Is PIED improving? Or is it the chaser effect?

Discussion in 'Porn-Induced Sexual Dysfunctions' started by skaterdrew, Nov 2, 2020.

  1. skaterdrew

    skaterdrew Fapstronaut

    Basically all I know is over the last while I have had much better erections than what I used to. I also feel horny usually once or twice on a day on a daily basis. I still continue to MO just using my imagination, but sometimes I do occasionally relapse on PMO.

    But my streaks over the last while more went like this 20-30 streak of no porn and artificial sexual stimulation, relapse, binge for 1-2 days. Then another 20-30 day streak of no porn and artificial sexual stimulation, relapse, binge for 1-2 days.

    But recently for some reason the binging has been getting much less. Basically the streaks have been getting less, but the binging has also been getting much less. So over the month it's more went like this 10-14 day streak of no porn and artificial sexual stimulation, slip, PMO for 20-30 minutes. Then another streak of 10-14 days of no porn and artificial sexual stimulation.

    I did relapse on PMO yesterday for 20 minutes. Guys see today I have been walking about with spontaneous erections on and off all day and night. I woke up with morning wood this morning. Tonight I MOed just using my imagination for 5 minutes and it felt amazing.

    But not just today, overall my erections just seem to be miles better than what they used to be. I feel like I can get turned on so easily these days.

    Now like I mentioned I don't know if maybe this is the product of all my streaks and time away from porn and artificial sexual stimulation adding up over the last few years? I'd like to think so.

    But if it's not, and I am literally stuck in a chaser effect the majority of the time, it's such a strange situation. Because I don't feel like I'd have issues in sex over the last while. Like tonight for instance I don't think I'd of had trouble performing in sex. So if this is some chaser effect that I am in the majority of the time it makes me question how many guys out there who actually regularly get laid actually have porn induced erectile dysfunction or porn induced sexual problems, but it's just the fact that they are usually in a chaser effect that they can psychically perform in sex?

    Like I said though I do hope I am actually recovering from PIED rather being in a chaser effect the majority of the time. But I'm not 100% sure?
  2. Anonymous86

    Anonymous86 Fapstronaut

    How are you improving if you go on streaks for 30 days, binge, streak for 30 days, binge, rinse-repeat? How severe was your PIED?
  3. skaterdrew

    skaterdrew Fapstronaut

    It was really severe. I was an extremely heavy user of PMO on highspeed internet for 7-8 years. Then the last 2 and a half years I have been on a nofap and pornfree journey. But much more so the pornfree journey. That includes all artificial sexual stimulation.

    I don't understand what you mean by how are you improving? So if you basically don't have ed anymore you are not improving? If you are basically on porn and artificial sexual stimulation between 1-2 days in an entire month as apposed to chronically binging on it nearly every day you are not improving?

    I am also hardly even binging on it these days. So it's usually once or twice a month of single short slips, so for 20-30 minutes. Then the rest of the month I'm not on porn or artificial sexual stimulation at all.
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2020
    Anonymous86 likes this.
  4. modernstore99

    modernstore99 Fapstronaut

    What you are describing is definitely binge behavior, which is thought to be equally as bad or worse than consistent porn use. Check out YBOP for more info. I highly suggest stopping this behavior. You are not recovering.

    Why is intermittent use (long abstinence with binges) an addiction risk?

    Will a relapse set me back?

    Do I have to have sex in order to rewire?

    Porn FAQs
  5. skaterdrew

    skaterdrew Fapstronaut

    Lol do you think any form of use is binging?

    An alcoholic drinking one or two beers then stopping isn't binging. A gambler rolling one or two rolls of the dice and then stopping isn't binging.

    The same thing is happening in the brain with these addictions as what happens in PMO addiction. So if a PMO addict hits PMO hard that's the same as an alcoholic falling off the wagon and hitting alcohol hard. If a PMO addict ends up PMOing for twenty minutes that's about the same equivalent as an alcoholic falling off the wagon and drinking two beers. It's not binging.

    This might be wrong of me, but the main thing I care about is the fact I don't seem to have erectile dysfunction anymore. Meaning I am now fairly confident that I could perform in sex. This is the most important thing that matters to me.

    I end up on porn and artificial sexual stimulation a minimal amount of time each month. So basically never. I notice literally no negative consequences from it, and my dick works perfect basically all the time these days? Suits me.

    Believe me this didn't used to be the case for me. I used to be chronically addicted. I had severe ed, and my mental state was much worse.

    I used to feel the need to read all those links you sent me from yourbrainonporn and obsess about all that stuff constantly. These days I don't really feel the need to.
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2020
  6. modernstore99

    modernstore99 Fapstronaut

    1. Any activity where you go long periods of time in between uses (on a scale bigger than weeks) is considered a bingeing activity. I linked the one YBOP article about intermittent use, it takes like 5 minutes to read. The type of behavior you are engaging in IS binge behavior, and can have nearly as bad of effects as frequent porn use.

    2. You may feel confident that you won't have PIED during, but you really don't know until you actually try it. The reason so many guys nowadays can't figure out what's wrong with them is because they can get it up and feel great while PMOing, but it just doesn't happen during sex. Go have sex, see how it feels, see how hard you are, and then you'll know if you have PIED.

    3. If you're basically never using porn, why use it at all? Just stop. Start having sex. Or masturbate without porn. If you're really cured, then you shouldn't have any problem doing so. Simple as that.

    I'm not trying to start fights, but part of you wanted to make a post about some weird shit that's been happening to you because you've been watching porn, but part of you doesn't want to accept it. The part that doesn't want to accept is the part of you hooked to porn. Do some introspection to see if you really have a porn addiction, or at least a porn dependency.
  7. kirtanb

    kirtanb Fapstronaut

    I'm facing the Flatline and I'm very much worried about being flaccid for so long.
    Please help and tell your experience! Anyone else who has gone through with similar problem, please enlighten? I was doing NoFap with Jelqing Exercise. My penis was getting very sensitive. Once when I was jelqing it got so sensitive that I came. After that I'm getting no erections, No morning woods, No urges & very less libido! I'm very much scared about this and can't keep calm. Before starting my NoFap I had a condition where my Foreskin was retracted for way too long which made it all swelled! But after that, I was normal. I was getting erection, urges. But after when I started Nofap with Jelqing, I started getting better erection. Tighter and fuller but later that instance I'm not getting any erection. I came in my wet dream without an erection. This has never happened with me. If someone could please help If this is normal or should I consult a doctor.
  8. modernstore99

    modernstore99 Fapstronaut

    It is very normal to have long periods without erections when going through a reboot. During my first reboot, I went a maximum of 3 weeks without getting an erection. My dick look very shriveled and shrunk, but in time the erections come back, stretching your penis out, and bringing it back to normal size.

    Whatever you think jelqing does, it doesn't work. Just stop. Jelqing is also stimulating your penis in a dumb that's gonna hinder your recovery from PMO, so now you have a double reasoning to stop.

    Here are some guides and links on what to do when rebooting what to expect to be challenged by and see as results.

    rebooting basics page

    What benefits do people see as they reboot?

    What does withdrawal from porn addiction look like?

    What stimuli must I avoid during my reboot (did I relapse)?

    What if I masturbate (edge) or watch porn without orgasm?

    I quit using porn and now I feel worse. Is this normal?

    HELP! I quit porn, but my potency, genital size, and/or libido are decreasing (the Flatline)

    My penis is too small.

    What about tight foreskin or phimosis?

    Porn FAQs

    Take a look at what you think applies to your situation
  9. modernstore99

    modernstore99 Fapstronaut

    It is very normal to have long periods without erections when going through a reboot. During my first reboot, I went a maximum of 3 weeks without getting an erection. My dick look very shriveled and shrunk, but in time the erections come back, stretching your penis out, and bringing it back to normal size.

    Whatever you think jelqing does, it doesn't work. Just stop. Jelqing is also stimulating your penis in a dumb that's gonna hinder your recovery from PMO, so now you have a double reasoning to stop.

    Here are some guides and links on what to do when rebooting what to expect to be challenged by and see as results.

    rebooting basics page

    What benefits do people see as they reboot?

    What does withdrawal from porn addiction look like?

    What stimuli must I avoid during my reboot (did I relapse)?

    What if I masturbate (edge) or watch porn without orgasm?

    I quit using porn and now I feel worse. Is this normal?

    HELP! I quit porn, but my potency, genital size, and/or libido are decreasing (the Flatline)

    My penis is too small.

    What about tight foreskin or phimosis?

    Porn FAQs

    Take a look at what you think applies to your situation
  10. KHERI

    KHERI Fapstronaut

    i cant not maintain erection in standing postion..
    Guys I'm on day 7 of hard mode of No PMO and I feel completely dead. No errections other than morning wood. Errections last only a few minutes by touching.
    I also have low Testosterone 440.
    I also have ED but it gets wose when I stop PMO. I'm getting married next week and feel like a mess. Just want to e*d my life.
    What I've observed is No PMO only saves energy it doesn't help if you have other issues like ED.
  11. modernstore99

    modernstore99 Fapstronaut

    I'm really sorry to hear about your difficulties. If porn has been your vice for some time, a no PMO streak followed by rewiring with sex is the answer.

    Imagine your sex life has been like building a house. For so long, you've been building up this house through PMO, it's now strong and a significant part of your life; you've invested a lot of your resources into this house. However, you can't bring your wife or any real person into the porn house because it's so fucked up. You also can't build a new house, because the porn house is over the only foundation you got. So what do you do?

    First, the porn house has got to go. You can't tear the house down (much like you can't erase parts of your brain), but you can let it fall apart. If you don't fix the house (3 months of no PMO), it will eventually fall down, and you can build up a new house with your wife.

    However, letting the porn house fall apart sucks. You invested a lot of time, energy, and physical resources, and now it's all just rotting away. It feels really shitty, but it's necessary to recover.

    I can guarantee you that if you do a no PMO streak correctly (hardmode for 90 days is the standard, not just a couple weeks) you'll be able to build a much better lifestyle with you wife
  12. skaterdrew

    skaterdrew Fapstronaut

    I have read through all of those articles many times before.

    Honestly I used to be like a crack addict when it came to PMO. I used to shake with excitement at the though of using it. I used to run home with excitement when I knew I had the chance to get it. I used to go out my way to get it. It's because I have used blockers for a long time and configured my laptop in a certain way it's difficult to bypass. These days it's near impossible to bypass. Potentially impossible.

    When I end up on porn and artificial sexual stimulation these days it's nothing compared to what it used to be. I overall find it boring these days. I am done with it relatively quick if I do have a slip on it these days.

    I am just going by my own personal experience about how I used to overall feel, and how I feel now.

    I masturbate, MO very frequently just using my imagination. I'd say on average I MO about once a day, sometimes more, sometimes less, just using my imagination. As I can't get literally any porn or artificial sexual stimulation 95% of the time. I can only get it if I plan to get it in advance, and I need to wait at least a week until I can get it. Now and again I require administrator privileges on my laptop, and occasionally this can cause me to be able to get some porn and artificial sexual stimulation. As a whole though I am basically never on porn or artificial sexual stimulation these days. I wake up with morning mood nearly everyday. I get spontaneous erections throughout the day. I don't have ed when I masturbate just using my imagination.

    As I said I am much better compared to what I used to be. I used to be like a crack addict when it came to PMO. I was chronically addicted and I had severe ed. This simply is not the case anymore. But you're right. on some level maybe the porn and artificial sexual stimulation does still excite me to some extent, like I don't seem to want to cut it from my life altogether. But no way do I believe having a slip and ending up on it for 30-60 minutes over the course of an entire month is worse than chronically using it every day or every other day, edging to it for hours, binging on it. No way do I believe ending up on it for very short periods of time basically never is worse than that. I can tell from first hand experience it's no where near as bad as that. You cant even compare the two in my opinion.

    It's literally like an alcoholic who was drinking a litre bottle of vodka every single day, who was getting drunk out their mind every single day, who then ended up drinking like 2 beers once a month. You can't even compare the two. The only real risk is this behaviour from the alcoholic could lead them back in to severe addiction again, as they probably wouldn't stick at 2 beers for long.

    All I know is how I feel. Not having ed is really important to me, and for the most part I don't seem to these days. But like you said maybe if I got with a woman I might still struggle, who knows. But I can easily get and maintain an erection without porn and artificial sexual stimulation. As I said I masturbate basically everyday without any of that.

    My mental health used to be so much worse than what it is today. Don't get me wrong I do still have issues. But in truth I don't think that is anything to do with porn. I believe I just have certain mental health issues. As people had mental health problems before porn and high speed internet. But when I was chronically masturbating, edging, binging on PMO, I can't even explain how bad my mental state used to be. I used to feel like I was literally going insane in the head. But I was more or less in a PMO binge that lasted probably about 8 years. What I mean by that is over 8 years I was heavily PMOing, edging and binging more or less everyday, and this went on for about 8 years. Only over the last 2 years I have really changed my behaviour, and it's getting better, better and better. But when I really first tried to quit porn and artificial sexual stimulation, and my usage seriously decreased over time, I went through really severe withdrawal symptoms on and off for a long time. It took a very long time for me to get through that. Thankfully these days I don't experience anything like that anymore.
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2020