Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by zenon27, Oct 21, 2021.

  1. zenon27

    zenon27 Fapstronaut

    I was always a cheerful kid, I loved life but lately I've been getting hopeless.

    1 year ago I would never even think of this but now I feel I have no other choice. My mind is fucking messed up. I feel I'm gay in a high denial even if all I ever wanted was romance with a good woman. I had hetero experience and I enjoyed it but right now I have high obsessions. 24hours obsession like an OCD

    strange anal sensation. I can't sleep without getting this anal sensations. I can't even shit proper anymore, I always feel I have something stuck in there and its making me suicidal.

    My mind makes me think I was to get penetrated but things don't make sense, because this sensation would persist no matter in what condition I am in.

    I could be having a great day and I would have it, or I could have just had 4 orgasm watching straight porn i would be sexually drained but I would still get this anal sensations while going to bed. What the hell!!!

    I could even be sick from all the drinking last night to a point where all straight sex in my head would repulse me because I have a headache and feel heavy sick, but I would still get this anal sensations when in bed.

    Its not okay, its not right, this is not sexual in nature, can't be, this is obsession, this can't be desire, you can't have sexual desire after so many orgasms, I know because my libido is destroyed on such day but I still get those sensations. Like no matter in what state my body is in it would have it.

    It's like I hate my life and I would just wanna get fucked without actually really wanting it. Fucked out of hate, not out of pleasure.

    This is making me feel suicidal, something is not right with my body and its fucking my brain apart also. Constipation perhaps?

    I tried it friends, i tried putting a finger up my anus but I dislike the feeling, I didn't like it, I really wanted to give it a chance to be open minded but its not something I like, even if my mind make me think that I will like it, what is going on.

    I told my mother how I feel, she doesn't believe I'm gay, nobody does, not even my EX's and my current girlfriend. But I also told my mother that it doesn't matter anymore because my life is done, she wouldn't really give two shits, she probably thinks because i say it ill not do it, but I am hopeless in a way I'm trying to find help because I can't live with this.

    I have a girlfriend, she is the best person I ever got to know, she makes me get an erection just looking at her sometimes but even if she knows my struggles she deserve stronger person, even if she would accept me for whatever I am, I can't accept that, she deserve better. She is open minded not judgment and just all around beautiful soul. We are long distance right now seeing next year because of corona pandemic.

    Seriously, she would even accept me if I was gay, because she loves me and she accept me because of my character.

    She knows how much I want a child with her, I had a father that was alcoholic I used to protect my sister and mother from an alcoholic brute, but they are safe now, I am not tho, I never felt protection in my life.

    I would never allow my kids to suffer the same fate I did. It was 300 days a year of drunk father, and 100 days a year of him fighting me, for decades. I am menially destroyed. I love my family, I always will, but I think my purpose it over now.

    I was called my mother body guard. Now I feel like the world of weight is falling onto me and I can't confront it, I feel like a child with lack of experience compare to other people, since all I ever did was stay in the house and protect people from a brute.

    I am not an easy person to bully, people tried they stopped and started to respect me, but that was only because nobody is scarier than your own father when you are 12 years old. Nobody in school can compare, all of them are weak in compare. If you wanna fight you better to fight till death or one of us is in the hospital. Of course bullies got scared.

    Now I feel like I'm royally fucked and I don't know what to do anymore. I'm lazy demotivated and I don't see 2023

    I'll make sure to leave the money I saved up for my sister half and my girlfriends half, I love them both very much. My sister was the reason of my continues existence , after she was born on my birthday my life got a meaning, I have to keep this person safe no matter what. Nobody will hurt her, nobody will ever make her cry, It's my promise to you little sister. I was 10 when she was born. While other were partying I was inside keeping things in order, I was aggressive like nobody else, even my own father called me a monster, so be it if I was to be a monster to keep my own people safe so be it. But that life is over now... and I am lost. My purpose is done, my sister advanced and I am so proud of her even if i don't tell her.

    Life is so fucked when you think about it, most people keep to themselves. I was always the lucky one, I always meet good people and keep things in check but I let myself go.
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2021
    Akbarmagnus likes this.
  2. Improv3r

    Improv3r Fapstronaut

    If you have suicidal thoughts I would definitely recommend seeing a trained professional and call the hotline if needed as well!!

    I am sorry for the life you had and the struggles you have to go through but throwing it away for this is not worth it! You are your own being that is not being defined by others!
    You hold more than your own life in your hands! ! ! Remember that!

    If you suicide you will not only wreck your sisters life but also your girlfriend's life if those are the only two people you care about! Think about that! Just physically go to the doctor and explain those sensations to him so he can inspect it if you are fine health wise. If he says you are good then you can learn to control your urges or even give in to them if you find someone to help you out or if your girlfriend is willing. But don't think about suicide as an escape or a solution! IT IS NOT!

    When I read your message I thought I shouldn't jump in and decided to switch to another thread. Once I did thoughts came creeping in that you may need all the reasons why you SHOULDN'T do something like this and I came back to comment. Look how strong you were at such terrible times! This means you are already doing so well despite what happened! BUILD ON THAT and fix your life! Don't destroy it and ruin someone elses that cares about you! You can do it mate! Gay or not it doesn't matter you have a spark inside you and there was a reason why you were born! Taking care of your sister, your girlfriend or whoever is enough of a reason to stay alive and continue on your journey! Just make sure you continuously strive to make it better! That's what all of us are doing on this earth!
    Roady, zenon27 and Akbarmagnus like this.
  3. Kurz

    Kurz Fapstronaut

    Calm yourself down. i don't know you, but this isn't how you are. You made so much progress. Dark times are a big part of this and they make us stronger. Some emotions must be relearned and experienced in a new way. It will get better!

    This addiction took so much from our lifes, don't let it get away with this!

    As for your sensations: I'm sure they will go away eventually. But just to make sure you may want to see a doctor about this. (To close out any physical reasons)

    You can write me a message any time, if you need someone to talk to! You are not alone with this!
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2021
    zenon27 and Akbarmagnus like this.
  4. DeeJ4y

    DeeJ4y Fapstronaut

    Try to get vegetables to your diet. It helps to form tight poop that will help with the sesation of something being stuck in there, I have had that as well. Too much wiping can cause a tingling sensation that can be felt like a need to stick a finger there to scratch it. Sleeping on your back should help too, I have tried it but so far I have not been able to fall a sleep on my back.

    that could also be a sing of hemroids. So get your diet in order, fresh veggies help. Eat a lot of fiber, full grains.
    zenon27 and Akbarmagnus like this.
  5. Robert.G99

    Robert.G99 Fapstronaut

    I had and have had the exact same sensation for months. It suddenly appeared when I consumed weird types of porn. I had some urges to do things that I don't want to do, like you. This sensation sometimes stops for a couple of hours or days, but it keeps bugging me. I will never stick something in there, because it's not normal for me. If you are a person who likes these kinds of stuff, good for you, but I will never do that because it makes me feel like a lowlife stupid. It made me feel less masculine after this sensation, but I fought through, because at the end of the day I want the same thing as you: a beautiful wife and kids. I also feel suicidal and I even attempted to take my life once, but thankfully, if I can say that, the rope broke. I never told this to anyone, because it's a taboo problem. I also experience OCD symptoms, but they might get better over time. Mines are not so bad as they used to be a couple of months back.

    I'm still attracted to women, I'm only romantically attracted to them and I want only relationships with women. So I don't care what anybody says. I want a happy family with a woman and live the rest of my life besides a good loveling wife.

    I also grow up with an alcoholic stepfather and my mother divorced him in 2012. I have a lot of bad memories when they would fight and I prayed to God that this all will stop. And it did, but I still have some mental scars.

    The only effective solution will be to stop porn. These is the cause of our sexual problems. It might also be some medical one, so yeah, you should see a doctor. For example, my sensation was sometimes with pain. I think I might have hemorrhoids.
    zenon27 and Akbarmagnus like this.

    USER_ERROR Fapstronaut

    Martial arts, they changed my life, but not the useless one; try krav-maga, kick-boxing or MMA it'll do you some good. Release some tension.
    zenon27 likes this.
  7. zenon27

    zenon27 Fapstronaut

    thank you for encouragement friend, I'm not giving in. I know what I loved being, I loved being a stable tree everybody could rely on, feel safe because that's the one thing I missed all my life. I don't want to traumatize my girlfriend, if even she would probably not even know, its easy to hide when in long distance, but I can't stand hurting my sister, I want her powerful, to handle this planet, I want my GF powerful, I want my own kids powerful and disciplined proper, I want everybody that is good in the heart to be powerful. I want to be a beast once more, I know how my confidence was, when I was a beast I felt nothing can touch me, i didn't feel this inferiority complex, I wasn't arrogant, I felt by myself making my own destiny. I felt happy and full of joy, now with pandemic I feel its harder to achieve, but Ill start by singing to a gym, next month and get my testosterone up, I never went more than 4 days without porn and that shit sucks. I didn't even like gay porn, i tried it friend, but I felt nothing and I had exp with a bisexual man giving me oral didn't really feel anything, i enjoyed it with a woman tho. I just tend to overthink everything but enough of me feeling sorry for myself. Appreciate your feedback
  8. zenon27

    zenon27 Fapstronaut

    Thank you my friend, yeah porn sucks i went to watch solo women from magazines when super young, hiding myself from parents, then i put more woman on the table cut paper and realize I can come faster to them if there is more of them, you know how it is, then turn to porn solo woman, strip, then straight porn, then straight hardcore, then straight cheating, BDSM, then hentai music video with rape in it (very fast content) ogres fucking elf and stuff, then in the end I watched transsexuals' porn and i notice i didn't even mind the dick on them, because some of them were cute and feminine looking, i watched transsexuals' fucking women. Never really liked watching anal in straight sex even, In the end i went to watch gay porn, thinking if i didn0't mind dick in transsexuals' then gay should turn me on, but i feel nothing watching it. If gay porn was all the internet had I would be porn free, I mean im 33 years old only now did I felt of checking gay porn, and it was not even desire related but to test myself. I can remember when I was a kid, I would skip page with masculine dude and fap to a woman on pilot magazine page 7, i was young.

    I need to give myself a month of no porn and masturbation's and a gym membership time. The longest I could even go was 4 days
  9. zenon27

    zenon27 Fapstronaut

    great advice, i feel i drink too much coffee and drink too much beer, i sometime drink 6 beers a day. When I ate vegetables I notice my body was behavior better, I will also admit that i drink not enough water and I sometimes eat like shit, like one meal a day, need to get my things in order.

    Seriously thank you, btw I also can't sleep on my back for some reason, I'm so used to sleeping on my stomach all my life, idk but I never had problem sleeping from this position ever. I also notice that my sensation go away if I move my leg up while sleeping on bed or on the side. I also don't have this sensation if I sleep on my back. They used to say I have nerves of steel for sleeping so peacefully all the time haha
    DeeJ4y likes this.
  10. zenon27

    zenon27 Fapstronaut

    Appreciate the suggestion, I always felt I could use my legs for something more useful since I'm skinny not that strong in my hand punches, but my legs are demonic in pressure, I used to walk 330000 steps a day to my last working place and my legs didn't needs any healing, I once broke a door in two from pure anger, I fear what I could do in a fighting situation. I'm 33 years old, I would think I'm too old to join a training group but what do I know, I do need to release this steam somehow, you are right about that, its the one thing that makes me feel alive. I need to get sports active
    Akbarmagnus likes this.
  11. zenon27

    zenon27 Fapstronaut

    yeah man, i get it, we that didn't had a strong rolemodel, we have to take two more steps when others can take only one. I know what you mean with wife and kids, of course you want that and you hate it when something wanna take that away from you, yet you can't point a finger or what that way. Porn is hypnotic work I even saw this strange videos of hypnotic sissy videos, that were made to turn a straight men into a submissive guy that would be used by anything really. This are all shocks we aren't suppose to see in real life, I still think that porn can give you ocd because its multi-stimulus and ocd people are obsessive by nature so we tend to get addicted to things easy.

    Good to hear all things worked out for you, but im sure its still a battle in some way as you say it. Keep it up man
    Akbarmagnus and Robert.G99 like this.
  12. By any chance, have you been taking a drug called Ambien?

    If so, stop taking the drug. The symptoms will persist without the slightest change for about two weeks. After about the two-week mark, they may abruptly cease. But it takes those two weeks to get all of the Ambien out of your system, and until all of it is out, the symptom will still persist.

    If the anal sensations are the only difficulty you've had from Ambien, be thankful. Some people have had severe phantom pain in the urethra--constant pain, for over 18 months. One man I spoke with who had this issue was begging God to just let him die. That was before he found a doctor who advised him to quit the Ambien. These pelvic side effects of the drug are not listed on the drug's labeling.

    There are several other drugs that are in the same family as Ambien and which might produce a similar effect. If that does not happen to be the drug you are taking, but there is another drug you've been prescribed, do a little research and see if it might be one of those.

    If you're not taking any medications, then this post may not apply to your case, and my apologies for the chance suggestion.
    Akbarmagnus and zenon27 like this.
  13. zenon27

    zenon27 Fapstronaut

    dude ive taken some drugs for sleep, forgot the name, but they are also made for nerves, and this was long time ago also, like months but I actually can pinpoint that my problems started after i took those pills, wow, could my condition be based on some pills i shouldn't consume in the end.

    Right now I'm putting it more on the fact that i don't drink enough water and I don't eat all that well either, I eat bad things I'll work on that, and I sit a lot since I work online and I feel sitting for hours eventually makes your body start to behave different over time. I'm joining a gym soon.

    I have times when this is fully gone for 2 days, it also goes away while I walk but thats probably to duo with blood flow but I fear its my mind that making the sensation since all the blood flow would go away, but I also notice that i get weaker erection also, it would also go away if i have an urge to pee, and if I masturbate this sensation would be completely gone until i reach orgasm since my blood flow would swap to front part, but after the orgasm I feel my sensation in the back would get twice to three times stronger, yet its strange since I don't feel it when I masturbate.
    Akbarmagnus likes this.
  14. Based on the additional information in this last post of yours, I wonder if you might be experiencing symptoms of an enlarged prostate. Do a little online research on that and see if it might not explain some of your issues. There's really not too much that can be done about it, at least not easily, but I think it's likely that the burden of producing fluids for your ejaculate, being increased with frequent ejaculations, might tend to enlarge the gland. Have you had any difficulty peeing? The prostate tends to get larger with age, and many older men will have some symptoms. It's not typically an emergency, but it would be uncomfortable.

    If you haven't taken any drugs for months, it shouldn't be related to those.
    Akbarmagnus and zenon27 like this.
  15. Your OP is pretty long. I just read most of the rest of it. The troubles you describe with your alcoholic father reminded me of a short movie on that subject that I have really liked even though alcoholism has never been a problem in my own family. I guess I see it as one addiction among many, and we all face some great temptation or addiction, so to see someone else who was really bad off eventually find freedom is always encouraging.

    It is a Christian film, though the main character was far from a Christian at the beginning of his journey. He was a Muslim, and an alcoholic.

    I think if you watch it you will relate to many of the things in the movie. I really am sorry for all the troubles you've had to face. May you find healing soon.
    Akbarmagnus and zenon27 like this.
  16. zenon27

    zenon27 Fapstronaut

    actually i forgot to tell you but i had times i would get this liquid like yellow mugus or something, that is gone now, I would something shit that mugus out and not poop, but i had it not too long ago, and I went to the doctor also to take my shit samples 3-times, i have to call them to see if all is good, thing about my doctor is that she probably will not care too much, I had erection problems even needed to be on erection pills but everywhere I go people just tell all is good and its probably performance anxiety, as for my doctor she will probably saay all is okay, and then im fucking stuck
  17. zenon27

    zenon27 Fapstronaut

    thank you for the share, little funny fact, his name is Ali? my name is Ales but my mother called be Ali at times hahaha
  18. Robert.G99

    Robert.G99 Fapstronaut

    Well, they didn't really work out, but I start to get used to them and when I really forget about it...I feel perfectly normal. I have had OCD about different subjects since I was a kid so it's very easy for me to get paranoid about a subject and overthink a lot. The most common is about an illness that I might have because I have some symptoms, but yeah in the end it's not that and I look at myself and see how much of an idiot I am.

    I think, if things will go well, in 7 - 10 months I'll be ok. But the worst thing is that these suicidal thoughts got stronger and combined with depression is very hard to keep up. But yeah, I will figure it out somehow.

    I hope you get well soon. It's very hard to live like this and think that a couple of months back you were ok.
  19. DeeJ4y

    DeeJ4y Fapstronaut

    I´m in the same boat with the back sleeping thing but I have heard that it is possible to sleep on back so I recommend trying and reading about it. I sleep also on my stomach sometimes but I have heard it it not good for our body. Keep going strong. Maybe nofap wont help to this issue but I still recommend that you continue on nofap no matter what.
  20. iwontfail67

    iwontfail67 Fapstronaut

    okay okay okay okay okay okay.... Ocd doesn't exist, you're probably gay, it definitely wasn't porn, because of all dat pride stuff you have to like those feelings, regardless if they make sense, or you're offending people.....


    Those "anal sensations" that you are having is OCD. OCD can make you feel things that you don't want to feel. The first time you reacted to whatever started this, Im willing to bet all I have that you reacted in a real anxious way. And then you started reflecting over it and running it through your head, wondering why you reacted like that. Maybe you saw some straight anal porn, and randomly took note of the girl receiving the act and your brain sent you a weird thought relating to it. And since you reacted anxiously, your brain took note of that, so now it will continue sending you that feeling because "it is a threat" and "you need to address it now". It's not sending you that feeling because you secretly want it, Its sending you that feeling because you reacted in a "life or death" way when it first sent it to you. So now, your brain needs you to neutralise that threat.

    But heres the thing. The more you focus on it and the more attention you give it, the more it will happen. Your brain will get trapped in a cycle where you will constantly need to reassure yourself that that feeling means nothing to you. You will fall into the vicious cycle of "feel anal feeling --> brain spikes up and makes you aware of this feeling that you have registered as a threat --> now that you are aware of this life or death threat, that is the only thing that will be in your mind until you neutralise it ---> you will neutralise it by either doing unnatural things such as thinking about this specific act happening to you to make sure you don't like it, or even attempting to test yourself at home with whatever you find ---> you will realise that you don't actually like it or want anything in there and you will feel a load of reassurance ---> the threat will be neutralised and you'll feel 100% certain that you don't want that ---> you will get triggered again and the whole process starts again.

    Trust me. I've been through this, and beat it. This is 10000% OCD. You CANNOT feed the thoughts. No matter how real or important or urgent they feel, they are irrational. Rationally, why would this suddenly happen to you out of no where? It wouldn't. This is an irrational feeling brought on because you had an irrational response to something that rationally is irrelevant to you. But instead of just brushing it aside and laughing it off, you took it seriously, and OCD begun. The reason why you responded that way may be rational, for example, no straight guy wants to be gay, whether we want to admit it or not, we would consider that a huge attack on our manhood. For you, being straight and liking girls is part of your identity, and when you were faced with that random spike, you may have felt that you were being attacked against your will. And it caused all this to happen, because now the idea of you magically becoming gay is suddenly has been noted down as a threat in your brain, and anything related to that will spike up and be taken note of.

    You have to disregard all of this NOW. Don't fall into that cycle. Trust yourself that 5 seconds before any of this happened, the idea of this ever happening to you would sound like the dumbest thing ever. So trust your rational self. Rationally, none of this would ever happen. Irrationally, your OCD wants you to focus, dwell and think about irrational things, and you feel like you need to do irrational things that you normally would never do, in order to make sure that the irrational things aren't actually true. News flash, they are never true. I suggest looking up the youtuber "Ali Greymond" and watching her videos about OCD. She has a couple good ones about how OCD makes you feel sensations that you don't want to feel. Watch her videos and religiously apply her tactics to your every day life, and stop this OCD before it gets worse.

    I had this for 3 years, and it took me a while to realise how to truly beat it. But I did. And you can to. I'm not going to offer you any more reassurance, so this was your one warning. Disregard all of this shit, and don't pay any attention to it. Don't talk to yourself about it. Just treat it like some random ghost or homeless person screaming at you, touching you, whatever. Just ignore it. It isn't real. It is OCD.
    Robert.G99 and Akanni like this.