32 likes this.