Pmoed again after a long streak

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by TheBestEverJI, Sep 24, 2020.

  1. TheBestEverJI

    TheBestEverJI Fapstronaut

    Couple of days ago I set my own reccored 34 days no pmo and two days Ago I had strong urges and decided to relapse.
    I pmord 4 times two times after the streak and the other two are in two days, Shere your opinions ;)
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2020
    nirav2696, Jarad999 and henryhill like this.
  2. henryhill

    henryhill Fapstronaut

    Coming here and admitting that you relapsed is a good first step I getting back on track!

    I recommend not beating yourself up for starters and try your best to focus on the things you focused on during your streak. Fill your life with good things. Or rather don’t stop doing those good things because you relapsed. Others with longer streaks than me will probably have better advice but know you’re not alone and that relapse is normal.
    Oldfart_v2 and ForceMaster like this.
  3. TheBestEverJI

    TheBestEverJI Fapstronaut

    Yo whats up brother.
    Firtstfull thanks for your replay really appreciate that.

    I got to tell you that im not feeling bad not shame I feel happy but also think ohh shit why did I did it again and relapsed on girls pictures I know ill come back on my goal and Ill even set a new streak btw Im in nofap for 3 years I faced a lot of things during this progress and I thank my self abd god every single day for starting nofap and I promised to god that Ill continiue doing nofap till I die.

    and four days ago I set my longest streak 34 fucking days! after a long time of relapsing on day 14 just every time when I was on days 14-17 I was relapsing. Back to the title, I did a post couple of days ago talking about that relapse.
    Btw this post Isnt for crying or sorry for something I made a desicion and now I live at peace with that. I just wanna know how people would act in my situation.

    Love you and have a great day bro and remember, stay strong ah? ;)
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2020
    henryhill likes this.
  4. SoaringEagle

    SoaringEagle Fapstronaut

    You just keep trying, in a similar boat here, I hit the 71 days mark then relapsed, before that I once reached 10 months. I think this addiction is something that even if you abstain for years, you can never be bulletproof and you always need to be on your guard.
    Sex addiction is hard to get rid of. In my case I know if I am under a lot of stress and pressure I tend to relapse.
    If one's life isn't going as one assumes it should or unexpected difficulties happen it can be tough to fight the temptation. Especially I think after long abstinence, even the slightest nudity can be a trigger.
    ForceMaster and henryhill like this.
  5. TheBestEverJI

    TheBestEverJI Fapstronaut

    Stay strong bro, and I relapsed again for fuck sake but ill come back
    henryhill and SoaringEagle like this.
  6. JoeinUSA

    JoeinUSA Fapstronaut

    I'm convinced that if one gets past 21 days (a natural rest period or by chance for any addict), then one is really following a discipline or strategy that is substantially making a difference. Keep up those strategies, and you can arrive again at 34 days and beyond. Don't give up so easily in the heat of a few seconds or minutes - those are heroic moments when you must turn your attention elsewhere and break the opportunity of deciding to relapse so quickly. Best wishes!
  7. Jarad999

    Jarad999 Fapstronaut

    Good job reaching 34 days!

    I can definitely relate to you, i've managed to go through 30 days twice and still relapsed a ton. As everybody is saying don't push yourself or self-harm yourself.

    Cutting down social media is probbaly the best idea, maybe not entirely but some to prevent triggers keep happening and keeping yourself busy all day is great also, you can study, learn a new language, the research behind porn addiction, talk to friends and anything that'll keep your brain busy mate.
  8. TheBestEverJI

    TheBestEverJI Fapstronaut

    Thanks for your response buddy,
    I got to tell you before the whooe quarantine started I was walking with nokia for more than 90 days, but on april I swiched to "smart phone" cause this stupid education system in my country I must use zoom and all that staff but guess what I started to getting back to the times when I lay on my bed and just doing nothing exept of sitting infront of that stupid screen. And I relapsed because of that just like I shot my self In the leg. I have some tough time now but I swear to god that im going to get back. Thanks for the response,
  9. I gave up a streak of 93 days because I thought it would be a good idea to jerk off just once. Turned into a hundred sessions, easily. Watch yourself man.
    henryhill likes this.
  10. JoeinUSA

    JoeinUSA Fapstronaut

    Yeah, the old "just once" urge or "one last time." Been there.
  11. TheBestEverJI

    TheBestEverJI Fapstronaut

    I understand you man, I relapsed again after two and a half days And this time for pmo, now I really understand that Im in a problem. But Its only a time and mental game. Thank you fir your replay I hope gid bless you all guys stay strong
    henryhill and FellatiousD like this.
  12. Every time you relapse, try to find the weakness in your plan and make it stronger.
  13. ForceMaster

    ForceMaster Fapstronaut

    i like what you said that no one is Bullet-Proof even if on NoFap for many years , i relapsed a month ago after 1 year and 5 months streak !! :emoji_blush:
    henryhill likes this.