Is intermittent porn use more damaging than daily use?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by skaterdrew, Nov 18, 2020.

  1. skaterdrew

    skaterdrew Fapstronaut

    1-3 hours is just the time I usually allow access to it. It doesn't mean I am actually on it for the entire 1-3 hours. Actually more recently when I have been ending up on it these days it's usually more 20-30 minutes, then my better thinking is kicking in and I am blocking it again, and then I am going between 2-4 weeks until I end up on it again. 1-3 hours is just the time I usually allow access to it. But like I said more recently I am only ending up on it once for 20-30 minutes. My better thinking is usually kicking in after the first relapse, and then I am blocking the porn and artificial sexual stimulation again.

    I am starting to fall in to a pattern that I am basically never binging, and the way I see it this is huge progress.

    I know myself how much better I feel these days compared to how I used to feel. How much less addicted I feel compared to how addicted I used to be. How much better the PIED is.

    Fair enough I am maybe getting away from porn and artificial stimulation in a different way from many other guys on here. But none the less I am still getting results, and experiencing results.

    I am nothing compared to how I used to be. The level of addiction I used to have. The amount I used to PMO, edging and binging. The severe PIED I used to have. It's honestly like night and day how much better all of that is now.

    I would probably be much more concerned if I actually felt negative effects from doing what I am doing these days. But the truth is I don't. I don't seem to be experiencing much, if any negative effects that I notice. This is completely different to how it used to be. I used to experience extreme negatives from my PMO use. But again back then I was much more addicted and I had been chronically using it constantly for about a decade.

    I'm not actually using porn and artificial sexual stimulation like an addict for the most part these days. It's for very short periods of times, and it hardly ever happens. This is not addict behaviour.

    I'd probably be more serious about my recovery if I actually experienced negative effects from very occasionally using porn and artificial sexual stimulation for short periods of time. But like I said I don't seem to be experiencing any negative effects that I notice from the way I have been using porn and artificial sexual stimulation over the last while.

    But as I said I used to experience extreme negative effects from my PMO use, and I actually feel like this was the main driving force behind me being determined to stop it altogether. But because with the way I am using it these days, and basically experiencing no negative effects that I notice, I guess I am not anywhere near as motivated at thinking I need to stop it altogether.

    I'd probably be agreeing much more with everything you're saying if I actually felt bad from what I am doing, and if I was experiencing negative effects from what I am doing. But because I'm not it's quite difficult for me to agree with you.
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2020
  2. ElderStatesman

    ElderStatesman Fapstronaut

    I always include in my comments that I’m a porn addict with a 25+ year record of failure, so me giving advice on how to succeed in getting of porn is like the 500 lb. lady giving you diet tips.

    But...on the other hand, I am great at knowing what not succeeding is. And part of it is thinking using porn is ok.

    Sounds like you’ve got a lot of reasons why you think limited use is maybe ok. Yet you’re here seeking advice and have set a counter, so I’m thinking you’re concerned about your usage even if it’s seemingly occasional. In my experience “occasional” goes only one way and that is to “more.”

    Check out links some others are giving here for info. And get off porn.

    Best wishes.
    Starman123 and skaterdrew like this.
  3. IR254

    IR254 Fapstronaut

    That's good and all but if you wouldn't use porn at all maybe you would experience positive effects instead, who knows? Is "no negative effects" enough for you? Are you satisfied with neutral? Don't you wanna feel good, and not only "not bad"? If you are happy with where you are at, then do it. It wouldn't be good enough for me though.
  4. OffCartman

    OffCartman Fapstronaut

    I never considered something like this, but I like it in theory. If I'm able to abstain all week but schedule in a wank session on Saturday morning, it would free up a bunch of my time, as I'm currently watching stuff 1-2 times a day. The question is, how do you not let that one session lead you down a dark hole and get back on the wagon?
  5. skaterdrew

    skaterdrew Fapstronaut

    The thing is I actually felt so bad for so long because of my chronic PMO use, that now feeling somewhat neutral is actually a major improvement to me.

    I genuinely think the only reason I am really returning to it these days is because I don't really have that much going on in my life at the moment. There's nothing to really look forward to, and this lockdown and restrictions are not helping with that.

    Like I don't have an urge for an entire week. An urge to use porn and artificial sexual stimulation is something that randomly comes and goes. It's not exactly there for an entire week. So I believe me allowing porn and artificial sexual stimulation and then needing to wait an entire week to get the porn and artificial somewhat gives me some excitement in my life at the moment. Which I know is kind of sad.

    Another issue that I have mentioned is after not seeing literally anything for 2,3,4 weeks, it begins to make the idea of getting on that super appealing and exciting. Which I guess is what some guys are talking about when they say intermittent use is an addiction risk.

    Sometimes when I haven't seen anything like that in like a month, and when I allow it, and it is counting down from 7 days until I am going to be able to get it, I would say this feeling somewhat reminds me of the feeling I used to get counting down the days until Christmas when I was a child. Getting excited counting down the days until I am going to be able to get it. Like I said when I actually end up on it a lot of the time it is actually a disappointment these days. I usually get bored of it quick. But it seems to be the anticipation of getting it after not seeing anything like that in a while that seems to cause an exciting feeling. It gives me something to look forward to. Which I know is sad.

    Like I said, I honestly think if I had more going on in my life I could actually near stop going on it altogether these days. But the issue is literally having next to nothing to do, and next to nothing to look forward to. I believe this is the main problem these days.

    Another thing I have noticed before is the more social contact I have with other people somewhat seems to motivate me to want to stop porn and artificial sexual stimulation even more for some reason. I have noticed this. The more I am around other people in real life, the more this seems to make me want to stop porn and artificial sexual stimulation.

    But now these days social contact is a luxury. So I am now living a very reclusive lifestyle I guess, and I do feel like this isn't helping to motivate me to stop the porn and artificial sexual stimulation altogether.
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2020
  6. skaterdrew

    skaterdrew Fapstronaut

    Yeah this is the problem. If you have unlimited access then it is unlikely you will be able to moderately use it. So I wouldn't recommend trying to use it moderately. Your best just trying to stop it altogether.
  7. OhWhenThe

    OhWhenThe Fapstronaut

    I relapsed yesterday after 17 days and feel like I've straight up injected my brain with poison, clearly I've reached the point where I cannot tolerate any kind of slip.
  8. skaterdrew

    skaterdrew Fapstronaut

    I'm sorry to hear that. Was it just one slip? Or was it a binge?

    Tbh I have decided I am going to try to take this more seriously again.

    For a while I was intentionally planning on using porn and artificial sexual stimulation on very odd occasions thinking this was ok. But I have changed my mind about doing this. I have decided to go back to a stricter mindset.
  9. OhWhenThe

    OhWhenThe Fapstronaut

    Spent about half an hour watching on and off before fully relapsing, then later on watched for probably another 20 minutes before stopping myself going all in again. Immediately I didn't feel too good and was very tired but it was more this morning waking up at like 2am feeling like my brain had turned into scrambled egg, I really can't describe this feeling unless you've experienced it yourself but I couldn't sleep at all after that. I also had a couple of shock like pains run through my chest, the kind you get when you're really stressed.

    Good to hear that you're going to try and really cut this out, wise decision.
  10. skaterdrew

    skaterdrew Fapstronaut

    I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you're feeling better now.

    Tbh I rarely notice much negative effects from my PMO use unless I am doing it regularly or it is a binge.

    Something I think I have been quite guilty of doing over the last while is basically letting my erections decide how strict my mindset is.

    So over the last while the majority of the time I honestly feel like I don't have PIED anymore. So when I have been feeling low, bored, having nothing to look forward to I have basically thought I don't have PIED, so why not just plan on going on porn and artificial sexual stimulation for a short period of time in a week?

    But I think over the last while the amount I have been doing it has been gradually increasing. So I have gradually been doing it more days of the month, and sessions have sometimes been getting slightly longer. So I have decided to be stricter about this again. I have asked myself why do I even need it at all.
    OhWhenThe likes this.
  11. OhWhenThe

    OhWhenThe Fapstronaut

    Relapses didn't effect me like this a year ago either so it really does seem like I've just hit the limit now and my body/brain can't handle it anymore. Not saying this will happen to you at some point but I guess it's possible, so if you really can cut this out completely you could be saving yourself from the same suffering.

    I think we both do it for the same reason, apart from being terribly addicted we use it to fill the void in our life. I just keep getting to the point where I feel like I've dug myself into such a hole that the things I want from life aren't reachable so I go straight back to my drug, I know that this is a self-fulfilling prophecy but in that moment it's just hard to see beyond the here and now. For the past 17 days I've worked out/run every day and I do feel much stronger to fight this as a result but clearly I'm still not strong enough to say no completely, not yet anyway.
  12. skaterdrew

    skaterdrew Fapstronaut

    Yeah I think any of us are going to be much happier in a months time, 2 months time, 3 months time, a years time if we haven't used it, as apposed to being on it regularly. But as you say a lot of the time we want it here and now.

    Something I am quite guilty of is I seem to need to experience negative effects from it to make me go into a strict mindset about stopping it completely. So when I have been off it a while I almost forget how bad it is. Also like I said when I am only using it moderately after a while I can't say that I notice any negative effects from this.

    I was looking at my calendars the other day and I could see a gradual increase in use over the last few months, and this has sort of made me go more into a stricter mindset again.

    I seem to do well at whatever I am obsessed about. I think this could be caused by my ocd. The more worried I am about something, the more obsessed I am about something. So when I am more worried about my porn addiction, this actually causes me to have a much stricter mindset. But when I am off the porn and artificial sexual stimulation longer, and even when I do return to it I am not really experiencing negative effects, I must admit this makes me feel more relaxed, which then makes me not worried or obsessed. I think this is how my usage was beginning to gradually increase over the last few months.

    But the other morning I did actually notice some erection issues again, which made me worry a bit. Then I started looking through my calendars, and I could notice a gradual increase in use. I noticed my streaks were getting slightly shorter, and my overall usage was gradually increasing. So this has put me into a stricter mindset where I am determined to get a longer streak.
  13. Starman123

    Starman123 Fapstronaut

    idonthaveaname likes this.
  14. OffCartman

    OffCartman Fapstronaut

    I went on vacation last week and was able to refrain from fapping for 7 days, mainly because I had limited alone time and such. I came home late last night, and this morning it took all of an hour before I relapsed. I'm a little disappointed in myself, but I'm hoping that I can make this a once a week thing like the OP originally suggested. Guess we'll see how the weekend plays out.
  15. Intermittent daily was my life for I forget how long.

    The advent of the smartphone really allowed me to take it to new levels meaning I could beat off daily quickly and multiple times, 2-3 on average but sometimes as much as 7!

    Everything super accessible, just search up whatever I'm feeling in that moment and quickly beat one out....

    I'd say ITS FAR FAR worse
    skaterdrew likes this.
  16. skaterdrew

    skaterdrew Fapstronaut

    I was the same. I would say I was in a PMO binge that lasted about a decade. What I mean by that is more days than not I was heavily edging and binging on PMO and that went on for about a decade. There was probably hardly any days in a decade I wasn't PMOing at least once. But most days were edging and binging sessions, and like I said that went on for about a decade.

    I know I keep saying it, but I honestly believe I was in a PMO binge that lasted about a decade.

    It's took me two and a half years to drastically reduce my PMO usage. Obviously I try to stop it altogether, but I do sometimes relapse.

    But to me there is no question that ending up on it very occasionally now and again is no where near as harmful as what my behaviour used to be like on it. There is no contest how much worse I used to feel because of how my behaviour used to be on PMO.

    So yeah through my own personal experience there is no question that intermittent porn use is no where near as damaging as daily use. I don't need to read anything or listen to anybody telling me different. I am explaining my reasons why I think daily use is much worse than intermittent use through my own personal experience, through my 10 years of chronically using PMO, and my last 2 years of intermittently using PMO. I know which one feels a million times worse.
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2020