Risky, Harmful Fetish caused by Hypnosis

Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by Hero76, Aug 31, 2021.

  1. Hero76

    Hero76 Fapstronaut

    Hi guys,

    A few years ago I watched sissy hypno and was addicted to it. As well as another genre of sissy hypno called bimbo hypnosis. Which is about basically being an extremely dumb blonde bimbo and fetishises being dumb and borderline mentally disabled. Another type of sissy hypno's I was watching was popper hypno videos. Which lead me to abuse a chemical in the place of actual poppers. I then fetishised that behavior and the whole idea of actually being a dumb bimbo and actually making myself dumber so the fantasy in those videos would become a reality. So now I have a fetish for making myself dumber by smelling/sniffing chemicals. I have acted out in the past and every time I have done it I have killed brain cells and caused damage to my ability to hear and sight, because it damages the nerves in the parts of the brain responsible for that. As well as the fact that I could die from sudden sniffing death syndrome at any time when doing that. Sudden sniffing death is going into cardiac arrest and you can die from it. Quitting PMO won't cut it. I need to rewire my brain with normal sexual stimulus rather than that harmful behavior. So how long would it take to get rid of the fetish and replace it with normal porn? I can get turned on by porn and masturbate to it. The question is how long to get rid of this pathway in my brain for this damaging, risky fetish?

    One important thing to note is that I am not that actually addicted to abusing chemicals. I can stop and have stopped in the past. The problem is I have a fetish for it and sometimes leads me to act out and actually do it. Which is really damaging and I could die from it.
    Ray S likes this.
  2. Ray S

    Ray S Fapstronaut

    Yo Bro,

    I feel you.
    During the pandemic I ordered a bottle of poppers and went PMO on Femdom porn.

    I havent done it in a while now the pandemic restricties get a little less.

    I hope this was just a phase for me and now I am watching porn and got less need to add the addictive poppers.

    What helped me was a vacation abroad without poppers of course so I could at least reset somehow.

    I used to order the small bottle and immediately throw it away after one session.

    I will hopefully recover after not using this poisen for a while.

    I did some checkups at the eyedocters and I think my moderate use has no long term effects, at least I hope so.

    I hope my experience helps a bit.

    Good luck and throw away the bottle.
  3. Hero76

    Hero76 Fapstronaut

    I watched hypno videos that encouraged you to use poppers, but got a fetish for abusing chemicals. I think you misread my post.
  4. Ray S

    Ray S Fapstronaut

    Yo do not mean poppers when you said chemicals?

    Which chemicals are you talking about, because I thought poppers are chemicals?
  5. Hero76

    Hero76 Fapstronaut

    No. Poppers are chemicals but not the same type which I abused.
  6. Ray S

    Ray S Fapstronaut

    You care to share?
  7. Hero76

    Hero76 Fapstronaut

    Paint/paint thinner, and fumes from a newly bought thing.
  8. Hero76

    Hero76 Fapstronaut

    There's no way I can quit porn in my current environment. I have to leave where I am living otherwise I will stay addicted to porn. So I have to live with porn for now until I can leave. As long as I have a steady supply of porn I think I'll be okay. I'll fap once a day to porn. And I'll stop abusing chemicals. So I can't get rid of the chemical fetish this way?
  9. treed

    treed Fapstronaut

    In regards to your use of paint thinners, and other household items, just discontinue your use, it's really difficult to determine if you actually are going to suffer lasting impacts from these drugs, even if they're described on the internet as being noxious and "destroying brain cells", only a long term perspective will provide solid info on that, and any idea that you have on whether or not you've damaged yourself is just not solid.

    Most withdrawal processes cause dysfunctions in critical thinking, verbal fluency, irritability, etc... , so just take a break bro, and see whats up next.

    Stopping the "chemical" fetish is gonna be done by not consuming that porn, and not touching those drugs.
    if you cant quit porn, then maybe use something lighter , and throw out any kind of household item that you use to get high off of.
    GuitarDude likes this.
  10. modernstore99

    modernstore99 Fapstronaut

    Check out my story of dealing with the sissy fetish here: Am I a Sissy?? (Actually a good story with happy ending, trust me, read the whole thing)

    The problem isn't sissy stuff, it's the porn. Quitting porn will help get rid of the sissy fetish. You have wired your brain to continuously seek more extreme material, so even if you try to go back to regular porn, your mind will still crave for escalation, which will lead you back to sissy porn. Quit porn for 90 days, rewire with normal sexual activities, and the urges for sissy related activities with increase dramatically. There are plenty of links on rebooting and fetishes in my story about dealing with sissy porn.
    GuitarDude likes this.
  11. GuitarDude

    GuitarDude Fapstronaut

    I also used sissy hypnos in various ocassions in search of something new. I ejoyed it since trans porn had become my favorite genre. Anyways friend you really are in a predicament and in a crossroads in your life. Since you have admitted you have a problem you now have either the option to stop this destructive behavior completely or half ass it as you have said but as @WildEntheology said the 2 are extremely link and it would be only a matter of time before you fall again into your past behaviors. I seriously seriously recommend you this book: https://www.amazon.com/Your-Brain-Porn-Pornography-Addiction-ebook/dp/B00N2AH8NW

    That book will help you understand whats exactly is happening in your brain. It will help you immensely. You gotta realize that this is an addiction and you have to take strong measures that means stopping porn usage and getting some reading material, also some have said medical proffesional, recommend you first try to cure yourself since some ëxperts do encourage porn.
    Supination likes this.