How I cured my lactose intolerance

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Quezatolah, Dec 9, 2021.

  1. Quezatolah

    Quezatolah Fapstronaut

    I used to fart alot and get my bowel movement going and have diarrhea if I drank enough milk.

    Here is what I've done to cure my lactose intolerance: I drank more milk.

    I drank 5 glasses of milk everyday for about a month now which comes out to 1.5 liters(I've measured), what you need to do is drink an amount that is comfortable to you and do it everyday for atleast two weeks and then gradually increase how much you drink in a day.

    Do that and your body will develop a tolerance to it as it does everything else, in everything we do our body makes adaptations aslong as the stimulus isn't sudden and we give our body enough time.

    Now I can chug down 2 liters without a problem.
    brahmacarya and devsMind like this.
  2. It is Finished

    It is Finished Fapstronaut

    That sounds like a great idea. Imagine your body is telling you not to do something, and instead of stopping, you try to force it to learn how to handle it. Genius.
    An0nym0use1234 likes this.
  3. Quezatolah

    Quezatolah Fapstronaut

    Is your body always right? Your body is also telling you to watch porn, should you listen to it?

    This is not forcing, I'm giving it enough to where it can develop a tolerance over several weeks time.

    It's no different from progressive overloading in the gym.
  4. It is Finished

    It is Finished Fapstronaut

    Sorry, comparing how your body reacts to a food, to your body craving sexual pleasure, are entirely different things. You know the same thing happens when you drink alcohol regularly or do drugs? I’ve never heard of anyone building up a tolerance for food. Perhaps you should consider the fact that you’re consuming the milk of a different species. That might give you an answer as to why your body reacts in such a way.
  5. Quezatolah

    Quezatolah Fapstronaut

    You're being disingenuous, they're only different on the surface, you need to use logic to determine whether your body is signaling you something good or not.

    We have an amazing ability to adapt to whatever we do, we just gotta be careful and not do things that are bad for us.
  6. It is Finished

    It is Finished Fapstronaut

    Have you asked yourself why people are lactose intolerant to begin with?
    That’s right, and it seems you aren’t careful enough.
  7. Quezatolah

    Quezatolah Fapstronaut

    Obviously because their intestine lacks enough lactase to break down the lactose sugar in milk.

    You think I haven't read about this?

    I have now more lactase, I could tell I developed a tolerance because I was observing the quality of my poop, as it became harder in texture akin to how it was before I did this, I knew my body was now absorbing the contents of the milk including the lactose.
  8. SickSicko

    SickSicko Fapstronaut

    Milk is satan's cum, consume it at your own risk.
  9. Quezatolah

    Quezatolah Fapstronaut

    Milk comes from cows and I've been consuming it my whole life.

    I don't see the risk, also I didn't know satan was a cow, a female cow at that. Females don't produce cum, or are you going to argue breast milk and semen are the same next?
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2021
  10. SickSicko

    SickSicko Fapstronaut

    Nah bro, I'm intolerant too, tried your method but sadly made no difference for me, that previous post was me arriving excesibly drunk yesterday.

    Milk is not for everybody though, even if they are not fully intolerant, very debatable food source.
  11. Quezatolah

    Quezatolah Fapstronaut

    You didn't do exactly as I did, even if you can only handle 1cl a day, you start from there and gradually increase over a long period of time.

    I don't believe you're so special your body can't adapt eventually like other human beings, the key is consistency and patience.
  12. SickSicko

    SickSicko Fapstronaut

    Well, I have another issues that contribute to me not being able to.

    Because ironically, I used to be able to handle whatever amount I would see fit, but after a certain event at 17, it radically stopped.

    So yeah, I'm not denying the validity of your method, you are not the only one with such testimony. Just not for me.
    Quezatolah likes this.
  13. devsMind

    devsMind Fapstronaut

    Just a fun thought from my side-that sounds like win-win situation! :D

    I mean there are really three possible outcomes with this approach:
    1)full success, no more intolerance, no more farts-PEOPLE YOU LIVE WITH NO LONGER MIND
    2)partial failure, still intolerant, but after some time all folks around will get totally used to it, so-PEOPLE YOU LIVE WITH NO LONGER MIND
    3)full failure, still intolerant and at some point folks around can not longer bear it and runaway, even then still valid-PEOPLE YOU LIVE WITH NO LONGER MIND
  14. JoeinUSA

    JoeinUSA Fapstronaut

    So, if someone is allergic to lactose (there are different levels of reaction, BTW), or to nuts or seafood, as other examples, the remedy is to consume large amounts and toughen your body through to an immunity?

  15. Quezatolah

    Quezatolah Fapstronaut

    No, it's to consume small amounts of whatever you're allergic to that you can handle and gradually increase over time, you don't want to shock your body, adaptation happens after a long exposure so it needs to be an amount you can do everyday.
  16. Quezatolah

    Quezatolah Fapstronaut

    I was farting alot at first, but only did it in my room. In the gym I just let it rip though I did go near a wall/away from people generally.
    devsMind likes this.
  17. WalkingForward

    WalkingForward Fapstronaut

    I'm not lactose intolerant but I think this is a bad idea.
    Lactose is a type of sugar.
    It's probably not optimal for anybody, some people just evolved the ability to somewhat tolerate it because there weren't many other sources of calories they had access to and they would have starved otherwise.
  18. Quezatolah

    Quezatolah Fapstronaut

    You just explained why some people are tolerant so I didn't have to.

    It's epigenetics, people who're born tolerant were just those whose parents and grandparents drank alot of milk in their life.

    People who're intolerant are people whose ancestors did not drink milk and so didn't develop tolerance to lactose, it's that simple.
  19. It is Finished

    It is Finished Fapstronaut

    That’s not how human physiology works.
  20. Quezatolah

    Quezatolah Fapstronaut

    That is how it works, for example the reason black people are black is due to alot of melanin in their skin due to living near the equators with alot of sun exposure. That's why you get a tan but do that for long enough over several generation and the kids born will naturally have darker skin, the adaptations made will carry over to your descendants, epigenetics.

    The same goes for our diet and lifestyle.