day 1

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by CKH123, Feb 5, 2021.

  1. CKH123

    CKH123 New Fapstronaut

    hello all
    today is my first day of nofap. lets see how it goes. i want to restart my life. i know it is bad for body . it has bad effect for my mind but i am not able to control it. i analysied that my recovered energy give me the push to do it. this site is new to me and i get to know this site from a youtuber. he is really an inspiration to me and how he overcame this habbit is really commendable. i have the habbit of doing this shit is 5 years. during this period i lost my memory , my plan to life , my concentration to exams...i remembered i masturbate when i have an exam on the next day. after that day i promised to quit it but i failed... everything after 2k11 has changed like my focus ,my career , my concentration and even my hair starts falling.... all of my friends those r weaker in studies have jobs but i am struggling now to get a job. Those days i was the topper of my college and my 12th mark was the highest among my school friends and my 12th friends those are similar category to me have good jobs. my life has ruined and still i am repeating the same mistake .this habbit has destroyed my 9 years. still i rememberd , due to excessive nightall during those days ,i have no seriousness at that time when my college was choosen by my uncle . ...ok thats enough writing for day 1. lets see how the next day goes. thanks
  2. Oliver Gunter

    Oliver Gunter Fapstronaut

    Hello and welcome! You can turn your life around. Nofap is a great start to do so. Also, check out the philosophy of stoicism. There are a lot of videos about it on Youtube. It will help to get your mind on track. Cold showers, healthy eating and regular sports will help too. All the best my friend!
  3. Kamal_2018

    Kamal_2018 Fapstronaut

    Hello, I advise you to read and watch videos about how the brain works with addiction, especially with porn. If you read and understand this topic, you will be strong and be able to safely pass through times of weakness and falls,
    I tell you about an experience, it will be completely different from the past.
    Oliver Gunter and CKH123 like this.
  4. CKH123

    CKH123 New Fapstronaut

    thanks for sharing your advice with me.
    Oliver Gunter likes this.
  5. CKH123

    CKH123 New Fapstronaut

    can you tell me what is the philosophy of stoicism
    Oliver Gunter likes this.
  6. Oliver Gunter

    Oliver Gunter Fapstronaut

    Stoicism is a philosophy on how to become happy by adjusting your mindset. It tells you to not worry about things you can't control and to focus on the things you can control. It's a very powerful mindset to conquer depression. There's a lot of content about it online.