Will kids in the future/now be bullied if there mum has onlyfans

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Soulman 2477, Aug 2, 2021.

  1. Melkhiresa

    Melkhiresa Fapstronaut

    can you elaborate? what exactly make you laugh you ass off? i know ppl who own night club, basically a meet & booze & fuck place that are held in high esteem because they are rich, and same goes for children of drug lord, ceo of company that sell poison(like cigarette) or just any son of a convict or war crime(like saddam's daughter), as long as they have money nobody who interact with them care.
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2021
  2. The Fack! I had no idea. lol
  3. Blessedby TheMostHigh

    Blessedby TheMostHigh Fapstronaut

    Owning a night club? That’s not looked down upon for obvious reasons.. you’re reaching with that one. Children of drug lords? Considering drug lords tend to be drug lords in secret otherwise they end up in jail.. not sure how it would make sense for their children to be stigmatized. CEO of cigarette company, also not such a problem because he’s only in business due to fools who smoke them willingly.

    Now if your mother takes pictures and videos of her having sex for a living.. yeah that’s a whole different story. It will always be looked down upon because it’s trashy, and the children will definitely be picked on. Kids get picked on just for having a hot mom, never mind a sex worker mom.
    Soulman 2477 likes this.
  4. Melkhiresa

    Melkhiresa Fapstronaut

    used to, we don't see eye to eye so let us agree to disagree, but if this one knew a millionaire in his school he would never pick on him, not only because of greed but also because this one believe it is base and vulgar to pick on someone for who they parents are; bashar's parent was well know to flaunt human right yet were he bullied as a result? or is any descendant of someone who has committed war crimes? it is perfectly possible to reconstruct your image after you leave this kind of life behind as are doing many millionaire former porn-star.
    Only those that left as poor as when they begun have trouble.
    On a side note, have you actually read the testimony of children of pornstar and successful ones? or are you just basing this on how you would react?
    If anything this trim out the superficial relationship that you would not want to get involved with in the first pace.
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2021
  5. Blessedby TheMostHigh

    Blessedby TheMostHigh Fapstronaut

    There are so many things wrong with your argument. You keep bringing up all kinds of examples that aren't related to the topic at hand. Out of all the pornstars how many are millionaires? Why would you assume the child will be a millionaire if his mother is or was a *** for a living. Its hardly possible to reconstruct your image after such a thing because it is recorded on the internet forever. And no i haven't read testimonies from pornstars children.. what a waste of time.
  6. Melkhiresa

    Melkhiresa Fapstronaut

    We bring up rich pornstars because that was the argument we started with in the first place, but as we stated we see things differently and this exchange is pointless.
    Edit : Just to add for anyone who bothered reading this, this kind of mindset will only encourage former porn actors to stay in this kind of business, it is almost worst than paying for porn.
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2021
  7. Soulman 2477

    Soulman 2477 Fapstronaut

    I think both of you miss understand that porn and only fans is totally different. Porn created by studios and by directors is fake and it can be seen by the scenarios and the way that they film. Only fans is borderline real or is real.

    This can make people believe that someone's mum is actually sexual or they could actually be this sexual causing all kinds of trouble for the child.

    Finally the child may not get bullied but people will act different towards them like being friends with him just to see there mum, there are so many other things that the child may experience and as they are a child they cannot remove themselves from the situation as they have to go to school and don't have the financial capability to do so on themselves.
  8. Blessedby TheMostHigh

    Blessedby TheMostHigh Fapstronaut

    No.. that was the argument you tried to make to justify why no one would be bullied. Except it’s based on the assumption that a sex worker will be a rich, millionaire and successful which is hardly common. I’m baffled that you’re actually trying to argue against this, it’s as if you have no idea how the social world works.

    They are both the same thing. Selling sexual performance/content.
  9. Soulman 2477

    Soulman 2477 Fapstronaut

    Yes they are all similar but they're not the same. Onlyfans can be real to the point that women are actually that sexual and are actually enjoying it and the fact that is done personally by them is controlled by them blur's the line between what's real and what's fake.

    Porn used to be controlled by studios and directors and it was very much a small part of society not what it is now where everyone does it and anyone can do it. Only fans being a place where girls can do it, they can start today and start making money today. Porn used to be different as you would have to apply for it essentially a job and you really had no control over what you would do as the directors had control.

    Porn from years ago and porn today meaning onlyfans is totally different.
  10. Blessedby TheMostHigh

    Blessedby TheMostHigh Fapstronaut

    Let me help you out bro. If they are doing it for money.. it’s fake. Do you think strippers really want to give you a lap dance at the strip club? Or do they do it for the money?
  11. Soulman 2477

    Soulman 2477 Fapstronaut

    The reason I bring this up is because we was taught as kids that porn is not real where's today it could actually be real girls actually being this naughty and this sexual

    You have totally missed the point some girls actually enjoy this work especially onlyfans because it is only internet-based stripping is different as it is done in person.

    I am not sure you know anything about onlyfans. No one just opens a account for money you do have to be willing to accept that u will get naked online and some of these women accept this and know this and enjoy it because they are that sexual.
  12. Blessedby TheMostHigh

    Blessedby TheMostHigh Fapstronaut

    You’re absolute right I’m failing to see your point. What difference does it make if you think they “enjoy” it or not, which you have no way of ever knowing for sure. I’m sure some pornstars enjoy their job.. so exactly what is your point?
  13. Soulman 2477

    Soulman 2477 Fapstronaut

    My point is it blurs the line between what's real and what's fake. Meaning people will see someone's mum doing onlyfans and totally believe they are that sexual and that naughty which could be true.

    This could affect their children as now the child thinks their mum and believes their mum likes other people seeing them naked and and getting fucked and enjoys it. Other people were also believe this as well and could start acting way more sexual to your mum because they totally believe she is like this.

    Porn from years ago is different as we was always taught that it is fake and not real. Fake boobs fake scenarios fake everything. Today that is not the case as these women have total control over what they produce.

    This could lead two women that do onlyfans doing more sexual stuff outside of only fans for money again affecting the child as now they see their mum as a blatant sex object. Whether they do stuff outside of onlyfans or just online

    Imagine knowing that your mum masturbate online enjoys it and is chatting to all the guys teachers, parents at your school if she is doing this, this could totally have a massive effect on you.

    She is not just making content she is actively chatting to them, creating custom content, doing live shows and potentially doing dick ratings. All of which girls on onlyfans do. Which would have been less likely from porn years ago or just traditional porn
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2021
  14. Blessedby TheMostHigh

    Blessedby TheMostHigh Fapstronaut

    Hate to break it to you, but people think pornstars are just as sexual based on the sole fact of their line of work. It’s nothing new. Ever heard of webcam models? Same thing. This is a pointless conversation.. who cares. Stop watching it, stop jerking off, and spread the word of the power of semen retention and nofap. End of story.
  15. RavenGT

    RavenGT Fapstronaut

    Bullies in 2050: Ya mums got no fans, HAHA!
    Soulman 2477 likes this.
  16. Soulman 2477

    Soulman 2477 Fapstronaut

    You really don't understand do you, porn and only fans are different.

    If you can't see that you are blind. Never had thousands/millions of young signing up to do porn over night before onlyfans came around. Onlyfans has changed society it is why young people who get bullied.

    The meme goes tell your mum to upload more anal videos on her onlyfans (picture of kids getting bullied)

    These means whenever for traditional porn they are around for only fans and the new age porn era we are in.
  17. Soulman 2477

    Soulman 2477 Fapstronaut

    This is the type of jokes people will say in the future lol

    Plus I will never advocate people do only fans if they want children. I will advocate that they homeschool them.
  18. Blessedby TheMostHigh

    Blessedby TheMostHigh Fapstronaut

    Who cares. There have always been sl*ts in society. Are there more now than ever? Probably. Does it bother me? Nope, I’m glad they’re making themselves known.
  19. Soulman 2477

    Soulman 2477 Fapstronaut

    My final point till someone replies, if you don't understand why people do only fans how it works and the differences between old school porn and the new era of onlyfans you can never try change it

    I mean if your mum
    It doesn't bother you because your family does not do onlyfans.

    I posted this question so people will bother and will understand that I can affect their children.

    I also post this question so people can understand why it's can be bad and why people sign up to do it.

    I mean if you homeschool your child then yes they will be shielded from others but many parents will not do this.

    Hence this discussion is needed
  20. Blessedby TheMostHigh

    Blessedby TheMostHigh Fapstronaut

    You should delete the thread, because it’s an entirely pointless conversation to have. No one on here does onlyfans, or likely ever will. This is a site for leaving those things behind.. I don’t know what kind of awareness you’re trying to create here. It’s a blatantly obvious discussion that doesn’t even need to be had, and I regret every replying.