New guy

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by iHateTemporaryTingz, Dec 17, 2020.

  1. iHateTemporaryTingz

    iHateTemporaryTingz Fapstronaut

    Hey so I am new to this website just wanted to introduce myself. It's been a year since I wanted to stop PMO but I am still stuck in that rut. So I hope this website will help me finally succeed. My highest streak was 14 days but that's not a lot...I wish good luck to everyone participating in this battle and it really has a point in my opinion.
  2. We all are here to help each other and we will together leave this bad habit together. Wish you All the Best bro.
    iHateTemporaryTingz likes this.
  3. MexFighter

    MexFighter Fapstronaut

    You're not alone.
    Even when Idk your storty I would like to say some things..
    1. Does anyone knows about your addiction? You need to confess. You need to talk with somebody about your addiction. That was the 1st step I made to start my recovery. You should start to think about a person, a really good friend or family member who you trust and love. It gonna take time, courage and it gonna be sooo hard and embarrasing to do it but also going to be sooooooo healing. Don't save anything, be clear and say it loud. it took me 6 years to do it but when I did it.. my life changed..
    2. It sounds like you really hit bottom but still you need to be honest with yourself about how much you really want to quit and what you're willing to do to make it happen.
    3. Set a realistic goal. Maybe 15 days to start.. then 30, then 60 and then 90 days.
    4. Forgive yourself! The past is behind and we're fighting for the present and future.. I recommend this post.. It helped a looot.. Take your time, take notes:

    I really really hope you can reach your first goal and do what you need to do to start..
    Good luck!
  4. One Eyed Owl

    One Eyed Owl Distinguished Fapstronaut

  5. iHateTemporaryTingz

    iHateTemporaryTingz Fapstronaut

    Thanks man, I will think about someone who I can really confess to. You're right with setting realistic goals..I'll go through that post which you shared!
  6. iHateTemporaryTingz

    iHateTemporaryTingz Fapstronaut

    One Eyed Owl likes this.