should i wait for the one or start having fun?

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by HardWorkOnly, Apr 30, 2022.

  1. HardWorkOnly

    HardWorkOnly Fapstronaut

    i am almost 22 years old virgin guy,i have never had a relashionship or even kissed a girl.My whole life i've been waiting for the one girl that i will get in a relashionship and have the first kiss and sex,the girl that i will love.Do you think i should keep this mentality or change and just go out and kiss and f the girls that are meh for experience and for fun?,should i wait for the girl that i will fall in love or this is just not as magical as i think?
    somuchforsubtlety likes this.
  2. Just my opinion, but I say don't put so much pressure on yourself to find "the one" right away. Odds are you may need to date several people to find the one. Dating and getting to know someone can be a growing experience for you. It'll help show you what you really want and don't want in a significant other. Would I be in a rush to find a girl to kiss and have sex with? No, just let things happen naturally over time.
  3. jcl1990

    jcl1990 Fapstronaut

    I’ve thought like this before, and then I actually got the girl who I liked a lot. But then SHE stopped wanting to hang out with me haha

    So even if your intentions are in the right place, it doesn’t mean you will have the fairy tale ending even if you do temporarily get the girl you want

    Maybe I’m wrong though, but that’s just my experience so far in life
    somuchforsubtlety and helloo1221 like this.
  4. HardWorkOnly

    HardWorkOnly Fapstronaut

    So you think i should try without waiting for the perfect girl yo have sex or first kiss?
    somuchforsubtlety likes this.
  5. HornyChang

    HornyChang Fapstronaut

    This is not really a question for us to answer, its what YOU want to do and your own preferences.
    somuchforsubtlety and helloo1221 like this.
  6. jcl1990

    jcl1990 Fapstronaut

    It’s ultimately your decision. If you do decide to have sex though, there are risks involved - pregnancy for example. Just be careful with whatever you decide to do

    I do think that having sex or kissing a girl, even if she isn’t perfect, is way better than PMO. Also, being with a real girl does help drive away PMO urges in my honest opinion

    But it’s your choice
    somuchforsubtlety and helloo1221 like this.