Trying to hard to quit

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Deleted Account, Nov 17, 2020.

  1. I've had this issue where I try really hard to quit pmo. The more and more I think about it. The more of an urge to relapse. I feel the days where I'm just crazy busy or tired I'm able to remain clean.
    What do you guys feel about this?
  2. modernstore99

    modernstore99 Fapstronaut

    In the first 2-3 weeks your mind thinks a lot about porn and tries to trick you into indulging. This is the time where most reboots fail. Avoid the place you PMO literally as much as possible, as well as spending the least amount of time possible on whatever device you access porn. Additionally, since you can't exhaust your brain's sexual reward centers or your dick, you have to exhaust the areas of your brain and body connected to them. My best tips for the first 2-3 weeks, and even your whole reboot if it's difficult, are:
    • only go into your room/place of PMOing to sleep
    • limit the amount of time on your internet devices to the absolute minimum time
    • social interaction with friends, family, or anyone for at least 1-2 hours a day to exhaust the social part of your brain
    • depending on your urges and relationship status, kissing, cuddling, and (given) oral sex with a partner can really help relieve urges
    • physical exercise, especially running and leg exercises, to make the muscles in your legs/pelvic region cycle out "horny" blood and tire them out
    Deleted Account likes this.
  3. FoundTheFreedom

    FoundTheFreedom Fapstronaut

    First, you have to define clearly and specifically why you want to quit pmo. That will help motivate you. Then you have to create a system to keep porn away from you and reduce your access to it. Delete porn bookmarks from all devices, delete all porn from all devices, install a porn blocker app on your phone and install a porn blocker on your computer. Either set your Google search engine to SafeSearch (some say it's not infallible in keeping porn from coming through) or switch your search engine to Swisscows found at If you have email subscriptions to porn sites, unsubscribe now. Delete all copies in your email mailbox including all folders. This will show you that you are committed to ending your addiction. I"m at 26 days (I think) and no signs of relapse so far. Also, find other things to occupy the time you usually fap to porn. I read and I chat with people on Facebook about political stuff, I have four email boxes (one each on Outlook,,, and Gmail) so that takes a lot of time to go through. I also walk and feed my dog multiple times a day. After 26 days I don't feel many urges and the ones I do get are rather weak most of the time. Rarely do I get strong urges and when I do I observe, I try to understand then I let it fade away OR I come here to nofap forums and read and offer support to others. For sure, when I'm supporting others, any urges I might be feeling subsides. Best wishes.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  4. I really want to quit pmo because its my main vice I've been struggling with since I was a teenager. I really want to perform better in school and be more focused. I have hobbies that I try to keep busy with. I workout 2-3 times a week I never found exercise stops my pmo urges. I feel its more of a mental thing for me. I think halt (hungry, angry , lonely , tired) is what tempts me to pmo. Its a work in progress I guess. Thanks for ur support!!
  5. I like your idea of 1-2 social activities with family/friends. I workout regularly and haven't found it too helpful with pmo. I'm gonna avoid pmo places. Hopefully this helps. I find towards the night times and sometimes in the mornings I feel like I want to pmo. Those are the times I gotta shift my focus. I get so tempted to pmo so many times I've used the nofap emergency and its helps.
  6. modernstore99

    modernstore99 Fapstronaut

    Exercise helps with the physical manifestations of horniness, but does not quell the desires as well.

    Avoiding the areas you PMO is one of the best tools for a reboot, up there with having a girlfriend.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  7. FoundTheFreedom

    FoundTheFreedom Fapstronaut

    Will you be able to use these reasons to motivate you? For me, boredom is what tempts me to pmo. I've been struggling with this for about 30 years. My reason for wanting to quit is to save my current relationship which was badly damaged when she learned about my porn addiction. She was hurt pretty badly so I'm hoping there's a chance to save the relationship.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  8. I hope I'll be able to use those reasons. I had a bad urge to pmo last night but I was able to curb it and talked to someone. It really helped. I feel dull today but that's part of the process I guess.
  9. FoundTheFreedom

    FoundTheFreedom Fapstronaut

    I had a bad urge last night to pmo, too. It was stronger than any I've had. I thought I was going to relapse but instead, I rode it out. I observed, didn't fight it, and then let it go. It took about a half-hour to leave me. I was on Reddit, I was in a World Politics subreddit which I thought would be ok when some woman uploaded a gif of her nude and having sex. I immediately switch it off, left that subreddit, and logged off Reddit. I'm glad I was able to curb it eventually. I still feel a little of the urge today. Yeah, the process goes up and down with success. We just have to hang on when it's on the down cycle and wait for the upwards part of the cycle.
  10. FoundTheFreedom

    FoundTheFreedom Fapstronaut

    I had a bad urge last night to pmo, too. It was stronger than any I've had. I thought I was going to relapse but instead, I rode it out. I observed, didn't fight it, and then let it go. It took about a half-hour to leave me. I was on Reddit, I was in a World Politics subreddit which I thought would be ok when some woman uploaded a gif of her nude and having sex. I immediately switch it off, left that subreddit, and logged off Reddit. I'm glad I was able to curb it eventually. I still feel a little of the urge today. Yeah, the process goes up and down with success. We just have to hang on when it's on the down cycle and wait for the upwards part of the cycle. We both will make it, dude.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  11. Stay as busy as possible, exercise, be around people, limit PC time you want to avoid temptations and keep your mind off PMO as much as possible.
  12. FoundTheFreedom

    FoundTheFreedom Fapstronaut

    It's kinda hard to do that with all the COVID restrictions. We're told to not be around other people except those you live with. Exercising will be harder if you have no equipment and the gyms are closed, which I believe they are. If we limit PC time, what do we do with the extra time? For me, I get books from the library and read. I walk my dog several times a day and feed him. I clean the dishes and make sure my partner eats. I check my emails and either file them in their proper folders or delete them. I live with my partner of 13 years and I feel it is my job to keep her free of the COVID virus. When I do go out to the store or to pick up food from one of the few restaurants here, I order online, pay it for it online, and then when I pick it up, I wear a paper mask AND a cloth mask. I'm pretty busy but not in the ways you suggested.
  13. Understand re Covid restrictions, maybe try talking via Skype to friends - as long as you can avoid the temptation to look at porn whilst you're on the PC.

    Another thing you can do, is put your PC in a place where people can see you - either within your house or people walking past, so you're less likely to feed your porn addiction.

    For exercise, you really don't need equipment - you can go for a walk, a run, a cycle anytime. There's endless videos now with home workout routines.

    There's all sorts to keep yourself busy without a PC, what do you think people did all those years pre internet? :) You have to find a hobby that consumes you in your free time.
  14. Liven

    Liven Fapstronaut

    This is so true. I have realized that it can never be satisifed. It will allways be asking for more, it's sad.
  15. Liven

    Liven Fapstronaut

    I share the same experience. I had 6 month free of PMO, and not a single day passed that i didn't think about it. And the ego play a big role here for me, it allways debate with you and try to fool you at all times.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  16. FoundTheFreedom

    FoundTheFreedom Fapstronaut

    I live in an extended stay inn. We have just one room so it's already in a place where my partner can see me. I never pmo'd on the computer. I did it on my phone. Going for a walk and a run is kinda tough now. It is snowing today and cold as heck. I don't own a cycle and cannot afford one. What I do for exercise is walk my dog four or five times a day. We live on the 3rd floor so I use the stairs rather than the elevator. As far as pre-internet goes, I was a child in grammar school pre-internet. Also before the Internet, we had bulletin board systems. PM me if you want to know about bulletin board systems aka BBS's. Outside of being online, my hobby is reading.
  17. That's a big bonus if you're not using your PC to PMO. If you have a problem with your phone, it might be worth buying a cheap one without the internet that you can use when your partner isn't around, for texting/phoning.

    Sounds like you're a bit trapped in at the moment, maybe you could try taking up a creative endeavour such as writing if you enjoy reading? Anything that's going to take your mind off PMO for extended periods will help in overcoming the addiction.
  18. Yes I have the same issue my mind tricks me into thinking that "need to pmo to take a break" in reality I dont. I've read about deattaching oneself in meditation. I'm not to sure how to go thru with that but I still struggle.
    bluemax4 likes this.
  19. FoundTheFreedom

    FoundTheFreedom Fapstronaut

    I have no problem with my phone. I deleted my porn bookmarks and put a porn blocker on it. Problem solved there. I am a bit trapped at the moment. I've been doing quite well until last night. I was on Reddit in World Politics subreddit and as I was scrolling through the messages and clicking the posts to read them, my mouse clicked the wrong post and I found a video of a couple having sex, extremely explicit. I reported it as I don't think it belongs there then left that subreddit for the night. However, I was hit with the biggest urge to PMO I've had in the over 30 days I have been rebooting. Since my prostate cancer surgery, I shoot blanks so I don't think I orgasmed last night but I'm not sure. I was hit with a huge wave of lust. I just laid in bed, I closed my eyes, I observed the feeling, and let it just flow through and out of me. Part of me was sure I was going to relapse. Somehow, through the grace of God, I was able to hold on and let it flow through me without fighting it.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  20. Yeah reddit is full of easy slips. I've struggled with it myself. I literally find myself throwing my laptop away when I'm tempted to pmo sometimes. I feel reddit is better though than other platforms and more clean in some ways. If I were you I'd put the phone down when tempted and go eat a snack or move around a bit.