WoW thread

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Fallacious D, Oct 21, 2020.

  1. just got back into this game, playing on a x1 TBC server atm

    Anyone else play? I know some of you degenerates do, so this thread better not get ghosted
  2. ruso

    ruso Fapstronaut

    WoW consumed me for a year back in high school. Wake up, WoW. Go to bed, WoW. I was a dwarf and a little bit more than a n00b lol. I used to just roam around everywhere with my pet bear avoiding the actual quests and got to level 37 though.

    Whats your character and stats?
  3. I'm playing on Kharazan which is a really dope Blizzlike 1x TBC server.

    Rolled a dwarf rogue yesterday just so I could be that one dwarf rogue (that doesn't gank and isn't an asshole like most rogues). I've been playing since cata but never got serious about anything endgame-related. Hoping to get into raiding at some point just to see what that's like.
    ruso likes this.
  4. ruso

    ruso Fapstronaut

    Oh shit I forgot to add, I was a dwarf hunter. Nice, what level?
  5. 7 rn. I think I got to max level rogue in MoP, was pretty fun. The gameplay/utility is nice, and you can avoid a ton of BS by stealthing.
  6. Queek The HeadTakker

    Queek The HeadTakker Fapstronaut

    Pfffffff nothing is better than TWW !!!! TOTAL WAR WARHAMMER YESYESYES
  7. Belching_Booch

    Belching_Booch Fapstronaut

    Been playing on and off for 14 years. Looking forward to shadowlands.
  8. dogeatdog

    dogeatdog Fapstronaut

    Have been playing since WoD so I don't really have much connection to WOTLK and TBC, but I honestly enjoy retail quite a bit. This Summer, I even got to be in our guild's Mythic raiding roster. 3/12 on Ny'alotha and I couldn't be prouder!
  9. I'm the opposite - have never played past MoP. Retail seems like it does a bit too much hand-holding these days, and the classes aren't diverse enough. The art and music has never stopped being good though, and I think it's the main reason I play.
  10. SL looks cute but I want to get through the OG content first, TBC > Wrath > Cata and then if I still care then hop onto Retail. Can't wait to see Bolvar have a big role, and I hope to god they kill Sylvannas in this expansion. But she's kind of the mascot of wow so I doubt that will happen.
  11. Belching_Booch

    Belching_Booch Fapstronaut

    You blaspheme!! Repent and beg for the queen's forgiveness.
  12. ShadyPerson

    ShadyPerson Fapstronaut

    The last time I played I was on some 1x blizzlike wotlk server. I think I had a level 10 human paladin. (I know, it's lame and mainstream to go for human or blood elf paladin.) Sadly I don't really have too much time to play nowadays.
  13. No shame in rolling a pally. Pallies are pretty chill, unless they are the asshole tanks that will kick you for not doing everything exactly as they say. The ones you want to watch out for are rogues, mages and hunters.
    Tell her to come to Ironforge and try her little sassy act - the undead may be simps but the dwarves don't fuck around. Muradin would slap her into another dimension, fully sober.
  14. Belching_Booch

    Belching_Booch Fapstronaut

    As someone who mains Hunter, Rogue, and Warlock I am deeply offended. I do play pally tank too though, so it's all good.
  15. Warlock and Rogue have the best gameplay, the casting, rotation, and utility just feel really good. A lot of the players like to KoS though, or just have bad personalities
  16. Belching_Booch

    Belching_Booch Fapstronaut

    Ahh I'm pretty chill. I'm what you would call a casual veteran. Been playing on and off since vanilla, but never played on an extreme weekly raiding hardcore elite level. I raided on some expansions but it was always something I did for fun on the side, rather than something to do out of necessity. These days I mainly focus on questing, dailies, professions, and goldmaking. I also have a ton of alts so that's always fun. I don't play as much as I used to though, focusing on working out and other things first.
    FellatiousD likes this.
  17. Yeah I was gonna get back into wow and be a casual/questing andy, but lately I've decided to quit games. IRL is more important
  18. ShadyPerson

    ShadyPerson Fapstronaut

    No worries. I don't have the skills or knowledge required to focus on how others play in addition to playing my character. Nor do I have the type of a personality to do so. :D