95 porn free days guys!

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Addictus, Nov 14, 2021.

  1. Addictus

    Addictus Fapstronaut

    Definitely a record for me. I can’t remember ever going this long without looking at any naked or nearly naked sexy ladies pictures or videos. Even before I learned how to masturbate as a teen I was enjoying my older brother’s and dad’s porn.
    And (drum roll) it’s been 75 days since I jacked off! (I slipped once on day 20 at the beginning of my pmo journey but without any porn.)
    Ironically at this point right now my libido sucks. I can barely muster up a soapy erection in the shower and eager nocturnal erections are weak or just gone. At the start they kept waking me up during the night so on the plus side I’m getting more sleep now!
  2. Keep going bro. Porn offers nothing but regret and stress.
    AuwL0ng, Asgardian36 and KaiokenX20 like this.
  3. Keep going bro, proud of you
    AuwL0ng and Asgardian36 like this.
  4. again

    again Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Well done you! I like your quote that goes with you picture. It's a keeper.
    Be careful here or you will loose your momentum: "I can barely muster up a soapy erection in the shower"
    Stay the course.
  5. Addictus

    Addictus Fapstronaut

    Staying the course!
    again likes this.
  6. RaXaZ

    RaXaZ Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    My sleep quality has improved tremendously as well after I cut porn out of my life. Other benefits I noticed were less craving for high Dopamin reward stuff, like sugar and video games. My lifestyle is gradually improving back to sport as well now. As my time schedule allows it now :)

    Keep going, what prevented u from slipping mate?
    again likes this.
  7. Addictus

    Addictus Fapstronaut

    I read somewhere where when someone shares his porn addiction with someone they love that porn loses its control/power over you. I think this this may be true because I tried to quit alone several times over the years ( been lurking around here for awhile ) but never succeeded. I think her. I think her and the kids knowing makes me more determined to beat this addiction. This has been my longest and easiest streak yet!
    RaXaZ likes this.
  8. Xheir77

    Xheir77 Fapstronaut

    Good work bro
    Addictus likes this.