How do you stick it ?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Upwards2020, Jun 2, 2022.

  1. Upwards2020

    Upwards2020 Fapstronaut

    Everyday the travel , the traffic the Red lights every quarter mile . The moody passive aggressive cashier . The delivery that went missing . there's the opposite people who seem to be intent on constantly distracting you In some way you ever get that feeling someone is staring . Well when I do it's usually because someone is and usually staring right at me smiling . Jesus Christ can only take so much distracting when driving without feeling like I'm about to crack up

    Is It normal to be feeling a constant strain on my patience and concentration. Resulting in anger
    Feeble_Minded_Fenton likes this.
  2. Meshuga

    Meshuga Fapstronaut

    It is if you’re rewiring! Also sounds like your overstimulated in general. You need to get some quiet time, chill out
    Feeble_Minded_Fenton likes this.
  3. I feel this, just contemplating how long I will wait at red lights in my lifetime. Although isn't life itself just a million distractions? I wish society placed more of an emphasis on meditation.
  4. He can walk on water and created the universe. I'm pretty sure he could handle any amount of distractions while driving.
    Feeble_Minded_Fenton likes this.
  5. Morior Invictus

    Morior Invictus Fapstronaut

  6. Meshuga

    Meshuga Fapstronaut

    Jesus Christ got overstimulated just like anyone else. He had to get away from crowds. He needed time to pray quietly. But that’s not the point is it, I mean Upwards is in distress and we’re nitpicking his choice of expression instead of being kind
  7. Be the exception

    Be the exception Fapstronaut

    Would you prefer to contemplate how many car crashes you’ll be in your lifetime as a result of no red lights? What a ridiculous thing to ponder.
  8. Be the exception

    Be the exception Fapstronaut

    He was blaspheming the name of Jesus. It’s just hard to understand because he has very poor sentence structure and grammar.
  9. Upwards2020

    Upwards2020 Fapstronaut

    Blasphemy don't make me laugh
  10. Some people ponder things, maybe you should leave it at that rather than end a comment in a demeaning way? lol
  11. I tip my hat to you when you only focused on the first part of my comment, do you still have a jadedness anger from relapsing?
  12. Be the exception

    Be the exception Fapstronaut

    You're right, that was unnecessary. However, think about it. Why concern yourself with how much time you lose at red lights as opposed to the thousands of hours we typically waste on video games, social media, TV etc. It's astronomical in comparison, and we can actually control it.
    I don't have anger from relapsing, I'm well over that. I do have a general anger towards this shit hole society of idiocy. Regarding the other part of your comment, life itself is not a million little distractions. Distraction is a relative word. To be distracted is to lose focus of where your intentions were. Sometimes it happens against our will, a lot of times we do it to ourselves. We should all work to eliminate the latter as much as possible. In regards to meditation, life can we be one big meditation if you make it so. The first step is certainly eliminating unnecessary tech use.
    Feeble_Minded_Fenton likes this.
  13. While I like the first half of your comment, things like video games and social ARE distractions. I must say though that society as a whole is bad, but society is not comprised of idiots entirely. Boy the irony saying this with my profile. As for tech, that can never be totally eliminated unless you are in a cabin in the woods, disconnected. I could be wrong but there seems to be contempt when saying "shit hole society of idiocy"
  14. Be the exception

    Be the exception Fapstronaut

    Yes they are distractions that we willingly distract ourselves with. They aren't distractions against our will. Speak for yourself.. abuse of technology can be eliminated if you so wish it. To only use tech for productive manners is not impossible, though incredibly rare. Of course there's contempt when I say that. Its 2022 and Mcdonalds is still in business. Not to mention we have people complaining about how pokemon promotes animal abuse. We're headed down the gutter, fast.
  15. Yeah, I understood that... it was a joke.
    Pornscars likes this.
  16. Be the exception

    Be the exception Fapstronaut

    So you’re joking now about Jesus? Another blasphemer I see.
  17. No, I was mocking someone for their use of making Jesus' name into a cuss word. I very much dislike people using God's name that way, so when I see it happening, sometimes I choose to point it out, and in this case I chose to do so in a humorous way.

    Maybe you should stop pointing fingers at people and assuming you know their hearts.
    Feeble_Minded_Fenton likes this.
  18. Be the exception

    Be the exception Fapstronaut

    I was just joking actually. I thought you had me blocked anyways.
  19. I did, until you started posting false covid information on my personal profile and I had to unblock you so I would be aware of what you were posting there and could delete or report whatever needed to be deleted or reported.

    Anywhoozle, this is off topic and I don't really want to talk to you anyway, so bye.
  20. IR254

    IR254 Fapstronaut

    Before I give you my two cents on the matter, be aware that I am not really a "people person". I usually don't like other people very much and I don't really like being around them, if I don't have to. So, what I am about to say may be the result of issues I have or whatever, but it's how I feel, so here we go:

    I personally think it is normal to a degree, yes. Let's face it: A lot of people are just dumb as fuck and therefore it's a complete pain in the ass to deal with them on a daily basis. And I don't mean "dumb" as in "low IQ" or "little factual knowledge", but rather in the sense of "no common sense". I find it difficult to deal with such people, because I always get a feeling like "You can't possibly be that dumb". On days, where I have to deal with lots of things like that, I can certainly understand that you feel anger. I do too, sometimes.

    That being said, I try to get better at just letting go of such thoughts and feelings. I personally have identified the state of mind called "ataraxia", which the Greek philosopher Epicurus taught to his students, as my personal ideal. I try to get closer to that state of mind, which really is a challenge. But I think it would be better for my mental state, as well as my relationships to other people. I'd advice to to take a look at that, if you get the chance. Maybe it is intersting for you as well.