Why you can’t stop relapsing

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by BenjaminWalker736, Jul 7, 2023.

  1. BenjaminWalker736

    BenjaminWalker736 Fapstronaut

    You want emotional intimacy with a girl, but instead you watch porn and pay for escorts. You want a connection with a girl, but prostitution and porn will never give you that. So you relapse in the off chance, that you are fulfilling something. But in reality, your just numbing yourself because of the dark painful reality that your lonely.

    Go out and make some friends. Get a hobby. Anything that gets you out of the house more often. Put yourself out there and meet someone special.
  2. strongwarrior17

    strongwarrior17 Fapstronaut

    I certainly feel like this. Wish you luck in your own journey.
  3. I 1000% agree. Obviously, being addicted to adult content sucks, but technically it's filling a void. I just went to see two of my best friends today, and I had a meetup of a group I wish to attend. In a couple of days, I'm going to visit a boxing gym (two, in fact) to start my one-week trial. Finally, at the end of every month, we have book club.

    I'm a bit excited about all that's happening. Truth is, I realized today that being too busy - so busy that you can't even spend time with friends - is a HUGE mitsake. I haven't relapsed, but it does bring down my mood immensly, which is terrible for my mental health/depression.

    What are your thoughts? Anything you've done/plan to do with your schedule.
  4. Warrior275

    Warrior275 Fapstronaut

    I used to work remote because of the coronavirus shutdown. At first, it was fun to not drive to work and commute. But then, I was realizing just how much harder it was making NoFap for me and how much more lonely I was.

    Now, I work part time six days a week at an in-person normie job. Which has helped me to be slightly more comfortable in social settings. But I think I have gotten too busy and tired for friendships and dating. Whereas when I worked remote, I had a lot more flexible scheduling.

    L.LAWLIET Fapstronaut

  6. TheStoicStudent

    TheStoicStudent Fapstronaut

    Yes.. love this. But please know that you can be married with kids, and even love your wife and still be hooked on the stuff because the fantasy is always more exciting than the reality of a real relationship with all the ups and downs.

    I don't' say this to be a buzzkill, but just to warn you, that even if you DO have intimacy with a girl you love.. you can still fall into this hole really easily
    pete379 likes this.
  7. I guess that's the trade-off of life. You either have freedom (which can be depressing) or commitment (which can be lonely and isolating). In either case, you can't really win. Most of my friends are married with children, so outside of work, they don't really have a life, and even I don't get to see them much. Meanwhile, I'm both single and childless; while I do have responsibilities, I have the freedom to pursue hobbies that my friends don't, and so I never get to do it with them. That's why I try to make at least one friend in every activity I take on.