A cry for help

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by MAZEN MD, Nov 8, 2015.


    MAZEN MD Fapstronaut

    i have a few days till my final exam and for the life of me i can't get my self to study , even my stress is motivation less i mean when ever i get stress before an exam it motivates me to study more this time there's fear, stress, depression ,but no motivation it is like i'm throwing my self to destruction willingly .. is this part of the withdrawal ? is it a flat line? what can i do about it so i don't fail my exam ?
    i know if could just loose these dark feelings that i can do great in my exam ?
    and these feeling are so sneaky it doesn't show on the surface but i can feel them deep down repressing my enthusiasm and productivity
    please i need the cure urgently if there is one that is..
    and if i do badly in my exam i'm pretty sure i'll relapse due to the following depression .
    Help me please ... i'm almost 2 months free ..what do i do?
  2. psy001

    psy001 Fapstronaut

    talk to someone my friend,, your parents or a friend,, you will feel better.
    MAZEN MD likes this.
  3. taqwa

    taqwa Fapstronaut

    Take some deep breaths. Give some gratitude for all your successes (list them on a sheet of paper). Live in the moment. Stop worrying about the future in which you have no control over and have not experienced yet. Go for a walk outside. Go to your place of worship, read some scripture, give charity, etc. Go do something nice for someone (pay it forward). This will pass. You are not your story! Stop telling yourself you can't study. This is your anxiety speaking. You have the choice. Stay strong! Win!
    MAZEN MD likes this.
  4. nfprogress

    nfprogress Fapstronaut

    You can change your environment and be around other people who are studying. Go to a café or to the library and surround yourself by others fighting the same battle (much like you come here to do the same). Make a realistic plan now and study what you have time for. Don't look to pick up all the pieces and make a perfect score with only a few days left. Triage it and learn exactly what you have time for in the few days remaining and don't studying anything that won't help you do better on the exam. If you are lost, get some key points from others in the class and follow how they prepare for it. Meditate for a time if you need to clear your head. Your emotional brain can go back to organized mayhem if it must after the exam is over.
    MAZEN MD likes this.

    MAZEN MD Fapstronaut

    psy001 , taqwa, nfprogress i truly felt ur support and thanks for the useful tip i'll defiantly try to do all of them