Flatline absolutely nothing matters

Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by Usernameallowed, Apr 29, 2021.

  1. Usernameallowed

    Usernameallowed Fapstronaut

    I don't know literally dont give a fuck about anything the future seems empty it seems like my brain is completely unable to feel those things like the sensations of life are just gone . They no longer exist.

    Feel like I've done it all seen it all yet my life is completely fucking dead .... Very strange bizzare feeling. I have adhd which myt have something to do with it . Not sure. Sexual energy is shot. Energy for life is shot. Hobbies interests plewww. My brain ryt now isnt feeling much of anything
    Masum42c likes this.
  2. DeeJ4y

    DeeJ4y Fapstronaut

    It will go away, just stay strong. God bless you!
  3. Uncle_Iroh

    Uncle_Iroh Fapstronaut

    It's just a moment, it will probably happen again at some point, especially if you watch porn again, but you've just got to ride it and accept. Stop thinking of the future, and accept the past for what it was, for you can only be at peace by living NOW. Take it one day at a time and I guarantee that you will be walking around one day and realise that life is all cool, but then again, it may come back but that's life. Even when you stop watching porn for 1,2 or 5 years, there are days that suck. Life isn't going to be heaven all day everyday because you stopped watching porn, that is reality and we all live there.

    I had flatline and horrible feelings of flatness in my emotions, I got over it, then I watched porn and it came back, currently have no interest in sex with my partner, but it will pass and my sex life will be healthy again. I'm not a religious man, but the serenity prayer is something I found through Sex Addicts Anonymous, and saying it in an urge, a sad moment or at a time of serious stress helps to cool me down mentally.

    "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference."

    Just seek acceptance for your situation, attempt to change parts of your life that can be changed and understand what should and shouldn't be changed. If you get it all wrong, accept it and start again.

    I am currently urging badly, but I say the prayer and think of people I can help and you are one, so if there's one thing you've done by opening up here, it's helping me to overcome my urge. I think being there for someone is a great healer and a big part of the 12 Steps that I follow, maybe look into SAA if you're feeling like your situation is unmanageable!

    I hope this helps, good luck friend!
    StopForever likes this.
  4. Nucleus

    Nucleus Fapstronaut

    Yeah man. I had a COMPLETE FLATLINE too. Mine lasted about six months into NoFap. Not fun. Still it goes away eventually. Better than being addicted.
    StopForever likes this.
  5. StopForever

    StopForever Fapstronaut

    That is very helpful information.
  6. StopForever

    StopForever Fapstronaut


    I always fail during flat line. Really good to hear people who have long flatline(s) that share their success stories.
  7. Nucleus

    Nucleus Fapstronaut

    So far.

    The future is open, bro. The past has no bearing upon it. You have failed during your flatline. This is a truth that you can leave in your wake. Getting through the flatline is doable... It's just as uncomfortable as hell. Resign yourself to being utterly uncomfortable and you'll get through it.
    StopForever likes this.
  8. Red Moon

    Red Moon Fapstronaut

    In the FLATLINE for 20 months and counting. How did your FLATLINE end ? It's a gradual thing, or like an instant switch ?
  9. We're all feeling you. Flatline is miserable. Everything you described, I was just reading through it as if I was checking off a list, yup, felt that, yup, been there, etc. Everything in life turns colorless and, well, flat. I've come out of flatline both fast and slow. We're all different, but all the same when it comes to flatline. Power through, my friend.
  10. Nucleus

    Nucleus Fapstronaut

    Gradual. First the odd morning wood, then regular morning wood, then finding myself getting semi-boners on and off... then boners. As for libido, I started finding women attractive again. I realised that I had just objectified them before and used them as jerk material. Watching the show "Rectify", I noticed that I found the character of Amantha very attractive. Before, it would have been for her BJ mouth, tits etc, but I liked her for more than her body. I liked her as a person as well as for her body... Yeah OK she is a fictional character but still, it was the first glimmer of being able to see clearly rather than through a mist of lust. Now it's like... I'm married BTW so sex life with wife has got much better, but I sometimes meet girls I like, and it's OK to like them because unlike before I don't just instantly visualise myself doing something to them and I even get a kind of energy boost from their attractiveness (that is a bit hard to explain).

    I'm not totally recovered but I have been improving steadily so I'm confident I will continue to get better.
    Red Moon and silentmike like this.
  11. Masum42c

    Masum42c Fapstronaut

    Hello. Life will get better. Never loose hope. It is a slow process. I mean everything that is good, needs a little effort to acquire. I also felt the same as you even few days ago. And I'm only at 4 days streak currently. But feeling much better. So fight. Keep fighting. Don't give up. It'll get better. And always put your emotions to right people and right things.
  12. silentmike

    silentmike Fapstronaut

    I also feel something I can call emptiness, and I think this is a place in my mind left after I quit P (P + M + O + F -fantasizing). After two months I can say I'am slightly getting used to it. Its like with everything else in our lives - we get used to new things.

    I am actually happy with my flatline (regarding lower libido), I have so much time for other things - finally I am not constantly thinking about sex. This is what I was after for so many years. I don't get hardons during the day - that's fine for me :) I don't get morning wood - that's also fine :) I do have sex with my wife once a week or two - and that's ok.
    Masum42c likes this.
  13. Masum42c

    Masum42c Fapstronaut

    The emptiness is there because we are used to so much dopamine, which was not normal. And now small things doesn't give much pleaser, so we feel empty even if we're having good time with our spouse or, achieving small successes. But brain is plastic, and with time it'll again become normal. Then everything will again feel better, the emptiness will go away.
    silentmike likes this.
  14. silentmike

    silentmike Fapstronaut

    I see the same in me. Now when I see an attractive woman, I think it would be gross to visualize myself in some sex scene with her.
    Nucleus likes this.
  15. sam30

    sam30 Fapstronaut

    i am feelong exactly like that. I can be good mood and high energy the next i come right back down as if i am so empty and my life is not worth living for...sleepness night anxious and anxiety waking up in the middle of the night for no apparent reason... not undrstanding why this happens.. hopefully i can continue with my journey )