Help me.

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Mojifyyuhcf6, Apr 4, 2021.

  1. Mojifyyuhcf6

    Mojifyyuhcf6 Fapstronaut

    Hey there pls I think this is my last option to defeat porn..I tried so much hard before delete all social media platforms but somehow i always watched those porn stuffs even when I watch porn thought pop up even when I am watching porn that this is going to screwing me up but I don't know why I can't get through this and doing masturbation...I am preparing for hard competitive exams and this exam success ratio is 0.01%but because of pmo I am unable to concentrate on my's my humble request pls guide me and help me cause now this is my last option..
    Darnae likes this.
  2. do you have porn blockers installed?
    install them if not
    Candun, Mojifyyuhcf6 and Darnae like this.
  3. swordmaster

    swordmaster Fapstronaut

    Only you can help yourself man. Research more about porn addiction and think about the reasons why you want to stop. If you don't make yourself want to STOP you will not be able to stop even if your schedule is busy and you're doing everything you can to stay away from it. Self-control is the most important.
    Candun, Moopi and Buddhabro like this.
  4. Darnae

    Darnae Fapstronaut

    One way I like to try and defeat it is by recognizing those thoughts and locking them down instantly. Also, they don't have to be triggers from just your phone. They are triggers from the neural circuits we have been using for so long with porn. In a way, these triggers come from within you due to the porn abuse etc. In order to dismantle them, we have to change our whole thought process and reprogram our minds. I'm not really sure how but it is like killing the old self. If you want to emerge a new person, kill the old one. It is extremely painful to do though. I remember the cold sweats, and migraines I got from starving my brain of this. You have to become a whole new person and you will if you do NOFAP. Some guys that were my friends didn't really recognize me after I did my first reboot of 100+ days. To kill those thoughts, make a new routine. Wake up early, cold shower with a breathing technique and meditate on your breath. This helps you learn to calm the mind and control your body. After that any time you get the thought, think of 5 things that are blue in the room or meditate right in that instant for 5 mins. It should work its worked with me. Also, once you get to 90 days youll be in control of your mind. I felt for the first time truly free when this happened to me and I wish I had it back right now. Anyway, Hope this helps!
    eagle rising, Candun and Buddhabro like this.
  5. Mojifyyuhcf6

    Mojifyyuhcf6 Fapstronaut

    Can u suggest me some good apps...
  6. Mojifyyuhcf6

    Mojifyyuhcf6 Fapstronaut

    Yes brother right sometimes I left all my work and study only for watch porn and masturbation....
  7. cold turkey blocker
    Mojifyyuhcf6 likes this.
  8. Mojifyyuhcf6

    Mojifyyuhcf6 Fapstronaut

    Thanks brother I will try this the way I every day wake up early in the morning like 5 or 5.30AM and doing yoga and meditation but whenever I am not doing yoga or meditation early in the morning that day I usually watch porn and masturbation and then after I continuously watching porn for days then back to the track on NoFap..I observed this thing that whenever my shedule disturbed even 1%I am doing masturbation this pattern I observing till 2 or 3 months and yeah I restricted all my triggers except phone now I think I need to reduce my usage of phonecause my phone gave me triggers.
    Darnae likes this.
  9. Mojifyyuhcf6

    Mojifyyuhcf6 Fapstronaut

    Okk I 'll download thanks brother
    CarP likes this.
  10. Kimpossible9

    Kimpossible9 Fapstronaut

    try praying if you're a religious person it's an equivalent of meditation
    Mojifyyuhcf6 likes this.
  11. Try once again and again. Don't make a mistake - don't follow any programms that offer "help of God" or don't fall into religious traps by praying etc.
    Just be who you are, stay true to yourself. Rather than praying - spell mantras every now and then. If you don't know what mantra is, I'll explain. It's a short sentence that you get into your subconcious mind to believe in it. It's like you see advertisments that say that this one car is faster than others and you see it so often you believe it. So mantras work the same way, except you're the one who's controling them.
    Try repeating to yourself once in a while "I'm happy to be free from pornography addiction" even when you're still an addict. Keep on repeating that and also keep on working on your addiction and you will see how it might help you out a little.
    eagle rising, Mojifyyuhcf6 and CarP like this.
  12. Mojifyyuhcf6

    Mojifyyuhcf6 Fapstronaut

    Yes brother I have to do no matter whatever it takes cause now I am in this age that decides my career and life so please keep interacting with me and yeah I tried before mantras and all stuff but that didn't work for me that's why I know that I have to defeat this addiction on my own..yeah I have to and I need to.
  13. Mojifyyuhcf6

    Mojifyyuhcf6 Fapstronaut

    I do meditation every day but whenever I don't do meditation that is the when I relapsed..
  14. eagle rising

    eagle rising Fapstronaut

    Well, your response here holds your answer. And it is the deciding difference in any change for humans, consistency. How can you make sure that you do your yoga and meditations everyday?

    Perhaps there is something "new" to share, relative to the responses above, care what company you keep. That in and of itself is similar to a mantra like was explained above. If you are around people that focus on sexual pleasures and desires, even in a playful way, your mind will be influenced by that.
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2021
    Mojifyyuhcf6 likes this.
  15. Mojifyyuhcf6

    Mojifyyuhcf6 Fapstronaut

    Yes brother actually some of my friends watch porn and masturbate every day and the irony is they are happy but I am really tired they send sexual images some viral sexual clip and all stuffs I need to change my environment.
    eagle rising likes this.