Any one ever tried the Carnivore diet?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by RogerFM, Aug 10, 2020.

  1. RogerFM

    RogerFM Fapstronaut

    If so, what was your experiences?
  2. palindromo

    palindromo Fapstronaut

    I strongly advise against such a diet like this , man needs unrefined cereals, legumes and fruit.
    They guarantee antioxidant antitumor, anti-aging power . Instead oxidant effects are guarantee by meat cooked at high temperatures.

    What you can try is to cut refined cereals and sugars and to eat less carbs

    With these types of diets , people wants to approach to an ancient diet mode. A false myth.
    An ancient man could not eat meat every single day , all the opposite : hunting trips were often unsuccessful.
    So in ancient times the man collected roots, fruits and insects.
    Then He learned to grow vegetables and this allowed the birth of the stationary culture .

    A successfull diet , insted is the diet of the pre-industrialization era, when the food was unprocessed.
    The diet on the grandparents of our grandparents, especially the mediterranean diet. Rich in fish and vegetables.
  3. RogerFM

    RogerFM Fapstronaut

    To be honest, what picked my attention was how it helps the mental health of some people. I struggle with depression constantly and every time I do a fast I feel great afterwards. So I'm considering do a water fast for 4 days and try the carnivore diet for a month. I know it would mean I would lose a lot of easy sources of nutrients, but, if that somehow keeps me from going insane, it's preferable to me. Besides, if that doesn't work I can revert back to keto, which is what I was doing before.
  4. palindromo

    palindromo Fapstronaut

    If this really helped some people i think it 's due to the loss of some nutrients essential for your brain. But i'm sceptical and curious do you have some scientific articles about improvements ? i ' d like to read more about this.

    I strongly recomende you to talk to a psychiatrist. Depression must be diagnosticated and treated like every other desease with drugs and support of a professionist.

    Please value my advise!
  5. For me I found it worked but in order to get the micronutrients needed I would have to eat organ meat, and I’m not a fan of that. I switched back to a whole foods approach to a ketogenic diet. Dumped stuff like water fasts too since those provide zero nutrients and can resort in a loss of lean body mass.
  6. RogerFM

    RogerFM Fapstronaut

    Oh I have a psychiatrist and psychologist too, but medication in itself doesn't work. So I'm trying new stuff. Regarding scientific articles, there arent a lot, most of what you find is just anecdotal. But, same with most of the NoFap benefits are the same, so, why not give a try, I"ll just eat carnivore for a month at fisrt.
  7. Why would you subject yourself to restrictive and asanine diets when you can choose to eat all the healthy things in the world and feel great and be satisfied.

    Be it carnivore diet or all fruit diet. Both these extremes are stupid things to do with yourself when so much better options exist.
  8. False promise

    False promise Fapstronaut

    Interesting because @Angus McGyver insists that our ancestors ate primarily animal products. He went as far to say that they were on a carnivore diet. I challenged him on this explaining that those are nothing but theories. Here we have someone else contradicting what angus has said about ancestral diets. So what is the truth? Will we ever know what our ancestors ate? Find out next time on dragon ball Z...
  9. The reality is, most likely, situated nicely in the middle between both camps. I’m sure we humans ate whatever we could get our hands on!
    Deleted Account likes this.
  10. Angus McGyver

    Angus McGyver Fapstronaut

    I never said our ancestors were 100% carnivorous but that meat and fish were main foods they ate during times when food was sufficient or plenty since it was the most nutrient-dense food available. You always claim that we don't know what any ethnic group, clan, or tribe have eaten in the past but take the inuits/eskimos for example. How could there be any doubt that those peoples have survived on entirely on animal-products since their very frigid climate and soil won't be suitable for any kind of agriculture?
    The very few plant-based foods they would get hold of are some berries during the very short summer-months when the ground isn't snow-covered.
    There is also a field of study called archaeology where they have figured out (through the excavations of paintings, pictures, tools, plates, and other items) over the past century what our ancestors have eaten during at least the last few thousand years of human activity in the occidental/Western world.
    Do you mean that everything in that field of study is just bogus and that nothing can be concluded from it?
    The Passenger likes this.
  11. False promise

    False promise Fapstronaut

    I knew it would only be a matter of time before you brought up eskimos, as if they represent the pinnacle of health. If you want to bring them up to prove survival is possible on a largely carnivorous diet, I’ll accept that. Let’s not forget that the liver stores vitamins and minerals, which tend to be found in much higher concentrations in plant foods like berries. So that little amount they got in the summer could have very well made the difference between death and survival.

    Yes, a field of study based on looking for clues and taking a guess on what they mean. Because a few cave paintings around the world show men hunting animals with spears, that should mean that’s what the entirety of the human race ate exclusively for thousands of years? It’s theory, not fact. You see, a painting, you theorize that’s how people lived. Maybe it’s correct for the people who made those paintings, and not for the thousands of other tribes.
    Pretty much. I tagged you to showcase that 2 people have essentially opposing views on how our ancestors ate. There shouldn’t be confusion on something that’s factual. Even if it were correct, it’s a far stretch to assume that we should eat a certain way because specific groups of early humans did to survive.
  12. RogerFM

    RogerFM Fapstronaut

    I have to say after a few days in this diet I've begun to feel much better. For most people I do agree a balanced diet is preferable but I'm not most people. I noticed that what I eat definitely affects my mood, I also noticed when I fast for a few days I feel very well for a long time, and for a long time I remained well in keto too although eventually my symptoms began to slowly return, and a few weeks ago when I ate a lot of carbs due to my brother's birthday, I just fell down into a hole.

    I understand what most of you are saying though, that a balanced diet is the best diet for most, but honestly not for me, this whole concept that one way of eating is best for everyone is pretty small minded and it should be taken as a primary guideline as long as the person knows that life isn't that simple and our bodies certainly aren't simple machines. I'm very aware that most evidence supporting carnivore diet is anecdotal, but there is enough evidence to at least get my attention and make me try it, after all it's not my intention to be on full carnivore for life.

    I only care tangentially about what our ancestors ate in the sense that if it worked for them it might work for us, but I'm sure our ancestors had allergies too, same as us, so, I'm doing this to find out if I'm either allergic to something or my body can't process some types of food well and that might be causing inflammation and as we know inflammation CAN trigger depression very effectively.

    Regardless of this diet being asinine and stupid for some people, I won't know for sure until I try myself, I'm totally aware of many variants I can't control or know can't throw off this experiment, for example, can the fact that I always feel great after a fast and that I'm feeling great now on carnivore just a coincidence? Maybe, but I have to know for sure and for me the only way is to restrict, analyze, and slowly adding back more kinds of food and study how my body behaves

    You can judge me for that and my choices, but honestly, I couldn't care less, even though any advice is most certainly welcome, know though, that I'm not advocating this diet, yet I truly believe the only way to pinpoint what is harming in me is to restrict and analyze what happens moving forward.
  13. False promise

    False promise Fapstronaut

    That’s your decision. Just remember that not everything needs to be directly experienced. When you become severely constipated I hope you report back to us.
    RogerFM likes this.
  14. RogerFM

    RogerFM Fapstronaut

    I will. Don't worry. Probably that won't happen though I don't have the large intestine due to a health problem I had long time ago. Never had problems with constipation, in fact it would maybe even help me go less times to the bathroom if you ask me. Also I disagree, somethings you need first hand experience to know. But don't worry I'll let you know as things progress.
  15. I don't generally advocate for going against evolution, I believe that we adapted to become omnivores for a reason. We only had a limited amount of resources as cavemen, so we had to made do with what we had and our bodies changed to accommodate a balance between "meats and leaves". But if you want to do it though, then go ahead! I have several friends who are vegan and vegetarian, I've never known anyone to be a carnivore though.
    The Passenger likes this.
  16. RogerFM

    RogerFM Fapstronaut

    It's certainly something I'm doing with great care. I have to say I've begun to feel very good. But, it's too early to tell if it's related to the diet.