47 days in, should i keep going or quit?

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by TheCarver, May 25, 2023.

  1. Kn0wbie

    Kn0wbie Fapstronaut

    My view - for what it’s worth… if your wanking lots then your dopamine system is fucked. Unless you reboot it you won’t know what “normal” is like.

    do some research on dopamine detox and semen retention and see if it appeals.

    if it does… stick with it. If it doesn’t… go home.

    but you won’t know how it feels unless you do it. So only one way to make an informed decision. I never expected to be here - but now I am it’s awesome!
    Stream07 and Adnilgo like this.
  2. TheCarver

    TheCarver Fapstronaut

    even though i feel way worse on it and i dont even know if it’s withdrawals since i am 49 days in i still have bad anxiety, more nervous, less confident
  3. Kn0wbie

    Kn0wbie Fapstronaut

    Hang on in there buddy… it may take a little longer
  4. TheCarver

    TheCarver Fapstronaut

    is it considered a releapse if my put pressure on my dick with hands to be aroused when i am lying down? i do this to avoid actually going full blown “edging”

    but i think as along as i don’t release any semen im good right?
  5. Kn0wbie

    Kn0wbie Fapstronaut

    I’d say no. Anything deemed as arousing… will I think have a dopamine impact. I’d definitely say edging is bad.

    my goal is to rebalance dopamine and repair dopamine receptors. Any stimulation or arousal is unhelpful… but clearly anything less than you were doing is a step forward
    Adnilgo likes this.
  6. Sleeperhead

    Sleeperhead Fapstronaut


    You're going out and about, you're so desperate for a girlfriend out of emotional neediness rather than natural horniness. You're putting pressure on yourself to go talk to them and that creates anxiety. I have had recent signs of interest from girls while on nofap, and I never even noticed them at first, I am just going about my business and they pop up.

    You have nofap down, and have made progress which is good, but now you have to learn game to get women.

    You're just too desperate man, I hate to put this bluntly, my ego could not handle going out of my way to try and beg girls - and yes you are begging them - giving them compliments = begging and pestering them while they are doing their shopping. I would only make an approach on a girl who has indicated interest. For after all women choose men. They want guys who are a catch a guy who is physically in shape, wears nice clothes, has a good career, etc. So if girls aren't choosing you then you gave to put your energy into self improvement.
    Jazir likes this.
  7. TheCarver

    TheCarver Fapstronaut

    i guess i have only one of those things which is wearing decent clothes (well, if say that its very subjective)

    so you are saying it wont work? i dont really have any other options if something like dating apps dont work. only other thing i can think of is college but i dont go there until summer is over with and i think its a long shot for me honestly.

    and its not they aren’t choosing me, i haven’t gotten to the point of asking anyone out. but so far i haven’t had any negative responses from just doing compliments. like “get away from me weirdo” type responses.
  8. I think the consensus is 90 days, but your mileage may vary.
    Adnilgo and Newbie Jasper like this.
  9. TheCarver

    TheCarver Fapstronaut

    i just wanted a few opinions on my body since i just got reminded of, does anyone think its just too unattractive for women aswell as my face that’s holding me back from
    getting anyone? i mean obviously no one would really tell if i was wearing a shirt

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    Last edited: May 28, 2023
    Heypleasehelpme likes this.
  10. Kn0wbie

    Kn0wbie Fapstronaut

    Bud - I really don’t think you needed to post that! You have the wrong mindset… there is nothing wrong with you. Most of your problems I’d say are the chemical imbalance in your head…

    You need to rebalance as nature intended you - stop wanking for 90 days… minimise anything that creates a dopamine spike. Get some exercise… as it’s good for you when you’re body is readjusting… (not because you need it!) and start caring about yourself and enjoy the world.

    Step one (and was a big shock when this happened to me about a month or two in) is you have to learn to like yourself. Then learn to love yourself.

    no one else will till you do. Once you do the rest is easy bud!
  11. Heypleasehelpme

    Heypleasehelpme Fapstronaut

    Just keep going forward never look back , there is trap , where I am stuck be careful with your mind , it is playing with you , goota control that bmf.
  12. TheCarver

    TheCarver Fapstronaut

    thanks man, appreciate it. even though exercise dont seem to do much for me mentally (maybe i am just not doing enough of it)

    i just had a few people say i was ugly as shit and it just made me depressed thinking back at it and here i am 27 years later and still single (no chemical imbalance about that) im just really starting to doubt the process of how far i am into it when most people notice changes in just 30 days.
    Newbie Jasper likes this.
  13. Kn0wbie

    Kn0wbie Fapstronaut

    buddy - step one. Factory reset. Brain chemicals balanced from dopamine overload. Caused by sugar, wanking, social media etc!
    Find some stuff on dopamine detox and sort yourself out for 90 days and get serious about it. When your brain is balanced I really think you’ll see the world differently.

    min my view this isn’t about superpowers or some magical effect of retaining semen etc… this is simple brain chemicals not as nature intended… so we get more stressed more anxious etc

    a calm you would be rational when someone told you that you were ugly! And not worry… as you know your not. A calm you would tell you if you needed to lose a few kgs and sort your diet or get some exercise. A calm you would realise you need some sort of healthy lifestyle - you’d look and feel better!!

    a calm you would be more relaxed about talking to girls. And wouldn’t care if they didn’t respond - as you’d already feel good about yourself and not take it personally!

    Number one goal buddy - sort your shit out and learn to like yourself - after that the rest is surprisingly easy!
    Adnilgo likes this.
  14. TheCarver

    TheCarver Fapstronaut

    so, i still drink sugared sodas, do i need to cut all that out going to my 90 days?

    its not that it would be the “rational thing to do” its i already been having bad luck on dating getting the bare minimum on there with barely any likes and no dates coming out of it and when you hear that about yourself, you start to connect the dots.
  15. Kn0wbie

    Kn0wbie Fapstronaut

    My advice - start with some research about dopamine and modern life. When you understand that it’s easy to decide and know why. Wanking and porn is a big part of the problem… but probably not 100%
    Adnilgo likes this.
  16. Jazir

    Jazir Fapstronaut

    Hey there.
    I dont think that you are ugly man.

    But the Problem is, your nice looks dont seem to help you either.

    I strongly recommend you Reading this book: "Models. Attract women through honestly. - Mark Manson"

    If you read this book and still do not know ONE step you can take towards approaching women better, i owe you an apology.


    The problem with this book: it is not an easy fix!
  17. TheCarver

    TheCarver Fapstronaut

    yeah bro, it is not a easy fix. all subjective.
  18. Sleeperhead

    Sleeperhead Fapstronaut

    Perhaps if you did enough cold approaches to where you get really charismatic and confident then it would work, you will have to do it in such a way that is natural and not as if you have psyched yourself up to go talk to these girlies, you would have to do it with zero expectation and face the indifference of many women who are just going about their business and don't want to bothered, there are better uses of your time and energy.

    Wait for them to invite you to talk to them. Next time you are out and about, you aren't out to meet girls, but if the opportunity is there then take it. Don't stare at any of the girls just mind your own business, if you see a girl looking at you hold eye-contact for a few seconds, but it has to be natural. This is what I mean by girls choosing you, if a girl is looking at you, or smiling at you, acting nervous these are indications of interest, and when you see them you have the green light to approach. Count down from 3 and go make conversation with her ask her how her day is going or something. Don't pay her any compliments it's not the way to build attraction.

    Online dating is a good way to meet girls too, but you need a good profile to get matches, this means professional quality photos, looks maxing and an interesting and captivating profile. Getting the matches is one thing, getting them on a date is another thing this is where game comes in.

    I have looked at the picture you posted you are way out of shape. You need to lose weight and put muscle on asap before even thinking about girls. Your face is decent, and your hair is alright - certainly not ugly, but a million miles from being looks maxed. Look at all the male celebrities they are physically in shape and have an incredibly masculine look, most have at the very least some light stubble.

    You could easily get a girlfriend if you put the work in.
    Stream07, Adnilgo and Newbie Jasper like this.
  19. TheCarver

    TheCarver Fapstronaut

    where do i start then? i been doing ab exercises at home but doesnt seem to be doing much and then i lift some dumbbells for a little bit but dont seem to be doing anything besides i have a little muscle in my upper arm. do i need to do something like 30 mins of jogging everyday? i don’t know anything about working out really

    how much protein and calories do i need to consume? my fitness pal claims 1800 but i dont know how accurate it is.

    plus how long will it take in my case?
    Last edited: May 28, 2023
  20. Sleeperhead

    Sleeperhead Fapstronaut

    You start by reducing your calorie intake. Write down all the calories you consume and then reduce it by like 400-500 that will put you in a calorie deficit. You can start jogging if you want faster results, but the main problem people have with weight is their diet. The standard american diet is incredibly poor and the majority of people are malnourished and they are starving for nutrients despite being overweight, so they consume too many calories because their body is craving nutrients.

    What you want is high quality red meat, grass-fed as opposed to grain fed. The nutrient content of animal products are much higher than any other food. This means you will be satiated and won't over-consume calories, you will have a much easier time staying lean and building muscle. You don't need to track protein just eat 1-2 pounds of red meat every day along with a large portion of carbs like rice or something. Oh and stay away from processed sugar.

    As for working out you need to get yourself in the gym bro. If you can't do that then I recommend push ups, its what I do. I do about 300 push ups a day, if I really pushed myself I could get to 500 a day. If you have weights do arms curls at least. Do repetitions until failure. Since you have a good nofap streak, working out is way easier.

    Good luck.
    Adnilgo likes this.