Feeling good on a Monday....

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by go to eleven, Jul 27, 2015.

  1. go to eleven

    go to eleven Fapstronaut

    Hi Everyone, so after a relatively shitty weekend, I am feeling pretty good today, and reinvigorated. No PMO for nearly 3 days now, and that's good! Unfortunately, and this is totally off topic, yesterday morning I was having severe lower back pain, and abdominal pain. I woke my wife up and informed her that I needed to go to the hospital! As we were driving over there, I was doubled over and could barely stand up by the time we got there. It turned out that I was in the midst of passing a 2-3 mm kidney stone! I'll tell ya, it was a goddamned terrible feeling! At any rate, the doctors gave me some pain meds, and sent me home with a script for oxycodone. So yeah, I am feeling pretty good, haha. I think the stone has passed though, or at least it has significantly broken up and is passing through.

    Either way, I am feeling much better, and have a positive outlook for the day. It's my normal day off, but I have lots of plans to keep me busy. I am going to do a bit of chemistry by mixing up some fertilizer for some bonsai trees that I have, then I am going to finish shaving my giant malemute dog (since it's July, it keeps him much cooler), give him a bath, and pick up some things from the pet store.

    I want to try and do something nice for my wife as well. She had some severe anxiety difficulties this weekend, and when she has anxiety, she gets irritable, which in turn, gets me irritable. We end up fighting, or getting into little spats with each other. That's never a good thing. So, I would like to try and figure out something nice to do for her, and try to make her feel better, but I am not exactly sure what. I always send her flowers, or cook for her, or lots of other things. I am just not sure which to to today.

    Anyway, I was checking out youtube videos, and came across this one, it is encouraging, and I am going to try to employ some of the methods that are suggested. Many of them seem to be fairly common in these threads, but there are a couple of extras that I hadn't thought of before. Hopefully this will post correctly, and you all can view it.

    Be well, and keep your hands to yourself!

  2. Aghast

    Aghast Fapstronaut

    You should buy her a can of kidney beans and flowers.

    Happy to hear it was just a kidney stone (even though ive heard those are painful!).
    go to eleven likes this.
  3. go to eleven

    go to eleven Fapstronaut

    It was totally painful! I have a pretty high tolerance for pain as well, or at least I think I do.... I don't know, maybe I'm just a big pussy. Either way, I said that I already bought her flowers. She said that if I could get the grocery shopping done today and give her a foot rub tonight, that would be nice...