fellow fapstronauts, why do you feel so bad about being single?

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by davido548, Oct 27, 2020.

  1. davido548

    davido548 Fapstronaut

    I think there is overestimated being in a relationship, like making your life a paradise of hapiness, being single and being in a relationship boot have their advantages and disadvantages, being in such closer relation as is having couple it's complex, it has his issues to solve and not always it is possible to solve them, thath is why people broke up sometimes, and not only sometimes because most of relationships does it ends and not last until the end of both lives, about my past relationships, I think my GF were real womens, thath means they weren't perfect, I learned with them important things of myself and about undesrtanding other people, I enjoyed nice things wit them, and also I suffer ugly things with them, I was well rembered by all of them at the ending of the relations and after each one continued his own way on the life.

    I believe single people would be happier if thinks in the advantages of being single, when most people are in a relationship then remember what things they could do and now is not so simple to do it.
    420 mile high, Selix, Zephon and 4 others like this.
  2. unnamed friend

    unnamed friend Fapstronaut

    Humans need social validation, and lonely people who almost never get it from anyone value it the most.
  3. fapequalsdeath

    fapequalsdeath Fapstronaut

    Loneliness is just a cover for anxiety and inbility to communicate with others even if you want to create meaningful relationships. Very seldomly loneliness is chosen. It is created by the inability to find cimmin ground with your contacts. Not finding the common ground is an issue. Everyone sbould be able to bond with the people close to oneself.
    Clerk373, ibi, Ngo27 and 3 others like this.
  4. ruso

    ruso Fapstronaut

    Some people here have been lonely for a very long time, I would imagine that those of us who do not experience this would have a very hard time dealing with it. Some as @fapequalsdeath pointed out aren’t even looking for a girlfriend just in real life friends to hang with.
  5. davido548

    davido548 Fapstronaut

    Well it's very accurate @ruso than don't must be especifically a GF o BF, I remember my greataunt had a closer friend with who lived all of his life, so closer that in my family she was for us an great-aunt too, there has been very valuable friendships in the story of people's life
  6. rob13_

    rob13_ Fapstronaut

    When you're starving, all you think of is food.
    When you're cold, all you think of is warmth.
    When you're in pain, all you think of is relief.

    If you lack something important, it is that which occupies your mind most. Therefore...

    When you're lonely, all you think of is connection.
  7. Lau

    Lau Fapstronaut

    I do agree being single is much easier but you have to understand we humans are social animals and we have social needs.

    When I was dating, my partner would give me her emotional support and she would do the same. I had someone to talk to if I needed it and she was always there.

    Having a partner in life also means having something to life for or a reason to live.
    Timecop likes this.
  8. uzernaim2020

    uzernaim2020 Fapstronaut

    Some interesting and intelligent observations here. A great deal of my addictions have to do with my loneliness and failure to find a significant other. There is much to be said for trying to live a dignified and fulfilled single life. I would also not minimize the challenges of building a successful relationship. But I really do feel that a close and loving relationship would improve my life and help me wean off my addictions.
    theshifter and Buddhabro like this.
  9. In France we are confined for 1 month. My roommate invited his girlfriend. She will stay for 1 month.
    I am single.

    But I'm going to take the opportunity to continue working on myself. To take this as an exercise. Can I emotionally support 2 people having sex right next to me for 1 month without having anything as far as i am concerned.

    Most people get into a relationship because they have a void to fill, but no one is going to save them. It's up to them to do that job. When you love yourself unconditionally, when you don't need outside events like more relationship, more love, more money to be happy. That's when you meet incredible people and girls who will love you for who you are and not the image you want to project. That's what i realized.

    I'm 23 years old and I don't intend to start a long term relationship because I'm in a process of personal construction. Don't compare yourself to others. Live your life the way you want to live it and not to follow the social trend. That's what I try to do on a daily basis.
    You have to learn to listen to yourself and really know what you want. I don't care about other people. On the last day of our lives we will be alone with ourselves. The others will no longer be there.
    Buravan, Mauritius, MrBlue201 and 5 others like this.
  10. Max666

    Max666 Fapstronaut

    Being single is easier because you dont have to challenge yourself to be better person or work harder. Personally I think emotional support is a bit of a detriment depending on who you are. If you work in a communication type job having emotional support is important. If you work in a creative job then it can work to your disadvantage, the clue is in the word "support".

    If you're happy being single then stay that way I say. Some of us aren't cut out for companionship, we're not all the same.
    TheForsakeen and Buddhabro like this.
  11. Fullyawake

    Fullyawake Fapstronaut

    Exactly. It gives purpose and excitement. That’s what I’d like.
  12. Queek The HeadTakker

    Queek The HeadTakker Fapstronaut

    Depends from person to person, im single and im always looking to be better to impress myself , ans thats what really matters yourself
    TheForsakeen likes this.
  13. Max666

    Max666 Fapstronaut

    You're challenged differently when you're in a relationship, some would say in a superficial way like to earn more money, to get that promotion, do that course, keep up appearances, impress. I've been single a lot longer and found I got more things done when I had that space and the things I achieved in a relationship didn't really amount to anything substantial. So in that sense you're right but those who aren't so motivated to self-improve and are single tend not to work hard at all.
  14. Vagran989496

    Vagran989496 Fapstronaut

    Dude....Thats so f**ed up. Especially when you dont get any action like in forever and your rommate just bangs his chick near you. F***. I would have wanted to kill myself if i was in your shoes. F***. Damn this makes me sad af
    Clerk373 likes this.
  15. Lol it's not that bad
  16. CenteredMan

    CenteredMan Fapstronaut

    Haha, you're not alone man.
    Look at my situation:
    being single for almost a year now. Moved in to a new flat, new city, new job and no social contacts/friends what so ever, apart from the collegues at work (which I don't know that well yet)
    (That alone is already shitty) A neigbour of mine (girl in her 20s), has sex with her dude constantly and screams even more than a P-star, I sweat I have never heard anything like this. Luckily I get to be physically at work, so I don't hear them having sex during the day, but man.. It almost feels like someone is playing a bad joke on me. Being single is already shitty and this couple is reminding me almost everyday the connection that I miss so freakin much.

    Just try to look at it with a smile and believe that life is full of ups and downs and things will eventually get better. They have to.
  17. InTheWilderness

    InTheWilderness Fapstronaut

    In general, it is not good for a man to be alone.

    Genesis 2:18 (KJV)
    And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.

    The Creator made us to be relational, after His own image. We will always have that void or feeling of emptiness while we’re here on this Earth. Our hunger and thirst points us to food. Likewise, our loneliness points us to someone out of ourselves. We’re made for another, not for ourselves.

    With that said, some people are content being single, and have the gift of being single, but not everyone can handle being single. I have been single all my life and can’t imagine myself getting married or being with a woman. If God miraculously give me one down the road, great. But if not, no big deal. I don’t lose sleep over it nor does my life revolve around women.
  18. hulkfresh23

    hulkfresh23 Fapstronaut

    i really like you point of view of the life is quite interesting i am like that i'n not follow the trend and i want to live the live how i want. i like as well build myself and became in the person i would like to be. so definitly i am whit you in that my dear friend. now talking about lonely, in my opinion it is depend because it has diferent pespectives like for example all of that depend how if your behevior when you are alone. if you are a honest and genuine guy when you are with you alone and also you are like that when you are with others one that is the formula of the superman... to be good with yourself alone or acconpanied, in africa or in asia. if you get that and you feel plenty with all that you have in your live that is enough you dont need somebody else to fill up your emty part. but the loneliness is addictive be carefull with that because sometime you thing that you are all that you need and that is not true, we should to speed time with other even if we knows the alone we can have fun. basically: learn how to be alone, learn how to be with others and find the equilibrium. peace
  19. davido548

    davido548 Fapstronaut

    Last time I was drinking fernet in a bar with friends, and I tolf them thath a girl on a disco (after coronavirus time), get closer to me and she poked fun about how I was dressed, and then I told her to fu$k off.
    One of my friends (which is very successful at girls) told me he would wish thath a girl spoke him by herself, I'm okay with men's taking initiative, thath he would follow the joke and possibly we would start a conversation and then maybe fu#k her later, and it's intelligent I know, but I use to dislike unrespectful people, I didn't feelt motivated on trying to conquer even for just one night an unpleasant girl.

    I had one female friend left (the rest of girls I know are more like Just acquaintance) , but she was on my experience an disconsidered friend, I was for her when she needs me but she most of times on our friendship used to think only on herself and not taking care about what it's important for me, I get finally tired when I was hosting a social meeting after coronavirus restrictions, And I needed her support just coming as she told me she was going to do it, when the meeting started and I texted her about if she was on her way, she only told me that she was not coming because she prefered to meet with other friend, I told her that I would understood her prefence, but she didn't told me that she wasn't coming, and thath was the last thing Wich I tolerated from her.

    On my personal experience and perception most of girls Wich I had a closer relation was quite sencible about her own feelings, but not very much about my feelings, was very good about how a gentleman must be but they didn't seem to know how a lady should be.

    I want to point I don't believe men's are most considerated than woman used to be, because there is a lot of selfish men's too.
    but I think girl's became more concient about not tolerating aselfish company just for not feeling alone (Wich is good).

    I rather to lost my last closer relation with a girl than just acquaintance, than having a fake friend, and a lot less about being couple.
  20. I just feel like if I had a girlfriend, I could perform a lot better at staying clean, knowing that there's somebody close to me that I could fight to improve myself for.