Getting rid of my disgusting diaper fetish

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by adiums, Apr 8, 2021.

  1. adiums

    adiums Fapstronaut

    Hi all,

    Lately, I've been feeling like a broken record; I've only come to terms with how serious my addiction is.

    Let me sum up my story. Since I was 11/12, I've been interested in a weird fetish. That fetish is ABDL (Adult Baby/Diaper Lover), specifically women (18+) wearing and using diapers. It's gross. For much of my teenage years I didn't mind it, I indulged in it. But, each time I'd orgasm, I'd feel shame, guilt and disgust. The whole ABDL community tells me to accept it for who I am. But, how is this normal? How can an object me my sole source of arousal?!

    What I'm going to say next will probably shock you. I've never masturbated to vanilla sex. I jumped straight into this type of fetish when I was young. I completely missed the vanilla stuff and delved deep into the darkest corners of the internet. It's messed me up good. As a result, having a normal, romantic relationship was never on my mind. Sex never interested me.

    I tried having a normal relationship once. I remember my first kiss and boom, I was able to get an erection! I was ecstatic, this was the first time I had an erection to something that was healthy and normal. Whilst we didn't have sex, we did other sexual things and again, I was able to get an erection. I no longer felt like the weird asexual with a fetish addiction. However, sex scared me. Maybe it was performance anxiety? PIED? I couldn't get it up during intercourse. It's also useful to keep in mind that as soon as I introduced the fetish into our relationship, things went downhill...

    Recently, I've began speaking with someone new and I don't want to make the same mistakes again. As a result, I've been trying Nofap. And boy, it's been tough. Every night for the past week I've been dreaming of my fetish! Just going more than 24 hours is hard. And not to brag, I've climbed some dangerous mountains in the Himalayas and the Alps and I can tell you NoFap is way harder! Relapse after relapse...

    There is a glimmer of hope. While the idea of sex alone doesn't turn me on (yet), the thought of kissing and cuddling with this new girl I'm speaking to get me 90% hard. After a decade of fapping to weird and disgusting things, it's a strange feeling that I'm able to get somewhat hard just thinking about a girl...

    I don't know what I'm trying to say. Basically, I don't know if abstaining from my fetish will help as I never had interest in vanilla sex before my fetish. However, has watching porn relating to my fetish for over a decade rewired my brain into thinking that this is my only source of arousal? As I said previously, it feels like deep within me, deep deep down, there is a craving for a healthy relationship with a woman but it keeps getting overshadowed by my fetish.

    One final thing. I literally can't go a day without looking at my fetish porn. It's serious. It's fused into my brain. Just need to find that willpower and hope and pray it'll rewire and heal my brain...
    TimeToQuitNow, Kilrunio and jrm61 like this.
  2. sam30

    sam30 Fapstronaut

    Look into the mirror and say to yourself thisnfetish is bad for my health I need to stop and dip your face in the the sink cold water
  3. You are not your addiction, you are not your fetish, anymore than someone who wants to give up drinking is not defined by alcohol.
    Fetishes can be very hard to get out from under but it is possible -
    What triggers this? Anxiety? Loneliness? You don't know yet? Start tracking what triggers it..

    YPOP has a lot of threads about it:
  4. Randombro

    Randombro Fapstronaut

    The trick is to not act on these urges.
    The first weeks the urges will be very strong but you have to stay stronger and with the time the urges will go away and because you don’t feed it anymore this fetish will lose power day by day and with the time it will disappear completely.
    But you have to take NoFap hardmore seriously.
    Don’t relapse each time.
    No fantasy, NoFap, no porn, no sex
    Kilrunio likes this.
  5. SpectacularWX14

    SpectacularWX14 Fapstronaut

    Believe me in that you're not the only one who has this and wants it out of their life. I've struggled with it as well for a little over 10 years now. The battle rages on, but the key is to remember that your fetish doesn't define you. You can make a choice.

    If you want an accountability partner with you on this, feel free to let me know. Would love to help overcome it with you!
  6. TimeToQuitNow

    TimeToQuitNow Fapstronaut

    Good call coming here. Hope everything works out!
  7. Quit4good

    Quit4good Fapstronaut

    Hi guys, me too here having this sexual fetish, i just seems to cant get rid of it, i keep relapsing.. help me!!!
  8. HelperX

    HelperX Fapstronaut

    Ain't nothing sexual about that bullshit. Stay away from porn and your mind will get cleaned.
    GodsDaughter and Gina3111 like this.
  9. modernstore99

    modernstore99 Fapstronaut

    Take a look at my story

    Am I a Sissy?? (Actually a good story with happy ending, trust me, read the whole thing)

    Different fetish, same issues.

    You can definitely rewire yourself and live the sexual life you truly desire. Check out YBOP for the best info

    Evolution has not prepared your brain for today’s porn

    Porn FAQs

    Are my sexual problems (ED, DE, low libido) related to my porn use?

    Is my fetish porn-induced?

    What do experts tell young guys suffering from ED (the good & the bad)

    see rebooting basics page

    What does withdrawal from porn addiction look like?

    What stimuli must I avoid during my reboot (did I relapse)?

    What about fantasizing during a reboot?

    I quit using porn and now I feel worse. Is this normal?

    How do I cope with porn flashbacks?

    What is “the chaser effect?”

    I need porn to calm me or put me to sleep.

    Does post-acute withdrawal syndrome (PAWS) occur with porn addiction?

    Rebooting with a partner: What about sex?

    What do I say to my mate?

    Porn-induced ED: What do I tell my girlfriend?

    What if my partner is a porn addict?

    Does porn addiction cause irreversible damage to the brain?

    Why did my porn use escalate?

    What are the symptoms of excessive Internet porn use?

    Studies linking porn use to poorer mental-emotional health & poorer cognitive outcomes

    I know it's a lot but knowledge is power against this terrible affliction.
  10. GodsDaughter

    GodsDaughter Fapstronaut


    Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) really helps with this if the fetish is fear based or rejection based. I struggled with aspects of this for a lifetime (non porn induced).

    With feitshes like these (non porn induced) there often is underlying emotional healing needs, insecurity, shame, trauma, and confusion. Such was this in my case. It is possible to learn what true love and healthy vulnability is. Freedom from this junk is possible.

    Strength, grace, and peace to you all.
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2021
  11. tjthecreator1

    tjthecreator1 Fapstronaut

    Can someone please tell me what to do because i have the same fetish and skiped vanilla sex i want to be normal
  12. GodsDaughter

    GodsDaughter Fapstronaut

    I overcame mine 100%. Here's how:

    I was abused with potty training as a child, so mine came out of a massive need for comfort and safety. I've had this desire since I was 3 years old.

    The way I did it was overtime showing myself compassion and slowly accepting the hard reality that I was abused, and it's not my fault that I was missing that grounding source of nurture. I accepted that I wanted to wear them and that it wasn't a shameful thing based on what I went through, and that it didn't make me less of a person. Having this does not make you less of a person, either, and it's okay that you're struggling. I have brothers in Christ who helped me to remove the shame of this. Shame tangles everything up and keeps in bondage to it.

    Once I accepted this hard reality and not be afraid of diapers, to even accept the idea of wearing them (which I didn't at this stage), the shame, fear, and the grip of it completely disappeared. I absolutely have zero desire anymore and they are just an object, like anything else.

    I'm still overcoming a (pee fetish/OCD) but the diaper fetish is 100% gone.

    I encourage you to give yourself the comfort in that area that you actually are looking for, with a trusted counselor.


    Now, if your diaper fetish was developed out of porn use, then this can be much easier to tackle if trauma/parental neglect wasn't involved. I encourage you to check out the many forums and support on overcoming the brainwashing of pornography and fetishes that already exist on this site and others. The more you abstain from pornography and learn how to re-see reality and life for what it is and in health, it will fade overtime. It is a journey of healing, not a sprint.

    God bless you, and praying for recovery and overcoming.
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2022
    KevinesKay likes this.
  13. tjthecreator1

    tjthecreator1 Fapstronaut

    Thank you so much looking forward to seeing your posts in the christian forum!
  14. GodsDaughter

    GodsDaughter Fapstronaut

    Take care; journal is separate.
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2022