For Fapstronauts of the Catholic Christian Faith

  1. timcia

    timcia Fapstronaut

    Plan: Resist negative thoughts, assist positive thoughts. Positive thoughts are not going to stay, they need to be assisted. Negative thoughts are not going to leave they need to be resisted.
    I am starting this thread so that any of us can share what causes a fall. Then we can all band together with a bunch of solutions and things to try.
    My top reasons for falling are money, frustration and when I see something I should not see.
    What are your top ones?
    Mara43 likes this.
  2. CPilot

    CPilot Fapstronaut

    My falls were always preceded by two ever present mistakes. The ways that temptation can occur are numerous, particularly for addicts like me. However, it was only when I committed the two mistakes of (1) failing to have regular, heartfelt conversation with Our Precious Lord and (2) I became complacent in my commitment not to allow my eyes to dwell on temptations, that my temptations became sins.

    It is a fallacy to rely on our willpower alone to avoid sin. The devil will always win if we rely on ourselves, alone. Rather, we need frequent and full doses of grace from the Holy Spirit to inspire us. Prayer from the heart is the key defense. Even St. Peter, who received the incredible blessing of three years walking side by side with Our Lord, denied Christ three times only hours after he promised he would never deny Jesus. Peter had become convinced in his own strength only to be disappointed a few hours later. How ridiculous it would me for me to expect to have greater personal strength than St. Peter.

    We must stay close to God and beg for the grace we can never earn. God will always triumph over the devil and he will send his angels to defend us but only if we ask Him and continually reaffirm our commitment to him.
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2021
    Reb10 likes this.
  3. serviam3

    serviam3 Fapstronaut

    Reb10 likes this.
  4. JoeXavier

    JoeXavier Fapstronaut

    Amen!! Thank you so much @CPilot
  5. timcia

    timcia Fapstronaut

    There is a church saying: Jesus is all I need. For most people, it is partially true at best.
    But for people who fight to be filled with the Spirit and who fight to find their purpose. The saying becomes completely true.
    Pray to be filled with the Spirit to be empowered to help someone else's loneliness problem.
    God has something great for you (and everyone else) to do.
    CPilot, Reb10 and serviam3 like this.
  6. serviam3

    serviam3 Fapstronaut

    Wise words. Thank you sir. I pray that we may all be filled with the Holy Spirit.
    CPilot likes this.
  7. timcia

    timcia Fapstronaut

    I will be writing an article in about 1 week and I will address every single issue that anyone says causes them to fall. They will not be miracle cures, but... like I always do, I will try to come up with a bunch of stuff to pray about and work on.
    CPilot likes this.
  8. timcia

    timcia Fapstronaut

    Someone noted in this thread that frustration made them fall. Their tip has caused me to write about overcoming frustration many times since then. If you share what causes you to fall you may be inspiring articles that help others.

    Secondly, we will all try to give you tips to help your specific situation (if we can).

    Thirdly, it is vital to get to the root cause of whether sin is involved in the situation. For example: You hate your job. You get frustrated, and that causes depression and you fall.

    Instead, ask God how to handle this situation. Pray: “Father, show me how to change so that I don't get so frustrated with this situation.” Next, get wisdom from the Word. The Bible says: "Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ."

    Fourthly – purpose. Are you available for the Holy Spirit to work through you at work? When someone seems down, or when the Holy Spirit guides you, simply say something. If they say their life or situation sucks. You can say: “My faith really helps me through things like that.” If they show interest allow the Holy Spirit to speak through you. Simply start telling them how prayer, Bible study, and your relationship with Christ have helped you. If they need something special, the Holy Spirit will tell you what to tell them.

    Lastly, go to war with what causes frustration. Pray constantly about these triggers and do internet searches to learn how to fight the things that cause you to fall.

    Study, pray, and fight frustration. If you consistently do that, the Holy Spirit will start to show you clearly how to overcome.
  9. CPilot

    CPilot Fapstronaut

    I have wondered why it took so many years for me to successfully find freedom from this sin. I am an analytical person so I frequently considered the mistakes that led to a fall and vowed to correct them. Most of them were fairly obvious. I was tempted or I sought temptation and ultimately I gave in. I considered when it was that I was most tempted and I realized it was frequently when I was procrastinating about work and/or unhappy and feeling self-pity. Given these realizations, I vowed to avoid temptation and also not to allow myself to indulge in self-pity, but it was not long before I fell again and again and again.

    Slowly, far too slowly, I finally recognized that in addition to being weak in the face of earthly temptations, I failed to nurture my relationship with God. I frequently vowed to pray daily but that prayer was usually done while doing something else like driving or walking to the train station. I rarely, never really, just stopped what I was doing and gave time to talk with God and listen to His response. It was this missing that was the key to fighting temptation. Growing my relationship with God; allowing His love to take over my heart. This is what I needed, first and foremost.

    I am convinced the key to success relies on earthly strategies to avoid temptation but such strategies are only sustainable if one focuses on building and maintaining a loving, fervent, relationship with God.
    Mara43 and Ketherlonk like this.
  10. timcia

    timcia Fapstronaut

    Jesus sacrificed His body on the cross for us. The absolute least we can do in return for Him is to take quitting seriously.

    Satan uses the same tricks time after time to get us to fall. If you fall, consider sacrificing a few minutes to write down in a notebook exactly what led up to it. Second, tell someone here what happened and ask for tips about what to do next time in a situation like that. Third, spend some time in prayer and ask God what you should have done. Fourth, do research on what made you fall. If loneliness overwhelmed you, determine to look up verses about loneliness next time. Fifth, think and pray about which Christian trait you need to be stronger in the next time you are in a similar situation. Pray about how often you need to pray about acquiring that trait. Sixth, we always have a choice of running from sin and studying things at this site. When we choose the wrong thing… destruction happens. Write down in your notebook how you feel about the darkness and destruction and future destruction that is still coming. Consider praying: “Father help me to not overestimate the (very short-term) pleasure of lust, and help me to not underestimate the problems it always causes.”

    Consider printing out this list and putting it in your notebook. Seventh, write down the answer to every question about what happened. Eighth, spend three or four days adding to your notes as you continue to pray, think, and plan.

    Finally, when a similar situation happens again… get out your notebook and read your prophecy about your future. Then write down your new ending.

    I refuse to underestimate the negative long-term effects of lust. It is the least that I can do after what Jesus did for me!

    Please share what causes you to fall.
    Mara43 and born3 like this.
  11. I can remember some time years ago I was feeling sad and temptations appeared (don't remember if I fell). But I've felt sad many more times and it not always happens.
    I remember I fell when I was to present my university admission test (stress), but not every stress makes me fall.
    After a disappointment in love.
    Sometimes my female cycle has to do with appearance of urges (ovulation)
    Also I fell after being sick of covid. Weakness? Being afraid? Idk!
    Then sadness, strong emotional stress and ovulation can cause I fall but not always
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2023
  12. timcia

    timcia Fapstronaut

    I may write about stress and emotions tomorrow. I think we should all search in Google: Verses Joy. This helps us learn how to find joy God's way.
    Mara43 likes this.
  13. Sefz33

    Sefz33 Fapstronaut

    . 1. Blasphemy against the holy spirit. 2. Pride 3. Lust 4. Gluttony 5. Sloth 6. Wrath 7. Envy 8. Greed.
  14. timcia

    timcia Fapstronaut

    Thanks for your great suggestions. Today I wrote on sloth.
  15. timcia

    timcia Fapstronaut

    One thing leads to another. One sin leads to another. Consider what is going on in your life and think about whether it leads back to lust.
    Pride: In fighting mad I wrote about staying calm and allowing others to have an opinion. If this or something like that is a problem do a Google search "verses pride" and study them today or maybe print them out. Pride must be pounded out with scripture when it is a stronghold. Second, set an alarm and consider praying every hour:
    "Father, take away my spirit of pride, and help me to run from lust."
    Second, gluttony. I am praying again today:
    "Father, help me to have self-control with what I eat." If it is a stronghold do a Google search "verses gluttony."
    Sloth: I wrote about it this week.
    Wrath: Meekness is the ability to handle conflicts, insults, and crises without blowing up and without egotism. Meekness keeps us from temptation. Pray: Father, take away this spirit of lust and give me a Spirit of meekness.
    Envy: James 3:16 ESV For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every vile practice."
    I will write an article on this soon.
    Greed: This issue is just like lust. We usually need to read verses on greed every day for a month to fight it back. Read verses first then pray about it.
    Sadness: Here is an article about learning the habit of praising and giving thanks.
    Finally, notice that the main thing we use to for the war is scripture. Search "verses _____" so that you know what God says to do to fight the issue. Then we can study, meditate, memorize, and pray over key scriptures.
    Make it a daily habit to fight tooth and nail anything that causes you to slip up.