Your Smartphone & labtop are the problem!

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Barawe, Dec 15, 2020.

  1. Barawe

    Barawe Fapstronaut

    I Sometimes go to a technology detox. I remember there was one day which I sold my smartphone and for months i did not watch porn and felt freedom. Now I bought one and I realized that my smartphone is causing me all these problems, all these bad habits. I spent too much time on it. So now I decided once again to give it up. I think staying away from smartphone is the solution, at least for me. So if you're serious about quitting porn give up the things which leads you to do it. When you need internet use the public internet like libraries. We have become slaves so let's free our selves. Thanks all.
  2. blacklabel92

    blacklabel92 Fapstronaut

    Its a start.. Sure if it works for you giving up ur smart phone is a good starting point.. but try to understand that there is nothing wrong with the items themselves its only how we perceive and use them thats the problem and in turn they end up controlling us..
    Barawe likes this.
  3. Barawe

    Barawe Fapstronaut

    It is like keeping heroin & cocaine in your apartment and at the same time saying I am gonna stay away from it. It is not gonna work bro for most of the people.
  4. Barawe

    Barawe Fapstronaut

    May be come back to them later when feel self-confidence and cured but now give them up for sometime. Because now we are weak and we cant resist the temptation. Thanks
    Deleted Account and blacklabel92 like this.
  5. FoundTheFreedom

    FoundTheFreedom Fapstronaut

    I was on board with what you wrote above EXCEPT the part about using public internet like the library. In my area, COVID is so bad that the library is closed. That is not an option. For me, I think staying away from smartphones is abdicating my responsibility. This is MY problem. I won't go without my laptop and phone. I WILL and HAVE found a way to ensure no porn or other triggering items come my way. I haven't watched porn in about two months. I can go on Instagram (I removed all that I was following except for family and friends AND inspirational quote instagrams. I haven't seen anything triggering on Facebook but I am not friends with any user who has triggering photos in their library nor do I follow any pages that feature triggering content. I was very intentional in removing all triggering items from my view. I also installed a porn blocker on my phone and one on my laptop,
    Barawe and blacklabel92 like this.
  6. blacklabel92

    blacklabel92 Fapstronaut

    No i totally get it!! Thats why i said its a good starting point.. Eventually imo i feel like you can evolve to the point were you can have and use these devices without having to worry about relapsing.. Because i started off that way.. Couldn't even pick up my phone without triggering.. It took me a few years to develop an understanding that i control the outcome not anything or anyone but me.. Now i can scroll through my feed of scantily clad women without having the urge to grab the lotion bottle and Kleenex.. Dnt get me wrong i still have urges and im still fighting its just that now i have a better understanding.. And your right most people might just need to throw their phones away forever if they want to get rid of their addiction my point is that it doesn't always have to be that way...
    Barawe likes this.
  7. Barawe

    Barawe Fapstronaut

    So guys let's be together on this journey in 2021. For me I am determined. No excuses.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  8. Barawe

    Barawe Fapstronaut

    Good luck
  9. Barawe

    Barawe Fapstronaut

    Good luck
  10. THANK YOU for spreading the truth i keep on saying this aswell

    smartphone is just like when a heroin addict walks around with a pound of heroin in his pocket.

    wishing to quit using.

    guess what, with every minor thing he has to face in real life he will reach for its pocket to cope and relieve anexiety (at least for a short time)


    if you are serious enough to quit than ditch that smartphone for a couple of weeks

    guess what with the tought only most guys shiver in fear and anexiety and come up with loads of excuses why smartphone isnt bad

    yes its bad
    yes it makes you relapse
    yes it makes you lonley
    yes its the cause of your short atention spam
    yes its the cause of your brain fog
    Αλέξανδρος likes this.
  11. my phone is broke and honestly, i feel relieved. i feel calm and i don get distracted by it anymore.... everywhere u look, they are all om their phones on social media, getting depressed of the fake perfect lives of an other... not even to talk that without an phone u have an lot more privacy... and yes, u dint have whathsapp but u can use email or discord to communicate with friends. only problem is for me that i need some stuff that need to have two step verification, so i use the number of my parents lol.
    Barawe and Deleted Account like this.
  12. Barawe

    Barawe Fapstronaut

    Yes It is true thanks a lot bro
  13. Overforme

    Overforme Fapstronaut

    Sometimes it takes getting rid of the grenades so you don't keep blowing up. These devices need to be respected. They must be used for production only for the PMO addict. Once you delve into media and endless browsing - you are falling into a trap. When you use your device set a timer and only use it for what you NEED to use it for. Think of it as a productivity device, a daily helper, not a device for endless pleasure.
  14. Overforme

    Overforme Fapstronaut

    I also suggest getting rid of all forms of social media. Seriously, it's a trap! If people you know try to judge you for leaving or taking a break, make sure to judge em right on back and tell them you plan to use your time more wisely for strength conditioning, cardio, writing, reading, zooming with close friends, cooking and eating healthier. Act mature and do mature shit and pmo takes the back seat
    Barawe likes this.
  15. Aléxandros

    Aléxandros Fapstronaut

    I think the problem is social media. Without them, I use my phone for one hour a day and never felt that aware of myself.
  16. King Tut 23

    King Tut 23 Fapstronaut

    I did something similar. Told my dad to block my phone with a password that only he knows so I just can be 2 hours with the phone per day