At first I thought it was her, but have figured out its me

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by farmboy, Oct 28, 2023.

  1. farmboy

    farmboy Fapstronaut

    Hi everyone.

    Here goes.

    I am 47 and married to an incredible woman, we have a teenage daughter and son. 2.5 months ago she said she started seeing a therapist and not feeling very touchy and that we needed to do a weekly date night. It would include sex, but only that night, once a week. That was a sucker punch, as I was always hoping for more, had brought it up in 2019 and freq was 1 or 2x a week but up to 4 sometimes. Turns out, she was feeling used, but took 4 years to tell me:(

    I spent the next 2 months trying to find ways to focus on her and please her and figure out what was wrong. also, seeing a therapist. All the advice was that women don't have spontaneous arousal and the man has to intitiate and warm her up. No help at all. But then I found a video by Trish Leigh that seemed to describe what my wife had told me she was feeling perfectly. I showed it to her and for the first time she was in total agreement! She felt like an object, not a partner. Ouch.

    My best 'friend' had showed me some torn pages as a grade 5 or 6 kid in the 80's, and we had computers in our rooms by the time I was in college. I wasn't in extreme stuff or all the time. Some binges here and there but it's been 40 years of medicating with m,pmo. So, it turns out my compulsion to view images, and pmo had corrupted my view of sex, women, my wife and was manifesting itself in our relationship, and ultimately our bedroom!

    I am disgusted at what I have let our marriage become. I am here to recover myself, it's possible I don't even know the real me yet!
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2023
  2. ANewFocus

    ANewFocus Fapstronaut

    Congratulations on beginning your journey.
    Wuugazi32 and victorrr like this.
  3. victorrr

    victorrr Fapstronaut

    Yes, couldn't have said it better.
    ANewFocus likes this.
  4. Robindale

    Robindale Fapstronaut

    Understand the mess we have brought into our marriages. It is encouraging that you recognize the problem and want to do something about it. If I may suggest a good book that helped my understanding and perspective on sex, albeit too damned late in my life to finally understand some of these things, but it might be of help/interest. It is “Good Guys Guide to Good Sex” by Sheila and Keith Gregoire. They are faith-based but you can get a lot out of it even if you are non-religious. Generally, men’s and women’s approach to sex and arousal and emotional connection are different, so it was good to improve my understanding and not just think I could read her mind and her mine, and presume our desires and interests were the same.

    The good news with all of this is that you can improve and change and make your relationship stronger. First of course is to stop PMO. Best wishes. Happy to talk further if desired.
    farmboy likes this.
  5. farmboy

    farmboy Fapstronaut

    Interesting. My wife had mentioned Sheila Gregoire. I will check it out.
  6. Robindale

    Robindale Fapstronaut

    Yes, Sheila wrote “Good Girls Guide to Good Sex” and other books and has a podcast. Some very helpful stuff for women on sex, as well as her book with her husband.

    You sound like me, sex was always predominantly in my head and focused on my needs and wants. Sure I wanted her to have a good experience and reach orgasm, but that was almost secondary without me consciously being aware of that. Growing up, we guys didn’t learn about intimacy, but about getting our sexual needs met. It’s been a big change of attitude and approach for me.
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2023
    ANewFocus likes this.
  7. farmboy

    farmboy Fapstronaut

    I have learned a lot in the past week, and it is crazy how quickly my thought patterns seem to change. I do think that just being open and honest about where I am actually at, not hiding anything anymore has given me a freedom I didn't have before. I feel lighter, less burdened.

    I have done a few sessions with the counselor. Been listening to podcasts and got a couple of recommended books. I grew up in an conservative evangelical christian church community, and that is not a environment that fosters a healthy sexualilty in men or women. Has set false expectations for sexuality, marriage, and in practice is very male centric , while claiming equality. This coupled with my own objectification of females in my life and on paper or screen has contributed to my mindset. Uugh! I am trying to find a new perspective, using materials recommended by women who are influencing. Sheila Wray Gregoire is a good author to start with. I got a few books to work through, mostly addressing the culture I grew up in and its fallout on men, women, sexuality and marriage.

    The Sexually Healthy Man
    The Great Sex Rescue
    The Good Guys Guide to Great Sex
    The Good Girls Guide to Great Sex

    We talk about things more freely now and are normalizing conversations that are more intimate than in the past. These don't always end in conflict now like they did! We have had a regular date night once a week for 12 weeks so far. They have been awesome! At first I was so frustrated that it was only once a week, now, I am so grateful that we do have this and genuinely look forward to date nights, feeling that each one is special, and more than I deserve based on my past.

    Urges are way down, with multiple days in between each one (In the past they way were 2X daily at minimum). I feel that I am more present in daily life, and my head is more clear. It is not a struggle to just hand wash the dishes on the counter each day, lol. Seems like a stupid metric but seriously. No one in our household wants to do that so its a huge accomplishment!
    SilentWolfSong likes this.
  8. Robindale

    Robindale Fapstronaut

    Wow, that is awesome progress and self-awareness. You should be proud of what you’ve already accomplished!
    farmboy likes this.
  9. farmboy

    farmboy Fapstronaut

    43 days no P. Have had some urges but not given in. Worked a super long day today, and did not come home wanting to blow off steam in unhealthy way. It does actually feel like my awareness is clearer. There is much I am procrastinating on, but many things I am not. Getting things done. Feel genuine love and affection for my wife. I thought I always did, but it feels a little different. Hard to explain. I'm loving hanging out, but also more ok with not being together. A bit hard to explain.

    I should let you all know that I have had a very good reason to quit, run from P. My brother lost his wife and kids due to his addiction. It got very real at that point just how destructive this can be! I cannot let that happen! And yet, I still turned to it to cope over the last 4 years. Porn is evil! Monsters are real, and there is one inside each of us that we must not feed.
    ANewFocus and In The Moment like this.
  10. Robindale

    Robindale Fapstronaut

    You are doing great. You understand the importance and what the negative impact can be if not addressed. Proud of you for how far you’ve come.
    Vinnie_LeBlanc likes this.
  11. farmboy

    farmboy Fapstronaut

    50 Days no P! I told my wife I was at 45 days sobriety. Seems like a milestone to me, but it lands a bit flat because you wish that you did not have to be in this fight! I read somewhere here that generally its 90 days to reset or rewire the pathways in an addicts brain, but at least 18 months for SO to heal from betrayal trauma. Seems a bit unfair. Our counselor seems to think MO is ok, at least for now, but I sort of think that it may be ok after a reset. I do think that I need to have tools in place before attempting that. Accountability, communities to connect with weekly, (daily)? An understanding of my triggers, a dive into my wounds I'm coping for. Books and podcasts to reorient my view of women. Workout regimen. Anything else?

    Found a group called Samson and the Pirate Monks. Seems like a good fit for a person in recovery with a Christian spirituality and background. They have zoom calls every day that you can get in on to be in a supportive community and get connection. There definition of sobriety is no sex of any kind, except with SO, so its a hard line, but you are not alone in the journey. And they totally get that recovery is a bumpy road.
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2023
    SilentWolfSong and fusion47 like this.
  12. ANewFocus

    ANewFocus Fapstronaut

    Meditation. Yoga. Healthy hobbies that bring you joy.

    Congratulations on your streak. Do not ever let it go. I have fallen many times on streaks and seen many fall. It is harder to climb that mountain with the same ferocity after every slip. I say this with 15 years of experience.

    MO is a slippery slope at any stage of recovery. I have seen men with 20 years, 5 years and 1 year, introduce MO and they still struggle to control it. For some it led to porn, for some MO became something they struggled with it, even if it didn’t escalate back to porn. It’s very hard to know which one you’ll be and where that will lead you.

    For now, you are doing great. Keep marching ahead.
    SilentWolfSong, fusion47 and Warfman like this.
  13. Warfman

    Warfman Fapstronaut

    If you feel you have need to work on healing past issues and going though that. I really can't emphasize enough how important it is to increase your determination on abstaining from P and M both. Going though past stuff is tough, it brings up feelings that cause lots of emotions, if you let your guard down and start MOing during this time. You may be putting yourself in a position to screw up. I know because it's exactly what I did.

    I think it's really important to take small steps going though that past trauma too much too fast is pretty overwhelming. If there's a moment you feel overwhelmed on something talk to a safe person right away. DO NOT WAIT!
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2023
    SilentWolfSong and fusion47 like this.
  14. farmboy

    farmboy Fapstronaut


    I so want this to be behind me that I want to drill down on it all the time to get it over with. But you are right, it gets overwhelming. I have backed off on the podcasts and youtube videos to not get overwhelmed. Life is good. Need to get some joy each day to balance the past traumas.
    Warfman and SilentWolfSong like this.
  15. Robindale

    Robindale Fapstronaut

    Well said!
  16. farmboy

    farmboy Fapstronaut

    Good news, the therapist fired me! Seriously, she said that treatment has been successful due to all the effort my wife and I have put in. Said we should save our money for trips and such together. Our relationship is in such a better place now that mid August when we started this journey. Weekly date night has been a game changer, spending time together again 1 on 1. 66 days no P is also a game changer. I don't know how to put into words how much better I feel! Especially when we have to talk about issues that used to really stress me out, so I would not even bring them up. I would love more physical intimacy, but like 2x is where I think I want to land. Not going to ask for anything more though until at least the 90 day mark. and even then, she may not be ready or willing for anything more. Its a terrible thing I have done to us. But there is much to celebrate.
  17. Robindale

    Robindale Fapstronaut

    Congrats on great progress and continuing to heal and move forward.
  18. farmboy

    farmboy Fapstronaut

    81 days! 10 days to go!

    A hard day. Finding out how hard our brain works to go back! Woke up 4am feeling depressed, my wife noticed, an asked if I was ok. I asked myself the same question a couple times before replying no, I am not ok. We had done the Fanos exercise in the evening, but it actually started as a conflict. Was resolved over the course of the conversation, which is great. It feels awkward to be vulnerable. Neither of us slept after 4am, but I could feel that she cared about me, which shouldn't be a surprise, but was. Then driving around for work in the morning I had intrusive thoughts, about suicide. Never had them before. I told 4 people today, and reached out to a well known recovery group leader to see if this was normal. He said that intrusive thoughts can be a common experience in the process, and coached me that awareness was good, also to acknowledge the thoughts are occurring. I felt pretty emotional all day and there were tears that came. When I logged on tonight I was stoked to see that I am at 81days instead of the 75 I had thought I was at. I am feeling overwhelmed with a lot of things right now, some are triggers too, but will try to take it one day at a time instead of looking too far ahead.
  19. Warfman

    Warfman Fapstronaut

    You're doing great, my first time at 90 to 110 days I went through a downward cycle from how I felt from 45 to 75.

    You are doing things right. Vulnerability is hard, and it takes practice to be good at. You did a very good thing talking to others about your thoughts.
    farmboy likes this.
  20. farmboy

    farmboy Fapstronaut

    Kinda overwhelmed at work yesterday, but just pivoted and roll with it. No urges to regulate. Urges are much easier to ignore now. I notice I'm feeling a little passion back in normal daily hugs and kisses! Definitely focusing mostly on her in intimate moments. Thanks for the book recommends. Lots of family time over the holidays should be good. Will try to keep it one day at a time.
    ANewFocus and Warfman like this.