Woman hating incel

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Jrmz94, May 12, 2022.

  1. Yeah, that's not really what that verse means, but it's very off topic so we can just leave it at that.
  2. Psalm27:1my light

    Psalm27:1my light Fapstronaut

    Your post came across as very rude to me also. I am double your age, so it could be a generational thing. Plus, communication can easily be misunderstood when all one has is written text.
    TakingTheSteps likes this.
  3. IR254

    IR254 Fapstronaut

    Now I'm kinda getting pissed off, because I LITERALLY asked you to correct my understanding of your view in case I got it wrong MULTIPLE times, to which you didn't respond AT ALL. Therefore, I provided MULTIPLE possible interpretations of your words; if none of them were accurate, you could have rephrased your argument to make it easier to understand (like I did multiple times as well). That's how a discussion works. Also, if you keep half of your argument to yourself, how the hell am I supossed to know what the fuck you think. I picked up on the things I could read from you in this thread and I described in great detail how I understood your words. If that wasn't how you wanted to be understood, then speak the fuck up and correct me instead of whining about being "put into a box". That's just pathetic.

    Also, while we're speaking about being misrepresented: I worked with what I could read from you. You, on the other hand, pulled some weird crap out of your ass, that I didn't say in the least, although I provided my view in great detail and in multiple different formulations.If that isn't enough for you to properply grasp my idea, then that's on you not me.

    That's not my problem. Then work on that. It's not my fault you lack the words. Read a proper book, that helps.

    Oh my god, your reading comprehension can't possibly be that bad. "It comes across as if..." IS NOT the same as a declarative sentence "you don't....". Is that so hard to understand?

    "I can call your post rude if I felt it was rude, which I did...". Gotta love the cherry picking.

    So, let's just let this rest. That's probably the best.
  4. I did speak up, and corrected you on many things. And you continued to not understand, so I decided it was time to end the conversation. This entire response from you is very good confirmation to me that that was the right decision. You are swearing at me, calling me pathetic, saying I'm "pulling things out of my ass," insulting my intelligence, telling me I need to "read a proper book" just because I admittedly that I sometimes have a difficult time explaining myself, like all humans do (which, by the way, I never said was your fault... I merely said that it frustrates me when I can't express myself properly. Yeah, it is my problem... I never claimed it was anyone else's problem. I was being just being honest about why I find debates like this can get frustrating for me). That's completely uncalled for and not at all warranted.

    I'm not going to be responding to you any further about this. Enjoy your weekend.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 20, 2022
    FocusIsLove likes this.
  5. IR254

    IR254 Fapstronaut

    Yea, merry fuckin christmas.

    Edit: Gotta love how you edit your posts after I respond.
  6. CommonUser

    CommonUser Fapstronaut

    We have a really good treatment over here for people like him, although it is not aproved by law.
    gorl likes this.
  7. I know we have already resolved this in private messages, but I just saw this, and I want to be clear for the record, because I don't appreciate that implication.

    First of all, the first time this happened, I literally told you that I just edited my post right as you responded, in case you wanted to go back and read it. We basically posted at the same time, and as a courtesy to you, I told you I edited the post because I didn't want you to not be able to respond to what I changed. Which I didn't have to do... I was being courteous.

    But I have never, not once, intentionally edited something after you replied, to be sneaky. Do I sometimes edit my posts if I think of something else to add? Yes. But I don't change things in some kind of sneaky way, like you are implying. And I try to get my edits in quickly, before anyone responds to the post. And the one time I made a significant edit before you could respond, I informed you of that. You responded very fast before I finished the edit, so I told you.

    So yeah... this implication that I'm over here making sneaky edits to make you look bad or something is 100% false, and I don't appreciate that claim being put out there with no evidence and no way for me to prove it false.

    I'm not looking for a response to this message. We've already ended this matter privately, and I'm not trying to open it again. But since you did the very thing you were accusing me of doing and made an edit after the fact that I never saw or had a chance to respond to, I feel the need to respond to it now.

    Anyway, that's it from me.
  8. IR254

    IR254 Fapstronaut

    I'm not gonna respond to this in great detail, because - as you said - we already resolved this in private and what I said in our private conversation already included that Edit in my last message. I just want to point out, that my Edit was made just a minute or so after the original message was posted and marked as "Edit". That's everything I wanna say in that regard.
  9. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    @TakingTheSteps a lot of men would rather victimize male sex offenders than condemn them without sympathy. But let me tell you that such devil's advocates think this way because they 'project' themselves into the offenders' deeds, thus they can understand what motivated them in the first place and hate the idea of like-minded males receiving a harsh treatement.
    TakingTheSteps likes this.
  10. Oh trust me, I'm well aware. That fact was not lost on me from the moment this thread began.

    Reminds me of what Jo Bennett says on The Office:

    "When Mamma was working as a prison guard, and something went missing, she'd ask one question. What do we do when we find the guilty party? And if they said come down on them with that swift hammer of justice. Innocent. A clear conscience don't need no mercy. But if they said, Officer Bessy, well they may have had a reason, blah, blah, blah. Well nine times out of ten, that's the anus they check."
    she-dernatinus likes this.
  11. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    That's a very good one since it's applicable to many situations. They just think people are stupid enough not to see through them, and they can't be more wrong. It's funny and ironic how a guilty mind is never at ease, and the slightest form of judgment, even indirect makes go into a crazy form of justification craving.
  12. im_done

    im_done Fapstronaut

    These issues are a result of 2nd wave feminism and Lyndon B Johnson's Great Society Project. Take men out of the home and then demonize the majority them. A match made in Hell.
  13. im_done

    im_done Fapstronaut

    Also, if this guy is 6 foot and 185, he's not a hideous creature out of a Lovecraft novel. If he got his shit together, he could find a decent person in America or abroad. I hope he gets shit rocked.
  14. Incels are incredibly dangerous full stop. like the dog you back into a corner, totally a liability to people around them especially women, I grew up seeing this in high school and now this is what happens when the cancer keeps growing, it starts killing the host, poisoning everything around them until someone gets hurt or killed. I am so worried for the people just wanting to live their lives and hook up with someone they want to love and have a family with, to find that person you have to swim through a lot of shit.
  15. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    Indeed , this is true. And these people are scumbags.