23 years old virgin gay guy from France, 2 months "orgasm-free", but not porn-free...

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Matthieu, Jul 6, 2015.

  1. Matthieu

    Matthieu Fapstronaut

    Hi everyone !

    First of all I appologize if I make grammatical mystakes but I'm french so my english isn't perfect yet :/

    So it's been a a few month since I first heard of nofap, through the videos of Marc (sacred sexuality project). His videos really helped me "quitting" masturbation but I still have a lot of problems. But first I'm gonna try to sum up my life so far and tell you where I am now.

    So I know I'm gay since middle school, but at that that time I hated that and I hated myself for being gay so I refused to accept being gay and tried to force myself to enjoy women. So for exemple at that time I was trying to picture avec sex with a woman when I masturbated and I watched straight porn.
    Refusing to be gay, I also refused to try to date guys so the only expression I had left for my sexuality was through porn.
    But my attraction to guys only grew stronger with time. So I decided to start watching gay porn and picturing gay sex while masturbating, hoping I would eventually grow tired of that and "return to the normality" of being straight (it never happenened).

    So I accepted the fact that I was gay but didn't accept to let anyone know. So I just began a life of lie and secret, fantasysing about guys and watching gay porn but never trying to really express my sexuality in a healthy way by seeking a boyfriend. So I guess that's when my addiction to porn started. Every alone time has been an excuse for me for watching porn and masturbate, to feel good and forget my problems.
    The more I watched porn, the more I grew attracted to kinky stuff, like submission. So now what turns me on the most is picturing me getting abused by strong, brutal, dominant guys, f****** me, insulting me, slapping me, that kind of crap... And watching that kind of porn (even straight porn, as long as the guys are macho and dominant...)

    But it's only since last year that I realised I had a problem. I have been ALWAYS tired in my life, but I couldn't figure out why. But now that I had started an important part of my life and my studies, my passion, I couldn't accept to be tired and demotivated all the time. So I thought about it and tried quitting masturbation for a week. And It was a revelation. I suddenly didn't feel that tiredness that had been a part of my everyday life for so long. That's also when I understood I had a huge addiction : addiction to masturbation, to porn, to thinking about rough sex...

    So for a year I have tried to quit, never really succeeding more than a week or two.
    2 months ago I found the youtube "sacred sexuality channel" and it really helped me quitting masturbation. I haven't had an orgasm since two months exactly today. Sa at least I am not constantly super tired and demotivated all the time anymore... But I don't really feel that I am really making progress either. I have just "cut" one of the immediat drawbacks of masturbation, but I still have a ton of problems.

    For exemple : I only had one "boyfriend" in my life, 3 years ago. And when we tried to touch each other, starting to have sex, I was unable to get hard. And I know that comes from my porn addiction (and I know it is still there).

    I really want to find love and have a beautiful relationship, but I know that if I found someone know, I wouldn't be able to have a healthy sexuality with him. So I would like to deal with my issues first (even though I am horny like a crazy dog and I fantasyse on any attractive guy I see...) I don't want hook ups, I want my first time to be beautiful, with someone I deeply care about, and free from my addictions....

    So that's it, I'm so sorry for the huge text (I really tried to sum up), but I had to put a little backstory to all that :/

    So now my problem is that I still can,t stop thinking about sex, I am obsessed about it, I don't really masturbate (no orgasm), but I guess I do what you guys call "edging", so that keeps me from being tired but that does nothing for my addiction... But I just don't find the strength so stop all that... All my naughty thoughts... Every morning when I wake up, I am horny as hell and I picture all these scenarios in my head, touching myself as I do so. I try not to watch porn. I have blocked everything that is blockable but I still can read dirty stories online, talk dirty on chats or date apps... But my biggest problem is Tumblr.com, You have so much porn on this, and it is so easily accessable... And I'm always using it for school and work so I can't just block the entire website...

    So I decided to talk about it here, I'm thinking maybe If I keep track everyday of my attemps, getting feedbacks, that should motivate to really try and change.

    So thank you guys for having read all that if you have ! That's amazing ! I hope I can hear your thoughts about all that and I wish you a good day/night (depending on where you are in the world right now).
    Arley likes this.
  2. Arley

    Arley Fapstronaut

    You've got a great start ... It sounds like you've been able to make some great first steps in recovering from this ... Keep fighting the good fight!
  3. Matthieu

    Matthieu Fapstronaut

    Thanks a lot ! But I'm kindda lost right now... I don't really know how to go further...
    Arley likes this.
  4. Arley

    Arley Fapstronaut

    Do you have a therapist/psychologist?
  5. Matthieu

    Matthieu Fapstronaut

    No :/ I guess that could be useful but I dont really have the money for that
  6. Arley

    Arley Fapstronaut

    Ok, what about recovery groups ? I'm the U.S. We have SLAA (Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous ) or SCA (Sexual Compulsives Anonymous) ... Or SAA (Sex Addicts Anonymous) .... They're like Alcoholics Anonymous only for porn/sex ... I highly recommend SLAA.

    Are you doing meditation? Meditation is wonderful.

    By the way, I'm so jealous you live in France !
  7. Matthieu

    Matthieu Fapstronaut

    First : thank you for taking the time to answer, that's very very nice of you, I appreciate it :)

    I don't know... I looked for that type of groups in France but they are basing everything on religion and spirituality... And I'm completely atheist so I don't want someone to tell me " the ONLY way to truly change is through faith in God" :/
    No I don't do meditation, I tried a little bit though. How do you use it exactly against urges and porn addiction ? I'm very very busy with my studies and it seems very time-consuming so I don't know if I can afford to do that...

    Well, about France, I guess peolple are fantasising a lot about it but It's just a regular country I guess ^^' With a lot of problems too
    I actually would like to work in the U.S. in the future :)
  8. Arley

    Arley Fapstronaut

    I'll get back to you tout de suite
  9. preciousfapper

    preciousfapper Fapstronaut

    I'm bisexual but I've been through"vaguely" similar situation...i couldn't tell anyone that I "like" guys... And porn and dirty chats helped in petting my fantasies and fetishes.... I'm taking the 90 day challenge and it's my third day today...honestly with the support of the members of this forum I've been able to stay clean and that too easily but I'm having some difficulties regarding my triggers...sorry I digress but I'd suggest playing a sport you like such as football or tennis... You can try joining music classes because in my case music has proved to be very helpful... Just keep your mind occupied with constructive ideas and thoughts.... And find an accountability partner to get someone to keep an eye on you
  10. Matthieu

    Matthieu Fapstronaut

    Hi ! Thank You for the advice :)
    Actually I'm studying animation, so ai draw all the time, so my artistic hobby is also my work, so when I have free time well... I try to draw more. So I don't have much time for a sport or music :/ but I guess I should try and make time to do something else than drawing maybe..
    And what do you mean by accountability partner ? How does it work ? Do you have one ?
    Thank you again so much for taking the time to answer
    The fact that people are just paying attention to what I wrote is really helping me getting motivated (today I was able to let go of my urges when they came thanks to that motivation)
    Arley likes this.
  11. Kav

    Kav Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    I get what you mean about what you said about: even though you cut out porn you still have loads of problems.

    I've being going for 5 weeks now and I was expecting that once I cut my porn use I'll be happy. It's not the case and around day 20 I was feeling very down. However, I've been fighting to stay in there and I feel stronger about my life problems.

    I'm now on day 35 and even though my life problems are there I am feeling more hopeful. I know on day 1 to day 5 I was fucking broken. But now little by little things do get better. But I'll be honest sometimes it feels so slow! I guess I'm learning about patience and not giving up when I feel down. It is hard! Right now I feel urges so I come on here to help others or just write stuff to keep myself occupied.

    I guess I have moved from being broken to being sad and lonely. Now it doesn't sound that great but believe me I see it as a positive. Sad and lonely is better place than being broken. At least sad and lonely gives my brain the space to start solving my problems. Hopefully in a few weeks I might feel "okay". Neither happy nor sad. Again it may sound bad but for me going from day 1 of being broken feeling "okay" will mean I'm slowly getting there. I hope this helps.
    Arley likes this.
  12. preciousfapper

    preciousfapper Fapstronaut

    @Matthieu Accountability partners are pairs who hold each other responsible for their sexual habits.
    Your partner can be a friend or someone from this forum... You both are supposed to help each other whenever one of you get those urges to do PMO and also motivate you appreciate you in a positive way.
    I don't have one but I'm trying to find one.
    Arley likes this.
  13. Arley

    Arley Fapstronaut

    Yes, an accountability partner is also just someone to report what exactly is going on in you're life … some one who is non-judgmental and who is empathetic and most of all understanding (since they've mostly likely already experienced the exact same things, or similar things). It's useful to hear oneself say things out loud to another person.

    You asked me what meditation has to do with nofap … well it's a good question. I hadn't thought of it in a while as I had basically taken it as a given. I think that through meditation practice I can learn to not so quickly get caught up in my thoughts and feelings. Thoughts about the past - often shameful memories. Thoughts about the future - often a lot of anxiety and uncertainty about the worrisome future. It is an evolutionary trait of humans to more frequently see the negative in situations since that helped us survive in more primitive times and this can cause a whole range of distorted beliefs that lead to suffering. Meditation and "mindfulness" can allow me to detach from these thoughts … which are often "just thoughts" and not necessarily to be taken that seriously.

    Why is that useful for nofap/pmo/fantasizing? Well because when I'm caught up in negative thoughts and feelings I want to ESCAPE. PMO and sex for people like us here at nofap have become an obsessive activity used for escape.
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2015
  14. Matthieu

    Matthieu Fapstronaut

    Oh ok I see, well that's kinda what a friend of mine does for me, he has stopped masturbating since 8 years and when I'm about to relapse I text him or talk to him on facebook and he tries to motivate me again and make me remember why I do that.

    Ok, I should try meditation more seriously, do you have to have been doing it for a while before it "starts" working ?

    Thank you so much for your answers guys !
  15. meromero1

    meromero1 Fapstronaut

    Hi Matthieu,

    I hope you do give meditation a try. It's well worth the time, and it's free. =)
    I don't know how quickly you will see results but even brief periods done daily and consistently might give you enough positive results to encourage you to keep going.
    Unfortunately there's little that happens fast in the recovery process and it does require patience and time, which is very hard when you're used to getting a "quick fix" from PMO.

    In terms of helping with addiction it does the following for me:

    1. Helps me ignore urges. Meditation teaches you to simply pay attention to your thoughts without getting hooked or trapped by them. When I meditate I am more likely to treat a PMO urge as just another thought which I can brush off.
    2. Helps me not stress. One of the main reasons I sink into PMO is to relieve stress, but meditation helps me deal with stress better because it relaxes me.
    3. Helps me deal with boredom. It's not uncommon for me to fall into a PMO binge simply because I am bored.

    Usually I find a quiet place where I can sit in peace, not lying down though, and simply focus on my breathing and physical body. Your mind will go kind of wild and want to go all over the place, but you simply come back to paying attention to your physical body and breathing. Keep repeating that process all the duration of the meditation, noticing when you get pulled away by your thoughts but then returning to your breath and physical body. Always be gentle with yourself when you do it. It can be very healing!

    This is what has worked for me, quite well actually, but there are different methods that could work for you and it's worth researching the benefits of meditation.

    Best wishes to you!

    "Don't count the days. Make the days count." Muhammad Ali
    Arley likes this.
  16. Matthieu

    Matthieu Fapstronaut

    Thank You for your answer ! Sorry I didn't respond sooner, I thought I did but it must have not save my answer
    Anyway, I'm definitely gonna try meditation more seriously
    Since I've creating my profile here (and begs keeping a diary for myself about my addictions) I've been able to get much more motivated and strong, so I'm gonna try to surf on that rush of motivation and not let it fade :)