Why wont I follow through.

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by CasualMe95, Jun 20, 2015.

  1. I see all the benefits of no PMO and I love it. It makes me feel like a complete person and just me but a far better version of myself.

    I love no PMO but somehow for some reason I still keep relapsing. I dont know why.
    I've removed dating sites, trigger sites, dont watch trigger content etc but somehow it still find its way back to me. I've tried to change my mindset several times, I've read on different forums about PMO addiction etc.
    I've change my position so that I am much more exposed when using my computer and thinking about moving it completely out of my room but my parents have some problems with that.

    Does anyone have any tip to what I can do that I've not already done so help me recover.
    If theres any questions I'd be happy to answer them.
  2. Surrender

    Surrender Fapstronaut

    To a large extent, getting rid of an addiction is just pure determination and will. A part of you will always resist and lean towards PMO, thats the nature of addiction.

    This might be news or you might be aware of it, but stop for a minute and think of this; A part of you dont wanna do nofap. A part of you will struggle and resist your attempts.
    The question is, will you follow through anyway or will you give in because something within you wants to go back to porn?
  3. lucasrochex

    lucasrochex Fapstronaut

    One thing that will help you get through it is to make your life more interesting so you can rely less on porn to give you satisfaction.
    Do not get bored in front of the computer, specially if you are alone, because, at least for me, that is fatal.
    At least in my case porn is related to a slow and boring life sometimes. I don't know what came first: my life starting to suck because of porn, or if I looked for porn because my life sucked. What is helping me to is that I started to do dancing classes. I gives me excitement, socialization and an option of something to do, and as a consequence I become less reliant on porn for fun.
    Good luck!
  4. BlueNotes

    BlueNotes Fapstronaut

    You have to want it brotha. Like really want it. You need to see yourself in a new light and eliminate that part of you that wants you to keep the cycle going. It's hard but it's not impossible.
  5. I do find satisfaction from everyday things in life when I'm off PMO and I love it much more. But for some reason I always relapse.
  6. Yea... Thing is I see all these improvements and feeling more happy etc but I just never follow through with it.

    In my case its not about "Will I ever have successful sex with a woman" I had sex not long ago and noticed improvements so I know its right there for me. I just need to get there. To be its more "Will I ever be able to follow through with this"
  7. Pureheart

    Pureheart Fapstronaut

    Thats because (a part of) your brain craves it - not you. You are not only your brain. Stand above it.
    Good luck
  8. Thank you.
  9. Mitre

    Mitre Fapstronaut

    In my first attempts I stayed in my usual PMO spot which was in my room. The best I could do was a few 20 day streaks and then finally I decided to move out of my room and it was probably the thing that pushed me well past those 20 day streaks. I avoid hanging around in my room as I get massive urges when I go to chill there, though I get no urges when I'm falling sleep and little to none in my new spot. Trying to teach my mind that my room is not a PMO zone anymore but only used for sleep.

    I'm not sure if this will work for you but you could try it if you like :)
    lucasrochex likes this.
  10. This is really good! I've been thinking the same and know the right place but my parents dont want me to move since everyone in my family has their computer in their rooms. Now the coming week I'm gonna be all alone and working full time so I'm gonna give it a shot.
    I know from moving on vacation that it really makes a huge difference where you place your computer. Putting it more exposed will lead you to unknowingly have second thoughts about what you do.

    And yes. What health experts etc tells us is to move electronics out of our bedroom and that the bedroom should only be used for sex and sleep.
  11. Mitre

    Mitre Fapstronaut

    That's true but also your room has become a cue for PMO in your mind. Whenever I just sit on my chair in my room, I'm not even thinking about PMO and I begin to get some massive urges but this doesn't happen in my new spot. It's a well known cycle in your brain, first you are on that chair then you are on your computer and then comes PMO.

    It should benefit you heaps if you get to try it :)
  12. Yes! Thats exactly what I'm talking about.
    I believe it cold prove useful for me too because I've noticed a clear difference when moving for short periods of time. Away from home.
  13. Mitre

    Mitre Fapstronaut

    That's great! Hopefully this gives you that extra edge to beat this :)
  14. Buzzltyr

    Buzzltyr Fapstronaut

    Yeah. This is what Gary Wilson calls "Sensitization" in his video.
    Mitre likes this.