I'm so tired

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Just V, Jun 5, 2022.

  1. Just V

    Just V Fapstronaut

    Just joined NoFap today, still need some time figuring out all terminology and don't really know how to write a thread but I just wanted to share this with someone.
    I've been into P for a long time now, since I was 11 or smth like that and never really tried fighting my addiction or even thinking that I may develop addiction to it. It was just PMO, regret, time passing by and repeat.

    As I grew older I started struggling with urge to fap but would easily break, so my real battle started after I turned 20 and addiction got worse. At some point, I managed to "stay clean" for half a year and to my own surprise I haven't even noticed that at first, like literally the whole idea of PMO just vanished by itself. I remember how one day the urge started taking over but then I said to myself "I wonder how long it can last" and it took me to the point when I started shaking but still didn't even watched P that day and got a feeling like was released from chains, after that began my half a year strike.

    Now I don't feel that willpower in me to abstain from PMO, It really gets bad at weekends when I stay home alone and waking up at morning, feels like a fog surrounds my mind and all the ways to fight just gets blocked, can't even reach me. I really feel that this problem affected my memory and whole health, even now when writing this thread and seeing all repeating words. I just feel tired fighting and have no motivation going further but also can't keep falling into PMO abyss.

    Honestly didn't expect to write that much but anyway, don't even know how to call it, a cry for help or just thoughts on how addiction feels like to me. I'm not sure already if I can save myself from it.
    Dares Greeneye and learning like this.
  2. InappropriateUsername

    InappropriateUsername Fapstronaut

  3. DayOne44

    DayOne44 Fapstronaut

    Everything you wrote in your second paragraph is inspirational.

    Intuitively, you knew that pornography and masturbation were not good for you.

    You didn't need anyone condemning you or preaching at you.

    Rather, you were aware of yourself, and with that self-awareness, you were able to make for change.

    All that you accomplished there were without the aid of NoFap.

    From what I've seen, many guys struggle on NoFap for years before getting to that point.

    You already have tremendous personal resources from which to draw.

    This, even though you feel tempted to give in to urges at this time.

    Quite simply, you are already ahead of the game.
    Just V likes this.
  4. Just V

    Just V Fapstronaut

    Just want to make it clear that my half a year streak ended in 2021, I noticed that didn't mentioned it after was rereading my post, but in any case both your and reply above gave me hope. It makes me happy that someone answered.
  5. I fapped like three times in a row yesterday and it has had huge negative effects on my productivity I still regret it. Also, I never made it half a year. But I got into Nofap like a year and a half ago. In the first 6 months I was motivated, and no matter how bad things got I would fight, and I managed to get 30 days. However, about one year ago, I found the same thing about my willpower depleting. Like I just dont want to fight urges anymore, so I have been relapsing basically every 3 days or less. The most I made it in the past year is 7 days like 2 or 3 times which is pathetic.

    For me I always had bad urges, and being on nofap lead to some serious emotional problems, I was so depressed and angry at everyone and I was crying everyday multiple times when I was alone. And I was always urging and dealing with mesed up thoughts, but at that time, I had will power to fight through it.

    Eventually, I just stopped getting so emotional and I dont have will power anymore. I literally havent made it past 7 days without it ending in at least a 1 hour edging session. But usually more than that with multiple relapses. Feels bad man : (
    ace1234 and Just V like this.
  6. Just V

    Just V Fapstronaut

    I'm not good at supporting people, but I do believe you still can go through it. I felt so empty the day when wrote this thread that even the concert that I was waiting for past 2 years couldn't cheer me up, but now after 3 days I feel better and don't wanna give up. Usually after PMO there is no energy left in me to do anything, I just sit before monitor feeling super depressed. But 1 day I got so tired of this post nut clarity bullshit that right after shower I put some clothes, done some pushups and exercises, cleaned up my home and went for a walk before sleep, all feeling super charged. And by the end of the day, I felt myself very good, not because I coomed and washed off all stress, but because I got over myself.

    That's how you beat this shit, you need to simply get over yourself, don't focus too much on P OR your failure, focus on what you do to fight it, direct all your energy after relapse on ways to fight it, some other activities or more healthy thoughts. Sometimes after my relapses I can't even listen to some music or play games I played before because I have bad associations to it after I coom, like they were supposed to save me from my inner demons, help me in my struggle with P but they failed and I abandon them because of it (I know how stupid it sounds lol). I still have some of these thoughts in me but I realized that don't want to abandon any piece of media that I like because I had one bad day. Yes, I'm writing this after I relapsed myself and started this whole thread, yes, there is too much of P nowadays and you may have been watching it for a loong period of time like I did, and yes, you may fail not once trying to not focus on P or doing something else. But it's important to keep doing things you do when fighting P. It's just like hitting gym, you may come there as a skinny guy and feeling dead after one day of hard workout, but if you keep going there, with time you'll become much stronger than you were.
    Just like it was mentioned above, it's important getting a plan of things that can help in fight. For me it was blocking the infamous P site alongside one other, getting out of house on weekends more often, doing some exercises sometimes, reading a book or hanging out with friends atleast once in 2 weeks and I believe there is much more to it. Some of it may not apply to you personally, but you can find something your own. Of course you can slip one day, but if you'll keep adding to your activites despite feeling bad, you may push out P out of your life.

    I do not know your story and you may think I just imagined myself Jordan Peterson of some sort and that I don't care, but I just found your reply very relatable and wanted to atleast try helping, because I do care. I really hope you'll be able to shine a light in your soul again and beat your addiction, just remember that if you'll want to watch P again. Good luck, man.
    IdkAboutThis likes this.