What is the dating game like now?

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by Deleted Account, Mar 29, 2021.

  1. I’m married and I’m very blessed I didn’t need to use social media or anything. Us and some friends brought this up but for a 22 year old single kid or anyone for that matter, what is dating like now?

    how people will date and fall in love. how does dating in 2020/21 work? You can’t meet someone in class because your remote. Even if you did plan a date where will you go? It’s not like you can put your arm around her at the movies. If you went on a date, everything is so polarized and political would you get a second one? What about social distancing, are people willing to be around strangers? What about those who don’t have a vaccine pass? Can you even enter a restaurant together? Today is nuts, how does or will dating work?
    HiLoNeo likes this.
  2. Just Rose

    Just Rose Distinguished Fapstronaut

    I think it depends a lot on where do you live, how the restrictions are, how conscious the people are and how much they care about the preventing measures, maybe even age (like not the same for a teenager that studies and that's it than for an adult that probably HAS to go out to work), etc. In my experience, though, for example in my college's facebook we organized a Tinder, inside the science college only. I didn't entered the game but it was pretty fun to watch haha. Messaging, video calls are the most. Also, I have to work, I'm in a town (far away from my alma mater) and I was in a supermarket and got 2 or 3 dates (which all went pretty wrong but that's not the point). At the end I gave up about finding love in this stupid town, there's no sanitary consciousness, no self care, no distancing, etc. I suspect I got the virus twice. So nevermind, I'm waiting for going back to the city to entering the love game, right now I have enough with my unemployment and my sequelas.
    TurboBull92 likes this.
  3. Rev2.0

    Rev2.0 Fapstronaut

    If you are [happily] married right now or otherwise in a good LTR you should be very grateful because COVID has wrecked dating and will for quite some time yet I believe. I haven't decided if that was part of the master agenda or an unintended consequence but the digitalization of dating has made it literally a different world than even a few years ago. I don't foresee a lot of the traditional in-person meet and mingle opportunities "opening up" until this fall at the soonest and that's assuming something new and even nastier isn't just around the corner (don't bet against it). And that's not even talking about the masks which the governing powers in many areas seem in no hurry at all to do away with (my city has a mandatory mask order through the end of May and I fully expect to be extended through the summer even though it gets hot as hell here). If a person is over about 35, doesn't present well in pics/video and hasn't bought in to the whole social media thing I think they are going to have a very very hard time on the dating scene these days. Sorry to be a downer but that's what I'm seeing.
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2021
    TurboBull92 likes this.
  4. Good insights. You said that I was thinking. I'm sure it's been screwed over over the last couple years never mind the last year. It was tough before way back in 2014 to get dates I can't imagine 2021. Everything is so polarized and we are being pitted against each other. I only imagine everyone bring politics into it. Traditional dating I think is dead. You so even offer to pay for a woman's dinner she may find it offensive. There's many girls who have onlyfans so I would be worried if my date sell's herself short to strangers online, does she have self-respect. I wouldn't care if she loves or hates the POTUS or whatever. It's her opinion don't let it get in the middle just would want to know her personally, who she is as a person. Crazy times we are in.
  5. brassknucks

    brassknucks Fapstronaut

  6. Reborn16

    Reborn16 Fapstronaut

    Given all the extra online time with covid, perhaps this latest unexpected acceleration in use will provoke a re-think?

    Take tinder for example, it works for some, sometimes, for others it's easy, and then some it never works. That particular 'market' is flooded. Yet it's amazing how real world interactions can completely bypass this still, in my eyes it seems the simple approach and introduction is the best way. My hope is this becomes popular when things become safe!