Stop the ride, I want to get off now

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Happy Gnome, Jun 30, 2020.

  1. New swine flu in China could morph to cause human pandemic, study warns

    'Researchers in China have discovered a new type of swine flu that is capable of triggering a pandemic, according to a study published Monday in the U.S. scientific journal PNAS. Named G4, it is genetically descended from the H1N1 strain that caused a pandemic in 2009.
    It possesses "all the essential hallmarks of being highly adapted to infect humans," say the authors, scientists at Chinese universities and China's Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
    The World Health Organization said Tuesday that it would "read carefully" the study on the new virus, with a spokesman saying the findings highlighted the importance of the world not letting "our guard down on influenza."'

    Anyone else getting numb to all the bad news? How are you all coping with this crazy year?
  2. False promise

    False promise Fapstronaut

    You can stop the ride the moment you stop believing the fear porn and lies that come from the media. You wouldn’t even know this virus exists if it weren’t for the media. Wake up. Take care of your immune system and orient yourself around health and suddenly a fear campaign driven by the media has no affect on you.
  3. Awedouble

    Awedouble Fapstronaut

    The lack of media literacy on multiple levels is costing us, and thinking it is just "being informed" and that you can just use the simplistic approach of having less of it is like the simplistic view of abstinence only with addiction recovery without lifestyle changes.

    And nobody will have their guard up with it in the first place.

    Singling out things like social media completely misses the point. The thing is the way it works is PROGRAMMED, people think they are immune to that but they are not. And they are spreading THAT disease, providing a TON of free labor on those platforms. Think about it, it would grind to a halt if that volunteer effort did not exist.

    Not to be "negative" but people sharing about how they are coping can also end up being unhelpful. Which doesn't mean not to share, but there is a question of what do we do about it? Does anyone actually have a solution or helpful ideas or is it just a matter of getting attention, which IS the fundamental dynamic of these platforms?
    mi-mi-mi-do likes this.
  4. Awedouble

    Awedouble Fapstronaut

    And if there are helpful things, how much of our attention is on that? Or are we not able to pay attention to the things that are helpful because it's all being squandered on the repetitive crap that's being practically force fed?

    Are we addicted to not only consuming that but also perpetuating it?
  5. mi-mi-mi-do

    mi-mi-mi-do Fapstronaut

    Good grief, mate. Yes, it never seems to end. Two once in a decade pandemics in the same year (or, to be more precise, one once-in-a-decade pandemic and one once-in-a-century pandemic in the same year). Prevention will be the same. Hand-washing, social distancing, mask least we've got a good idea what to do this time.
  6. brilliantidiot

    brilliantidiot Fapstronaut

    Another blessing from China? My gosh.
    LEPAGE likes this.
  7. Oh! So now "China" is the new "Russia" and "Middle-East".
    brilliantidiot likes this.
  8. In the sense that foreigners are seen as enemies? I couldn't agree more. I am close to many people who have disgusting attitudes toward Chinese people.
  9. brilliantidiot

    brilliantidiot Fapstronaut

    Pretty much. Always gotta have an enemy.
    China isn't a race. Chinese people are awesome, but the CCP isn't.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  10. And that's absolutely fine. I never said that China is a race. But in my opinion, having prejudiced views about groups of people based on where they were born is as asinine as having prejudiced views based on race.
  11. Swine flu? That's a bit retro isn't it?

    Next they'll be talking about anthrax attacks and superbugs.
  12. brilliantidiot

    brilliantidiot Fapstronaut

    Its not about where they are born, its about the government that is located there. Like I said, it has nothing to do with being chinese and everything to do with politics.
    WesternWolf likes this.
  13. No, I am telling you that they hate Chinese people. These are some of my friends and family, and I know what their opinions are. They don't like the government OR the people.
  14. brilliantidiot

    brilliantidiot Fapstronaut

    O. My mistake.
    FellatiousD likes this.