Thoughts on Hentai?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Deleted Account, Jan 14, 2022.

  1. Hey everyone!

    I just read someone's post on the forums here. I brought up a time in the teens of the year 2,000's (most likely 2015). During that time I was exclusively into Hentai. I was a huge Anime nerd in my High School years all I ever did. One cold February I visited a Anime Convention and went to a 18+ panel. Non the less this panel was Hentai related. But I remember getting a different view of it from the Author that came from Kanagawa Japan.

    She said to us that it's more about the beauty and how it's made. More along the lines that it's more attention to detail and how beautiful it can be. At the time she had a glow to her from me sitting about 12 rows back. Very confident, Not afraid, gave her lecture. Our crowd was respectful to her as we all said はい! Hai Yes! or わかりました! Wakarimashita I understand For her own culture. But now it comes to my mind that I have this question now. Can it damage our brains or if we saw it in a different way for beauty, would it change our views or Auras? Or would it still damage us in away?

    I know for a fact it can still be bad to view and I'm not giving anybody 100% any ideas on watching. But it just raises a question.
    Akbarmagnus and Jaime1978 like this.
  2. BrSweat

    BrSweat Fapstronaut

    Hentai is so damaging to the psyche mainly because it has no limits to how much hypersexual it is. It has no boundaries. I would stay away from it especially if youre an addict or watch fetishized genres.
  3. IOGD

    IOGD Fapstronaut

    Like BrSweat said, I think it's pretty hard to view hentai purely artistically unless you're the most self-controlled, godlike person in existence. Classical nude paintings, as a different example, are rarely intended sexually, and so bodies are painted with dignity and without the intention of producing sexual thoughts. Those are easier to view from an artistic standpoint. But hentai in the vast, vast majority of cases is intended to produce sexual thoughts. Even if there are more artistic and non-sexual examples out there, they're so few and far in between, so it's far better to cut out hentai entirely from one's life than take the 99% risk of damaging yourself.
    TimeToQuitNow likes this.

  4. I would assume though that most are painted with passion coming from the artists them self's. But at the same time It may be damaging to their minds of sex in reality, who knows? This Woman was clearly confident in her work and seemed legit 100% normal.
  5. ImFuture

    ImFuture Fapstronaut

    Hentai is just crap in my opinion.

    Attach to real life.
  6. OhWhenThe

    OhWhenThe Fapstronaut

    Women aren't visual in the same way that men are. To her it probably is just art, to men however it's a whole bunch of sexual cues, just in cartoon form.
    NutMaster777 likes this.
  7. N0tLivingLikeLarry

    N0tLivingLikeLarry Fapstronaut

    Was never interested in it since in my eyes it's just drawn women, from what I've heard though it tends to get pretty fucked up.
    Re-Life2010 likes this.

  8. It really is a waste of time I have to agree.
    Not even sure if it's worse with fictional character's to non fictional. But it is crap, lude, and down right offensive at times.

  9. Yes it indeed is my friend. More vivid and content with the coloring to make things appeal more out to you, so it is much more muddy.
  10. N0tLivingLikeLarry

    N0tLivingLikeLarry Fapstronaut

    It also makes the more gruesome or just downright disturbing genres more accessible, I remember hearing about this one comic that contained some pretty graphic necrophilia
    Gar Funkle likes this.
  11. jcl1990

    jcl1990 Fapstronaut

    Hentai porn or porn with real people.
    Both are ways to indulge the sexual desire, the sexual appetite. There is no difference. People describe regular porn as art, too. It’s an alternative perspective. Anything can be described as art lol
    Re-Life2010 likes this.
  12. Hentai is one of the worse things man has created. Most of it has underage characters and a good portion of it is 100 percent rapey. It is complete sensory overload with it's visuals. If I could of never been exposed to it my life would be so much better.
  13. VinceLaCroix

    VinceLaCroix Fapstronaut

    It's fucked up. There are more or less vanilla hentai, and there is fucked up bullshit like tentacles or bestiality or whatever, all of it is too stimulating and intensifies this addiction to the level that none other porn genre can. I started fapping to trans trash after watching some of that crap. It's even worse if it is a visual novel or something. Shit like taimanin asagi, euphoria, kuroinu should be banned from existing and it's creators should be hanged, drown and quartered.

  14. I don’t even understand how the Japanese government hasn’t locked down on this kinda freakish nature. Considering they blur out their own “normal” content. The fact that more gruesome stuff is okay?
  15. I honestly wish I never was.. Being a loner in High School kinda led me to this. Freshman year was one of the worst.
  16. Gar Funkle

    Gar Funkle Fapstronaut

    Most of the regrettable hentai games that I have now gotten rid of were not beautiful at all. Not going into detail at all but every kind of degenerate porn theme is always used in these and 90% of the time the main characters do not want with what is being dealt onto them. You wonder why public molestation and record number of rapist and child rapists are from japan. It creates degenerates. Shit they've even banned men from trains now they have had to segregate the trains for women's safety.
  17. moongod

    moongod Fapstronaut

    oh god, don't get me started on loli hentai, it's so fucked up. Like honestly, which sane person wakes up and thinks "hmm maybe i should make hentai of little girls getting raped/dominated by dudes and say well they're over 5000 years old" what a messed up society we live in
    Sharking, Mixolydian and Gar Funkle like this.
  18. Sometimes I really wish I could unsee all the hentai I've seen. And it made me branch out into similar western stuff. I'm quiting porn and sometimes a bit of fucked up hentai hits me or something like it on the western side I exposed myself to and I just feel sick. I hate the young me for all the stuff he saw and wanted more that I can't unsee.
    Sharking, Gar Funkle and moongod like this.
  19. Rehab101

    Rehab101 Fapstronaut

    Curse those tentacles
  20. NutMaster777

    NutMaster777 Fapstronaut

    Hentai is Porn, Porn cannot be purely artistic because it’s intention is to arouse you, for that reason I’d even say it’s hard for it to be artistic at all, furthermore, mainstream Porn is simply emotionless. I think if one say Porn is a form of art they are pretentious or have interests in the industry, I don’t think nobody ever said something like “Oh, her gagging sounds like a symphony” or “Oh, it was very touching when she received his gift even while choking, so intimate”, I don’t even remember to have seen a cinematographic shot in a Porn movie. It’s simply not it’s focus to be artistic, it doesn’t sell.

    Nudism is a form of art though, and even if that can be arousing, it’s not its ultimate goal; if you look to Greek sculpture for example, they portrayed virtuous males with small penises, because it represents self control, but fauns which are hedonistic creatures are portrayed with giant and erect penises, so for Greeks art is actually opposed to sexual desire, at least as depicted in Porn.
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2022
    Sharking and Gar Funkle like this.