In Danger of a Relapse!

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Boromir son of Denethor, Oct 10, 2023.

  1. I downloaded covenant eyes app for ioS, and it has definitely helped. I no longer watch porn. However, I have resorted to using instagram.

    I had a 10 day no PMO streak, then had s*x with my s/o. Then, I had another 6 day streak. On the 7th day I failed. Then I had a 6 day streak. Then a 3 day streak, now just a two day streak.

    I don’t have social media anymore, as it can steer me towards PMO. However, I find myself downloading instagram, logging onto an account that I had created in the past specifically to follow instagram influencers, and edging for 30 minutes at a time sometimes. Then I delete the app again.

    I am grateful that I have found a way to block out the hardcore porn found on the web, but instagram is almost just as bad. Its softcore porn I think. No one is having s*x, but it’s full of attractive females that act and dress sexually for likes and money.

    Covenant eyes does not show app activity to your accountability partner, so it does not work for that.

    Has anyone had the same experience? How can I stop falling into the nsfw instagram loop?

    I want to just get rid of my phone completely, like the one ring. Then I could be rid of porn maybe. I would get a Nokia and use it only for calls and texts. That just seems so difficult though, considering I take pictures, create music, function my various music projects, and listen to music while working out.

    I suppose I could get a music player for the gym, and I could also start moving my music projects from phone to my laptop, but this all, I’m afraid, would probably take money to accomplish, which I have little of.

    Any suggestions?
  2. Icewarrior

    Icewarrior Fapstronaut

    The phone is not the reason we are involved in pmo. The one ring is a symbol of the ignorance and resulting craving and aversion that we all carry inside us. Most of us choose to hold onto that state for dear life. A few of us, like Frodo & co, go on a quest to free ourselves of it. Are you ready to go on a quest, Boromir?
    fusion47 likes this.
  3. Our phone is part of our environment and is a cue for us to do many things. OP was talking about kicking a bad habit. That starts with making the habit as difficult and unrewarding as possible. I relate heavily to OP because I think most of this doom scrolling on social media for no reason comes from poor dopamine regulation and the inability to be bored when there is instant gratification at the palm of our hands. I’m not sure watching Lord of the Rings will help OP much quit Instagram.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 12, 2023
    fusion47 likes this.
  4. HopeN

    HopeN Fapstronaut

    I love that you're already spitballing answers to your question. It shows you're committed to this journey. You will find what works best for you if you keep doing this. As you think critically and put effort into finding the right solutions for you, you'll see what tools work best. Keep it up! You are doing great in figuring out your addiction, even if it doesn't seem that way.

    As for instagram. Have you considered deleting the app on your phone and only using it on your computer? That way you could still have access to the app, but it would have less of a cue for you to doom-scroll, especially if you only bring out IG in public places like a coffee shop. That may not be helpful for you, but its just a thought. Mainly your commitment to thinking through what works for you is what will carry you forward!
  5. morp

    morp Fapstronaut

    If you believe limiting your phone is an option act on it, nothing is off the tables. Social media on this journey is poison the world has become hyper sexualized and that reflects on how women present themselves on these sites.

    Have you ever tried M without any other stimulation? Just feel the sensations that come with M, its something to consider.
  6. Icewarrior

    Icewarrior Fapstronaut

    I know Boromir (OP?) was talking about kicking a bad habit. I know our phone is part of our environment. What your saying about the phone, dopamine and boredom is no doubt true. What I was trying to get across is that for many of us the story doesn't end there.
    Can you point out to me exactly where I recommended watching Lord of the Rings to kick a bad habit?
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2023
    fusion47 likes this.
  7. I’ve got to say, reading Lord of the Rings and Tolkien’s works has strengthened my resolve in many things including abstinence.
    Icewarrior likes this.
  8. Icewarrior

    Icewarrior Fapstronaut

    That’s great to hear!