On the verge of losing hope

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Mauritius, Nov 18, 2020.

  1. Mauritius

    Mauritius Fapstronaut

    Hello people,
    26 y/o male here, addicted to porn since forever
    Also suffering from PIED, recently discovered it when I couldn't get it up with a girl
    Been trying to quit since the last 3 years, but to no avail - maximum abstinence period is for 4 months.

    I have been on this forum for about 3 years, read all the material, know how porn adversely affects the brain, but am still compulsively using, getting taken over by the urge.

    I have no answers, no solutions. Just feeling defeated.

    Please help.
    Johnthesavage likes this.
  2. darksoul57681

    darksoul57681 Fapstronaut

    bro thats good 4 months?!. my streak is only 6 days im too losing hope but i keep getting stronger everyday, you can keep going your not being defeated you'r lifting yourself up
    Different Built and Mauritius like this.
  3. SoaringEagle

    SoaringEagle Fapstronaut

    Dude if you keep track of your frequency average you would have probably noticed you have improved quite a lot during those last years and have at least put a curb on escalation as much as possible.

    This feeling is temporary due to your recent relapse, do not be too hard on your self, you can make it.
    If I may offer a solution, for now you might try to focus on other goals in addition to NoFap, try to focus on exercise goals/ career goals/ diet goals depending on your situation. Try to achieve things you can control even if they are very small. Start writing something down now, how you feel and what you want to change and make action plans.

    Doing 4 months of NoFap than what most can acheive, take it easy. Life can be very stressful at times and it is hard to quit an addiction when one has a lot of challenges.
  4. Mauritius

    Mauritius Fapstronaut

    @SoaringEagle @darksoul57681 Thankyou for the encouragement

    This is where the problem lies, even after quitting for 4 months, I find myself going back to the old bad habits, compulsively. I know I can't have a healthy sexual life if this continues, but can't stop myself from relapsing.

    I feel I lost control over my life, even the small things. I am unable to stop myself from acting on the urges. Is there a way out of this cycle?

    Sure, I have tried maintaining a journal previously, but did not continue it. Should start again and stick with it this time.
  5. 2nd Chance

    2nd Chance Distinguished Fapstronaut

    bro this could be tough and my be you would fail in the beginning. But it will pay off if you persist, Try urge surfing man. It is helping me now. I hvae bbeen watching porn for 12 year and i never cross day 27, and almost after a year after several failures im on day 44. Its a big thing for me

    click on the first link of google "urge surfing"
  6. Mauritius

    Mauritius Fapstronaut

    @zen life Thankyou man, will definitely try this out.
    zen life likes this.
  7. SoaringEagle

    SoaringEagle Fapstronaut

    I personally relapsed after a 10 months streak and numerous other long streaks. One thing I think you should consider that addictions are for life. This does not mean that you will be an addict for your life though! It means that you always need to be on the watch out. And I think once you start achieving longer streaks you are way ahead of the curve from where you started and you are already breaking the cycle!

    It's a long process of self discovery, I used to think it is just a dopamine addiction sort of thing where when you abstain you simply break the cycle, well nop! It helps to break the cycle for sure but any addiction is a way to cope. Stress, life problems, loneliness can always trigger it. All people have some sort of way to escape and for people on this forum they realize it's PMO.

    People become addicted for numerous reasons, you might want to check "in the realm of hungry ghosts" By Gabor Mate.
    Different Built and Mauritius like this.
  8. Mauritius

    Mauritius Fapstronaut

    This hit me hard. Thankyou for the kind words, I was feeling very low immediately after the relapse, but now I'm fine. Will have to take care not to slip the next time around. Cheers
    SoaringEagle likes this.
  9. MexFighter

    MexFighter Fapstronaut

    Hi Mauritius..
    4 months are also my longest streaks so cheers lol.. It has been 11 years for me to try to quit to sexting, masturbation and orgasm (SMO) and Im just DONE of trying and failing and trying and failing.. that leed me here to NoFap.. Even when I dont consume porn Im still an addict to peaks of dopamine by SMO..So I feel you!
    Same here and this truth just hit me: You are immature.. emotionally immature.. Its hard to hear it but its true.. You want to quit but you also want the pleasure and its easier to fall into PMO that fight it with self-control.. it requires character and strength of will..
    So.. you need to start to act like a man.. babies wants candies so they scream, they cry and then they get what they want cause they're children.. Men want things and they know arent good for them so they DECIDE to just dont go for it..
    So.. it sounds like you really hit bottom.. you just need to start to fight like a real man! No kiddo here!
    PS: Does anyone knows about your addiction? My greatest advices is: confession..
    Talk about your addiction with a good friend or family member. You need to say it loud, speak out, hear yourself saying: I'm an addict.
    Good luck!
  10. Different Built

    Different Built Fapstronaut

    Over time you build discipline to go further and each time you find a little more. Eventually you go the rest of your life without Porn and masturbation. DISCIPLINE MY FRIEND. My best is 65, my current streak, but for the first year of NoFap, the best I got to was 11 days. This spring, even, my record was 20 days. Now I am 30 days past my previous record of 35 days. Keep going, you can do this. You just feel down after a relapse. I feel terrible after I relapse too. But man, it sure gets better.
    MexFighter and Mauritius like this.
  11. Mauritius

    Mauritius Fapstronaut

    Yea the most important thing is to not give up and keep trying, and believing in oneself. Just trust the process, and keep lifting ourselves up.

    Not for the first time lol, but I really hope this is the last

    I'd like to, but I can't right now. I'd definitely share with my future partner once I find one. Thankyou for the kind words and goodluck to you too, cheers
  12. Mauritius

    Mauritius Fapstronaut

    Yes man yes, discipline gets us through, and the most important attribute, in my opinion, to achieve anything in life.

    Yes, let's do this together:emoji_metal:
    Keep fighting
    Different Built likes this.
  13. Denis1234

    Denis1234 Fapstronaut

    Don't lose your hope,get a grip! You're not alone in this,we're here to help you,i am 14 years old and started NoFap 8 days ago. It's hard to believe that i started this at a young age,i have to do it,i have to prove world i can break free from this horse-shit porn. Porn is for the weak (don't get me wrong,i am not calling nobody weak in here),stay strong,your brain is tricking you a lot to masturbate and get back to your old habits,but trust me , if you fight it back,no chance for it to come back. Good luck my friend! We're always here to help!
    Different Built and Mauritius like this.
  14. better than yesterday

    better than yesterday Fapstronaut

    today i am also losing hope
    FX-05 likes this.
  15. Mauritius

    Mauritius Fapstronaut

    Thankyou for the encouragement man, keep up the good work!

    Never lose hope man, it might seem all is lost, but it isn't. There is always a way, you need to search for it in the right places. You might lose this battle, but you are winning the war. Keep fighting!
    Different Built likes this.