4 months on NoFap ....how I'm feeling

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by AC Chak, Aug 19, 2020.

  1. AC Chak

    AC Chak Fapstronaut

    Hello fapstronauts,
    I have been on NoFap for the last 4 months. I have had many small steaks before,but everytime i relapsed for some reasons ,be it for fapping on porn or out of frustration. But this time I am dealing with all the urges quite well though I'm having lots of flatlines.
    As this streak of mine strikes 120 days mark, i would like to share my experiences with you. Although I'm feeling much better spiritually , i haven't found any visible changes in me. I'm still feeling low in confidence, fatigued, procrastination, low self-esteem, low motivation and I think i still have brainfog.
    So, I'm in doubt. I can't really find out the real benefits of NoFap. I can't find where I'm doing wrong or where I'm lacking. Is it my lifestyle that preventing me from the benefits of NoFap ? BTW I go to bed late at night and wake up at around 9:00 in the morning. And i procrastinate all day long. I can't concentrate on my study for more than 30 minutes. I'm also addicted to mobile phone.
    Seeking help. Thank you,
  2. MusicMakingMonk

    MusicMakingMonk Fapstronaut

    A sucky life is a sucky life, with or without PMO....
    I do not know the details of your life or your lifestyle but there are a couple of other things that are essential too feeling good, and those are
    1) eating the right amount of healthy foods, so quitting out processed foods and excessive amounts of sugar
    2) having good sleep hygiene, going to bed and waking up at the same time for the right amount of hours (I hear varying things but 8 solid hours of sleep is probably best)
    3) Exercise. Start doing some basic fitness, some cardio workouts, maybe some yoga, hit the gym if you want to have big muscles, maybe join a sports league, something competitive, a martial art or even dancing, as long as you move your body frequently and adequately, find something that you enjoy is most important.
    4) Meditation/prayer or any kind of spiritual practice. Even if you're an atheist, see if you can expand your consciousness in some way, if you are not, join a meditation community or a church or something like that, which brings me to
    5) social life, do you actually enjoy the friends you have? Do they love and support you in your efforts. Can you be honest with them about the issues in your life and discuss the important struggles and challenges that are going on? It's so important to have a solid support base.
    6) How is your emotional life? You struggle with self-esteem issues so obviously things must have happened in your youth that make you feel inadequate, or even that you may hate yourself (I've certainly been there and still struggle with accepting myself as I am). There's a lot you can find about rooting out insecurities on your own through youtube video's and simple practices, but a professional might be of help also.
    7) You can concentrate only shortly on your studies but the question there is, why would you? Do you believe that what you are studying is going to give you a career or allow you to do things in the world that fulfill you? Do you have a noble aim for the future that your study will allow you to fullfill, or are you just doing it because society and your parents want you to have a job? It's important to your happiness to find a noble aim for your life and follow a path that get's you there even if it's challenging, even if your family will think it's ridiculous.
    8) other drugs and addictions, mobile phones are definitely problematic for our mental fortitude, so find methods for lessening the use of that, like a timed blocking app, but how about cannabis and alcohol, are you using those in excess?

    If you want to talk more I'm here for you man.
  3. blunt_eastwood

    blunt_eastwood Fapstronaut

    I've been dealing with the same issue. I'm on Day 35 and it feels like the flatline will never end.

    I have reduced video games to 2 hours a week at a scheduled time, am working out or running daily, meditate 5 minutes daily, increased my water, and started taking cold showers.

    So far my results have varied. I definitely notice a difference, but my energy levels are inconsistent.
    AC Chak likes this.
  4. Parzival8

    Parzival8 Fapstronaut

    I would look into other aspects of your life. NoFap isnt going to change for life alone. You need to take a deep look into other things.
    I would be focusing on sleep and exercise for your fatigue.
    Focus on learning about self confidence and how to improve it (books, podcasts, 'self compassion' is the better term now.
    Meditation or mindfulness for brain fog.
    Diet and lots of water.
    thikk and AC Chak like this.
  5. TimeToQuitNow

    TimeToQuitNow Fapstronaut

    You aren't hooked on porn now. That is the benefit
  6. Chefb87

    Chefb87 Fapstronaut

    Recovery is all about reconnecting with yourself , or even connecting with yourself for the first time. We all used porn, sex as a distraction. Porn/sex isn't the root problem ... Keep digging :)
    AC Chak likes this.
  7. onepiece

    onepiece Fapstronaut

    just remember this is a long term process. it might be longer for some people but its totally worth it. Lets do this !!
    AC Chak likes this.
  8. HopefulAndrew

    HopefulAndrew Fapstronaut

    Are you on Hardmode? Or still ejaculating? And if yes, how often?
    AC Chak likes this.
  9. I'm up to well over the 90-day "reset" goal promoted by this website myself, and can relate to some of what you have said, even not having been addicted to more than the sex/orgasm itself (never been a consumer of porn). I've also experienced fatigue, brain fog, insomnia, etc. In my case, dietary factors may have come in to play, since, in order to guard against stronger urges, I refrained entirely from hormone-containing animal products. This meant I was not getting a reliable source of vitamin B12. About two weeks ago I got a shot of B12, and boy did that change things! First, it fired up my passions, creating cravings I had not felt for a long time and had difficulty resisting; and secondly, it erased my brain fog and helped me to concentrate far longer on my work. (In my case, I had been only able to do mental work for 3-4 hours before feeling too drained to continue; but after the shot I could go the full 8 hours.)

    If you want to try a vitamin B12 supplement, be sure to get methylcobalamin. The others (cyanocobalamin or hydroxocobalamin) are far less effective, and, though much cheaper, not worth the money. A shot is at least 10 times as effective as an oral supplement, because taken orally it can only be absorbed in small quantities according to the availability of intrinsic factor in the stomach.

    Keep in mind that what worked for me may not be what you need at all--I only post this for those who may find it helpful in their own situations.
    Chakra_Serpent and AC Chak like this.
  10. Shuffledude88

    Shuffledude88 Fapstronaut

    Don’t overthink or overwork your progress. You are just in the beginning of the rest of your life. Build sustainable habits which You can hold on to forever. Don’t focus solely on what you feel or experience. Life Will keep on being tough at times - the difference is You must face that for real instead of escaping and numbing it with porn.

    Be patient and push on. It might take a year, who knows, but You Will Thank yourself.
    thikk and AC Chak like this.
  11. AC Chak

    AC Chak Fapstronaut

    Yeah, I'm on hardmode. But have had nightfalls 4 times in 130 days .
  12. Mo1989

    Mo1989 Fapstronaut

    How long is your habit of PMO. Its good that you are 4 months clean though.
    AC Chak likes this.
  13. AC Chak

    AC Chak Fapstronaut

    No I'm not on any kind of drugs. But I'm extremely addicted to mobile phone, i would spend hours watching web series or movies . I'm having concentration issues with my study. I am preparing for job related exams. I don't spend much time on social media , but a lot on YouTube. Concerning my emotional life i would say that I feel shy or low self-esteem because my voice is not very manly . I can't speak loudly as i have undergone a palate operation at the age of 1. So... that's a bit of me.
    And thanks man.
  14. AC Chak

    AC Chak Fapstronaut

    I had been on pmo for 13 years. Now I'm 24 . I started it at around 11 !( That time only M & O) . From 17 P became a part of my life .
  15. NegligentRelic*95

    NegligentRelic*95 Fapstronaut

    What I found was that if the first thing I do when I wake up is browse on my phone, my productivity for the whole day is ruined, but if I refrain from touching my phone from the minute that I wake up to the point where I am done studying, I am productive so perhaps try that and see if it works
    AC Chak likes this.
  16. chris555

    chris555 Fapstronaut

    Hey dude about the mobile addiction thing their is an app I started using called block. Basically I have the same problem and I am on my phone way to much so now when I am on my phone for to long I go on blocked and I block the internet for 12 hours at a time.

    You can also block apps so you can't use the app version of youtube or anything and let me tell you it has helped me a lot.
    AC Chak likes this.
  17. chris555

    chris555 Fapstronaut

    Being on your phone and eating unhealthy also effect your ability to concentrate. I remember someone on here(for the life of me I can't remember his name)sent me something that I want to try. You might find these exercises helpful as well so here's the link.


    and also there is a channel on youtube called dynamic mental fitness that is worth viewing.
    AC Chak likes this.
  18. blunt_eastwood

    blunt_eastwood Fapstronaut


    I got it. It seems like working out really enhances things.

    I haven't been able to do that since gyms are closed by me and I have an injury, but I am doing physical therapy for that and gyms are finally opening tomorrow so I will hopefully be able to do a modified work out.

    I'm hoping that that will enhance things for me.
    AC Chak likes this.
  19. quit@porn

    quit@porn Fapstronaut

    This is really going to help...... Leaving some habit must be accomplished with inculcating something new... You just removed your hand from penis rest is same.... It will not help... I Feel.. Best luck get going
    AC Chak likes this.
  20. Patillitas

    Patillitas Fapstronaut

    Hey man @AC Chak, I am passing for many similar things to you. Lack of concentration, procrastination etc...
    Maybe we can be Accountability partner, since we share situtations, and we can find a solution for some of them problems! I am in the way to beat this addiction (Nofap) but also change this bad habits. Feel fre to text me!
    AC Chak likes this.