What counts as porn?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by SeekerOfThePlague, Jul 13, 2020.

  1. SeekerOfThePlague

    SeekerOfThePlague Fapstronaut

    I started wondering "what counts as porn?", I know that nofap wants to "overcome porn addiction" but what actually counts as porn and what of that is actually addictive?
    from what I have seen:
    pornographic movies are supposedly addictive
    pictures have supposedly been disproven https://www.psychologytoday.com/ca/blog/women-who-stray/201307/your-brain-porn-its-not-addictive
    I do not know about books
    I do not know about games
    I do not know about just using imagination
    and I do not know about just jerking off without using any other stimulai other then manual (off of morning wood for example)

    I do remember reading about some masturbation being good for testicular health
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2020
  2. SeekerOfThePlague

    SeekerOfThePlague Fapstronaut

    any answer? any opinions? anything?
  3. recoome

    recoome Fapstronaut

    anything that gives you an erection.
    MasterNate and Deleted Account like this.
  4. It could be anything that triggers arousal, other than a real woman. The addiction is to the sensation of arousal in your body. It feels good right? So you want more.
    MasterNate and Dexter Moran like this.
  5. greenmtnboy

    greenmtnboy Fapstronaut

    Look at the definitions in Webster or Wikipedia.

    AG Ashcroft thought the marble nudes in DC were porn; I have seen extremely repressed and extreme conservatives opine in that way for years, that nudity is somehow porn or erotic.

    You could categorize porn, which is usually sex filming for money, as going from the softly attractive, showcasing female beauty, up to the grotesque, explicit, and beast like; any porn where women are abused according to real legal definitions should be prosecuted IMO.
  6. SeekerOfThePlague

    SeekerOfThePlague Fapstronaut

    so masturbating to a real woman is fine then? seems a bit of a strange place to draw a line
  7. SeekerOfThePlague

    SeekerOfThePlague Fapstronaut

    now this might be a nature fallacy but dont animals masturbate too? if you could source the claim I would be glad
    another thing - doesn't that depend on the amount of masturbation? because if it (and by extencion any sexual act that involved it) was harmful then woudn't it be impossible to have an active sex life?
  8. SeekerOfThePlague

    SeekerOfThePlague Fapstronaut

  9. SeekerOfThePlague

    SeekerOfThePlague Fapstronaut

    is the cause of morning wood porn? is hiring a hooker for a lap dance porn? is forplay porn? all of those things usually result in an erection but I dont hear many people calling them porn
  10. SeekerOfThePlague

    SeekerOfThePlague Fapstronaut

    also, for example, eating a cheesecake makes me feel good, it tastes sweet and I really enjoy it, I want to have more but I just dont because noone is forcing me to have more and its my desition to not overeat
    another example is eggs, I really like eggs so I have some pretty much every day for breakfast - am I addicted? I dont think so, because when there was a painc and the price went up, I just stopped buying them and ate cereal for a few months
    I may be addicted to reading but I cant be sure because there is not much to do right now then read so when I stop Im just bored, is that addiction or just the circumstance?
    how do I know the difference between just liking to do something and being addicted to it?
  11. recoome

    recoome Fapstronaut

    True. Anything you experience for the sole purpose of arousal with no emotional connect is porn.
  12. SeekerOfThePlague

    SeekerOfThePlague Fapstronaut

    "Masturbating animals usually don't procreate and their genes go extinct - and that's not much different from masturbating humans. Just look at statistic: Population with the highest masturbation has the lowest birth rates."
    where are you pulling that animal info from? could you give me source?

    "If it's about starting a family and having children, just like in the animal kingdom, I don't think there is anything wrong with it from a biological point of view. If your sex life is just about reenacting porn - that's as harmful as masturbation itself is."
    what do you consider as "reenacting porn"?
    also, while I belive completely that masturbation can be harmful (at least to the skin and flesh of the penis itself, my friend has a lot of trouble with it), from what I know its all about how much you actually do it, if you could give me a source for how much masturbation is harmful and in what exact ways I would be glad (like I said I know it can damage the flesh and the skin but thats only after a really long period of time, or at least it was like that with my friend)
  13. SeekerOfThePlague

    SeekerOfThePlague Fapstronaut

    so emotional contact magically makes it not be damaging?
  14. I never said that. We are talking about porn here. Any artificial stimulation that triggers a response of arousal is porn. Your question is "what counts as porn?"
  15. Not sure I understand what you are going on about here. It's a bit of a ramble. The second part of your question is "what of that is actually addictive?" I said the addiction (attachment) is to the sensation it creates within your body. Please try not to agree or disagree with me. Look closely and see this for yourself.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 13, 2020
  16. Steppingintotheunkown

    Steppingintotheunkown Fapstronaut

    If the thing in question effects your life in a negative way but you can't stop doing it then that's an addiction
  17. SeekerOfThePlague

    SeekerOfThePlague Fapstronaut

    oh yeah, sorry about that, got a bit confused
  18. SeekerOfThePlague

    SeekerOfThePlague Fapstronaut

    "I said the addiction (attachment) is to the sensation it creates within your body. Please try not to agree or disagree with me. Look closely and see this for yourself."
    "If the thing in question effects your life in a negative way but you can't stop doing it then that's an addiction"
    thanks a bunch for the answer, you have been a big help, again, thanks
    Deleted Account likes this.
  19. EliFitness

    EliFitness New Fapstronaut

    Hentai counts.
    FellatiousD likes this.
  20. CodeTalker

    CodeTalker Fapstronaut

    It doesn't have to gave you an erection to be harmful to watch.
    recoome likes this.