I need help..

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Deleted Account, Nov 10, 2020.

  1. Recently I started a NoFap streak of 18 days. I've been treading very dangerous waters lately and I know I need to stop but I can't control myself..
    I've been edging to pron and after a long time it's giving me a huge dopamine spike. I'm afraid that I will reach the point of no return and have to reset my days. I've been getting huge urges to go back and nut to pron. What should I do? I'm doing this to get a gf but I haven't got the courage to approach them, I need this NoFap energy..
    Lionheart23 likes this.
  2. Hello my friend, I am new here. I want you to know that we can live in the light completely far from the darkness of porn. Sexual need is a feeling that God created in us to put in its proper place with a wife. We share the beautiful feelings together. She makes us learn the meaning of giving. As for porn, it teaches you selfishness and takes from you everything beautiful. Fight it with clarity with faith Quietly step by step you will win
    I wish you success
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 10, 2020
  3. Nutella

    Nutella Fapstronaut

    Just think about how edging is counterproductive to your goal of recovering proper sexual function and stop doing it.
  4. Yeah, I decided to put myself through bootcamp. Every time I want to jerk again, I take a quick run around the block or do push ups as I'm trying to lose weight. I'm going to read throughout my journal to find my why. I didn't ejaculate and I need to go at least a month and more. Man it just sucks that pron is just an internet link away but I have to repeat my quote that "You are watching people doing it, it's not you don't be a beta" that usually gets me and keeps me going..
    TurboBull92, Henryforward and Nutella like this.
  5. Nutella

    Nutella Fapstronaut

    I feel you man. It is very hard.
    I agree that it is helpful to have motivational quotes around, they can really help to put things in perspective when the temptation is too much.
    Henryforward and ResetButton like this.
  6. Yea I learned alot through the you tube channel ,"Universal Man" with Mark Quippet, it's very inspirational I highly recommend it
    Henryforward likes this.
  7. FoundTheFreedom

    FoundTheFreedom Fapstronaut

    I won't bs you. Breaking this addiction is very hard. I also have been at it for 18 days. If you really want to break this addiction, you are going to need to delete all porn off your thumb drives, laptop, and phone. You will have to delete your access to porn. That means deleting all your porn bookmarks in your browsers, both on your laptop and on your phone. If you can't control yourself, put up barriers for looking at porn and get a porn blocker for your phone and one for your laptop. I did all this. I would suggest you quit using Google as your search engine and use Swisscows. That's a funny name for a search engine but it is completely family-friendly and you CANNOT access any porn through it. If you search for a porn site, nothing will come up. I have chosen to break my addiction because it was causing my partner pain. Somehow she got the idea she has to measure up to porn actresses. I have told her I'm done with porn and masturbating to porn. I have given up PMO for the past 18 days and I plan on doing it past the end of the year. I'm pretty sure I'm older than you. I'm 59 years old and have had my addiction for around 30 years. By the way, if the urge is really strong, some here suggest taking a cold shower. I haven't tried that because my urges aren't that bad. One final note: when I joined nofap, there was an ad for another website that talks about what happens behind the scenes of porn: crimes such as kidnapping, forced prostitution, rape, and human trafficking. I do not want to be a reason for all that to continue. My quitting looking at porn won't change the porn industry but if enough of us do this, it will have an effect. Just a few things to think about.
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2020
    Oldfart_v2 and Henryforward like this.
  8. Bruhlol21

    Bruhlol21 New Fapstronaut

    I’m sorry but how do I post that forum thing cause I too want to reach out
    Oldfart_v2 likes this.
  9. Inloverber

    Inloverber Fapstronaut

    Sexual need is a feeling that God created in us to put in its proper place with a wife
  10. Oldfart_v2

    Oldfart_v2 Fapstronaut

    I was thinking about ways to build testosterone and as many of you are aware of and no when people don't masturbate they start to increase their T levels. Also eating a healthy diet and refraining from things like dairy and beer and alcohol and narcotics also increase our testosterone levels. I think when we start living better and feeling better we naturally push ourselves away from these destructive images and devices that cost so much pain and suffering and self-destruction. P*** is a horrible thing, and the behind the scenes of whatever's going on is not something that we want our children or their children to ever be a part of. It also wears off just like people who use marijuana and look to using harder narcotics and that the people who watch regular p*** are then into more aggressive things and then they start watching bisexual and homosexual activity which is destructive on its own level in so many ways that I won't even divulge into that at this very moment. I've heard of a lot of people tonight that are being hard on themselves for making it multiple weeks and I look to those people the very same that I look to people who are on day one or day 5000. We are all in this together and we are all going through our struggles and this worldwide epidemic with the covid 19 is not helping because it hinders people from being able to go out and socialize and interact with people on a daily basis. I think making sure that we get the proper vitamins and sunlight as much as possible is also important to our success on nofap.
  11. Oldfart_v2

    Oldfart_v2 Fapstronaut

    I couldn't agree more with your comment. Everything has a place and a Time and we need to understand that and implement that system that has been put here on Earth for man. Thank you for sharing!
  12. FoundTheFreedom

    FoundTheFreedom Fapstronaut

    Oldfart_v2, thank you for your replies and comments throughout the forums. I've been reading them and they are all spot on I hope you will stick around here for a few months at least and give us the benefit of your experience. I'm 59. My addiction is around 30 years. I am choosing to quit because it was hurting my partner. It has seriously damaged our relationship. I have told her what I was up to (the quitting part) and from time to time, she asks how long I've been going no PMO. She seems impressed so that is a huge motivation for me to continue on. She is post-menopausal and has lost all of her libidos. So here we are. We haven't had sex since my surgery nine years ago. I am also a prostate cancer survivor which cost me my prostate. That being said, I can no longer retain semen since my body doesn't make any anymore. Due to the surgery, I've had ED for the last nine years and I don't see it ending any time soon, if at all. My fear of the possible loss of my entire sexuality made my addiction worse. While I cannot rise to the occasion, if I'm stimulated enough, I can orgasm although I shoot blanks. That being said, if I focus on the fear, my addiction would go on and worsen. I have chosen not to worry about that anymore. My sexual ability isn't totally gone, just mostly gone. I guess I can live with that. What I can't live with is the criminal activity I learned about behind the scenes of porn. Rape, kidnapping, human trafficking, and more. I don't want to be doing something that will help perpetuate that kind of community. I have eliminated all porn and access to all porn sites. That will stay in place permanently. Again, thank you for commenting on posts and giving support. I learn a lot from what you add to these forums.
  13. FoundTheFreedom

    FoundTheFreedom Fapstronaut

    What is the difference between NoFap and semen retention? I'm just curious. Due to prostate cancer and the surgery that removed my prostate and cancer, I don't produce semen anymore. Semen comes from the prostate, sperm from the testicles. No prostate, no semen. Despite that, I'm very curious about this semen retention thing? Please educate me.
  14. I decided to do a reset of my count like someone suggested here. I'm not gonna reset in the O way more like reset my count of 18 days without online stimulation. Watching the internet stimuli made my brain feel like I relapsed even though I didn't finish. That goes to show that it's not only the busting a nut that makes you feel crappy. I'm going to reset my days until I feel fully normal again, then I will add those days back to my counter of 18 days. I'll think of this as a suspension for binging on pron
  15. FoundTheFreedom

    FoundTheFreedom Fapstronaut

    Ok, but the only person you're fooling is yourself. When you relapse, you should start your counter to 0 and start over. Before you do that, you should determine what led to your relapse and what you can do to ensure that doesn't happen again. I never set my counter to something other than 0. I don't put any additional days on it either. I don't know how to say this in a better way. You are gaming your no-PMO counter by adding days or subtracting days. If you do that, you won't know the true count of days you've resisted PMO'ing. However, we all get to set our own rules by what we feel is right.

  16. Visualisation may work. e.g. When bad urges arrive, imagine that there is an evil monster who would like to convert you to do PMO in order to get energy from you - all of your energy.
    Imagine that you shoot this evil monster with a laser gun with clear white enery beam, and watch this monster escaping away. :)
  17. I've been doing good. Thanks to the people on the forum. This friday will make my first month. I haven't been even thinking about pron and I've been self sufficient. I've kicked alot of habits before but I would love to kick this decade long habit it's been a very big one in my life. Also almost done on my very first No Nut November. Good luck on the other guys who make it this month, it takes alot of will power at first but sometimes you forget about it
  18. modernstore99

    modernstore99 Fapstronaut

    Edging to porn is either as bad or worse than just normal PMO sessions. Stop it or you will never heal. YBOP has the details

    What if I masturbate (edge) or watch porn without orgasm?

    What stimuli must I avoid during my reboot (did I relapse)?
    ResetButton likes this.
  19. FoundTheFreedom

    FoundTheFreedom Fapstronaut

    Congrats on a month! This Saturday will make my first month. Did you take any steps to ensure your success? I made sure that I wouldn't come across any porn. Took some work. I took a full day before starting on NNN and nofap to set things up for myself. Porn blockers, deleting all porn bookmarks, changing my search engine to Swisscows (family-friendly search engine). It hasn't been too tough to get to where I am now, 26 days. My relationship with my partner nearly collapsed when she found out I had a porn addiction. She felt she had to compete with the women in the porn I was watching. I'm going to eliminate my addiction so I can rescue my relationship. Both of us will eliminate this addiction! By the way, I'm participating in my very first No Nut November.
  20. I pretty much accepted that I will always have a choice when I look at a beautiful woman on the internet. The first choice will be "Wow she is beautiful, maybe I should see if she has nudes or a p star that looks like her." Choice two will be , "Wow she is beautiful, but I won't look too long because I don't know this woman in real life and there is no way I can form a relationship or have sex with her virtually." In reality even though there are rubber figures shaped like girls or watching a virtual woman do someone else, there is no way to have sex with them and build a connection with them, because they are a substitute to the real thing. It's like investing money into an imaginary island, you can picture it but you are wasting your energy into something that isn't real. I encourage everyone to focus on their loved ones because when you are sick and need to be cared for, that imaginary woman won't help you, your wife or committed gf will and family.
    Lionheart23 likes this.