Struggling with dopamine seeking

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by rmbf2001, Mar 2, 2021.

  1. rmbf2001

    rmbf2001 Fapstronaut

    Hello team,

    I just recently joined the nofap forums, and I have been abstaining from porn and masturbation for about 4 months now. I am looking for advice on how to stop myself from the dopamine seeking behaviours that I have been going through. Although I haven't been seeking porn or nudity (a feat that I am proud of considering my previous consumption), I am guilty of occasionally looking up models on instagram, reading sexual stories on reddit, and google searching things that give me a rush; i.e., links that could lead to nudity or porn. I can't seem to keep a streak longer than a few days without a dopamine seek. My girlfriend has been supportive of my journey, however I sometimes feel like I am letting her down when I act on seeking the other things I listed above.

    How the fuck are some of you so disciplined on this?? Please share because I always considered myself a disciplined person until I began this journey.

    I am aware that I should just go for a walk or do something else when urges arise, however working from home is boring and provides me with many triggering thoughts on a daily basis (I currently cannot go into work due to covid). I have also read Your Brain on Porn, and have been to counselling for porn.
  2. Mr Anderson

    Mr Anderson Fapstronaut

    don't worry it's not a matter of discipline at all, just so you know at least in my case my "discipline" comes out of fear once you hit the bottom of this hole, once you start escalating to things that may give you confusion about your sexual orientation, pied, and worse, just then this discipline becomes a must. Maybe you can remember this each time you don't reach your goal, don't want to look at yourself in the future in this situation just because you didn't have enough motivation to endure those cravings
    bdb2001 likes this.
  3. HelperX

    HelperX Fapstronaut

    Look, just ask yourself this:

    What do I gain from PMO?

    -Have to clean afterwards
    -Erectyle disfunction

    -Damaging my brain lobes
    -Complaining about not being satisfied and the damage I did

    Is it worth it?

    2Rewire4Life, rmbf2001 and Fb98 like this.
  4. Dopamine seeking is impossible to destroy through will alone for 99% of people. You need to create better systems. Check out Tiny Habits by BJ Fogg
  5. rmbf2001

    rmbf2001 Fapstronaut


    Thanks will do!
    JustaSimpleMan1 likes this.
  6. A8X

    A8X Fapstronaut

    What kind of dopamine seeking behaviors do you have, besides desiring sexual content?
  7. rmbf2001

    rmbf2001 Fapstronaut

    Taking Vyvanse 2-3 a week for ADHD, occasionally drinking, lifting weights, listening to music, going outside in the sun, and seeing friends.
  8. Maybe try dopamine fasting... No music movies games social media... They are all addictive online technologies
  9. A8X

    A8X Fapstronaut

    Why would you want to stop yourself from seeking those behaviors? They sound perfectly normal and healthy to me.
  10. rmbf2001

    rmbf2001 Fapstronaut

    I was just telling you what other non sexual seeking dopamine seeking behaviours that I have.