Male guilt

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by StayClean&Proactive, Jul 16, 2023.

  1. StayClean&Proactive

    StayClean&Proactive Fapstronaut

    I was reading a lot of subreddits about women who have needed mastectomies due to breast cancer and thier husbands no longer being attracted to them because they no longer have breasts. I can't help but to feel so sad for them and very guilty for being born a guy. I feel like a perverted scumbag for being attracted to breasts. I tried to look at photos of women who've gotten mastectomies, and I try to force myself to find them attractive since I know women are more than just their chests. I still find them less attractive without them and it makes me so mad at myself. Most men are seen as potential predators and it's understandable. Just like how white people feel white guilt due to racism, I feel horrible for being born the same gender as most rapists, pedophiles, and serial killers. I also hate having a sex drive and I wish I could only be attracted to women based on personality and personality alone. I feel so bad for women and the hardship that they face when being objectified. This is also why I've been reading so many posts on reddit and online articles about breast cancer.
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2023
  2. You shouldn't feel guilt for being a male with male sexual interests and whites absolutely should not feel guilty about racism. Focus on yourself and don't fall down a identity politics rabbit hole. Unless YOU are the person doing those things or it's otherwise having an effect on you in real life it's literally not your problem.
  3. GhostShell

    GhostShell Fapstronaut

    You should really quit reading Reddit.

    Society is completely run on the hard, difficult, dirty work that men carry out every day.
    Male labor produces the vast majority of the material wealth in society (as in, the production of the actual goods and resources)
    Up to 95% of infrastructure maintenance workers are male
    Men constitute 92% of workplace deaths

    Everything you take for granted - power, running water, the goods you use, the food you eat, the chair you're sitting on and the house you live in were provided to you through the sweat, toil, and the lives of working men.

    I'm amazed seeing power lines that pass through really difficult, hilly, hot terrain full of thorn bushes that are hard to even walk through. It's a profoundly difficult, complicated, and dangerous task to transport the necessary materials and construct them in that kind of landscape. But they do it, and that's why everyone gets to enjoy power in their homes. Be grateful.
  4. Chavin1811

    Chavin1811 Fapstronaut

    There's more to a marriage than physical attraction. If the husband gets only sexual pleasure out of it, then it's one sided. However, you should more or less worry about yourself and not get to fed up about the worst aspects of society because you would go crazy for an infinite amount of time. We are ALL imperfect in our own little (or big) ways.
  5. Amalenny

    Amalenny Fapstronaut

    I love to be such a saint that I had to carry others weight in lack of my own. But if you don't like it the best way is probably to do some wrongdoings yourself, balancing out the guilt of others.
  6. Pauley

    Pauley Fapstronaut

    You have also the same gender as all the men who are great intellects, inventors, engineers, poets, strong men, musicians, warriors, athletes etc. I'd watch the sources you get your perception from, maybe give em a break?
  7. MojaveJoey

    MojaveJoey Fapstronaut

    There is no reason for you to feel guilt about being a man. The fear is definitely not understandable. Rape is actually evenly split between gender. Serial killers gap is closer than usually is claimed. Pedophiles Hillary and Trump were both on Epstein's island our current president is one as well. Hillary prolly did stuff. Life is easy for women, and none of them face any hardship that men do not face.
  8. Kahuna81

    Kahuna81 Fapstronaut

    You shouldn't feel guilty for the actions of others.

    Focus on being the best you and be happy you are better than these men you describe.

    You are more than your gender.
  9. Sam78

    Sam78 Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    I agree about getting of Reddit. I know being on there takes a huge toll on my health because they take the most extreme views and fill up like 60 - 70 percent of your feed with it and ofc these have triggering headlines so everyone clicks on them starts to get a distorted view of things and starts to feel depressed. TLDR I feel your pain and I need to get off of Reddit too
  10. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    Unlike what the other users here are saying, I will tell you that it is a positive sign that you are feeling guilty. Not because you are of the same sex as the cheating scrotes, but because you recognize the hardships the women go through and feel a sense of kinship with them, Instead of justifying the scrotes' callous behaviour.

    If anything it just proves you are not a sociopath. And you should be glad you aren't.
    Sam78 likes this.
  11. nomo

    nomo Fapstronaut

    Guilt is a worthless emotion and one that I rarely entertain. The only time I feel guilty is when I know I'm doing something wrong. Watching porn used to make me feel guilty, it's a great relief to not be causing self-induced guilt on myself. Drinking too much makes me feel guilty and I'm working on that. Any self-harm should make us feel guilty.

    Sorry to say this, but your reasons for feeling guilty have no basis. You were born a male, you had no control over that, why the heck would you feel guilty about it? I'm proud to be a male and I like everything men stand for. If you are a moral man you are one of the greatest species ever put on this earth.
  12. Agreed. OP sounds like he harbors a lot of self-hate, which is something he should work on. Being male is awesome.
  13. Ūruz

    Ūruz Fapstronaut

    We should feel guilty if we do something wrong, then it makes sense to feel guilt. But being attracted to breasts is normal and natural part of human sexuality, nothing wrong with that—no reason to feel guilty for being sexually healthy! And sure, people have done terrible things to other people, but what this has to do with you? Unless you personally have participated in those things you are not at fault, so there is nothing to feel guilty about. You are your own individual who is responsible for your own actions, not for the actions of other people who you don't even know! You can feel compassion for the suffering of others, of course, but that does not require any guilt, merely empathy. Feeling guilt for something that has nothing to do with you is borderline pathological form of toxic self hatred. Please take care of your mental health and try to eradicate this toxic guilt mindset, it's not normal, work on developing more self love and self respect. And I agree with people above, get off of Reddit.
    Sam78 and Kahuna81 like this.
  14. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    I think he meant that he feels awful that the men cheated on women with whom they spent many years with, and who went through the horrible experience of fighting breast cancer. All for a superficial reason that serves as the proof that men don't value anything about women than whether they are fuckable to them or not.
    Sam78 likes this.
  15. pete379

    pete379 Fapstronaut

    you sound a lot like these "scrotes" that say "all women" you must be fun at parties
  16. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    Scrotes only refer to the lowest men. Not to every man. While all women refers to all women, literally. So it's a false equivalence.
    Sam78 likes this.
  17. Sam78

    Sam78 Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    So what is a healthy level of guilt. I think definitely when you do something wrong it is good that your moral compass tells you are off direction for sure. As far as your feelings about being part of a class/group that has enjoyed historic (and even current day) privileges and abused these seems reasonable, but I wonder if perhaps channeling these towards offering support to said marginalized groups (or at least the most affected members of this group) could be the healthy outlet to transmute the guilt into something positive and perhaps in this process you will discover facets of their being that will more deeply ingrain your identification and possibly attraction with them that would eventually allow you to feel connection and care for them even in the situations where their sexual appeal to you would be diminished.

    Also, it seems from what I see on Reddit, that the scales are starting to balance out and even tip in the other direction to an extent and a lot of our observations are based off of past generations but in the more recent generations where women are enjoying greater earning power relative to men, many are also behaving callously towards men as well..

    I sometimes overthink things so you may want to take what I say with a grain of salt.

    TLDR maybe activism, involving direct engagement and support, for people who are struggling is an answer to your guilt...
  18. Ūruz

    Ūruz Fapstronaut

    I mean, sure, that's one thing that he is saying. That part is normal, that's just being empathetic. But that's not the only thing he's saying; he is also saying that he feels guilt for being born a guy, and like a pervert for being a healthy sexual being, that's the mentally unhealthy part.

    One can't feel guilt unless they feel responsible for the bad thing that has or is being done, so he has taken a false responsibility for these things. It's false because it's objectively irrational to take responsibility for things that you never did and have no control over—he only has control of his own actions, not that of other members of the group that he belongs by no choice of his own—it makes no sense to take up responsibility for actions of other people in that group. This false responsibility then leads to toxic guilt, which, unlike healthy guilt, is toxic because it is irrational and not constructive, and leads to bad mental health outcomes like self–hatred, potentially self–harm, toxic perfectionism, low self–esteem, etc. None of that is required to feel compassion for suffering of others and desire to help.
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2023
    Sam78, walkingtree and Kahuna81 like this.
  19. pete379

    pete379 Fapstronaut

    Read again (your words)
    walkingtree likes this.
  20. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    Where exactly ?