28 Days of Rebooting

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by BeachDude1992, Nov 13, 2015.

  1. Feeling edgy, irritated, and begging for social interaction! I can't concentrate on sitting still and studying...I just want to feel the social interaction. I think I am confident in social interactions...I still lack social skills of course...but I'm working on it. I'm pissed when there's no social interaction for the day....
  2. Bobs-got-it

    Bobs-got-it Fapstronaut

    Sweet job on your progress. I get those days where I need to communicate, if I'm going crazy I goto a retail store that involves one of my hobbies and chat with the workers.
    BeachDude1992 likes this.
  3. I'm Spiderman

    I'm Spiderman Fapstronaut

    gabe deem was on a 6 months of a flatline.When i feel like that i usually spend the time searching F.A.Q of YBOP
  4. longwinter1

    longwinter1 Fapstronaut

    Man i'm sitting on 28 days since watching P as well haha.. The struggle is real for me at this stage. I've grown stronger in gaining knowledge from different sources over time and starting up my first official counter with NoFap, but tonight the urges have been almost as strong as ever. I even searched for triggers... but then I cut it out and did some study and then came here in my break. It felt real good to see a 28th day post on the feed, though I understand we might be in very different places.
    About the social interaction, have you been out today/yesterday? I find that sometimes my yearning for social interaction is synonymous with my yearning for adventure. Something like walking down a bush track and hearing the sound of birds chirping or the waves rolling by -- just being amongst nature in all it's glory really brings me down to earth and stimulates the being inside me. Even going to the gym/exercising or going for a swim at the beach -- just being around people really helps me with these feelings of boredom, frustration or social dissatisfaction. I don't know how much of a help that'll be but i thought i may as well share.
    rayofhope likes this.
  5. Good idea!
  6. That helps a lot, what you're sharing here is precious knowledge. Of course, to learn from one another's experience is always good. I'm glad I am able to confirm that I am not the only one feeling this way. Knowing that you are experiencing this too, makes me realize that we are on the similar stage of progress! And that really motivates me to not masturbate at all. I want to reach 120 days. I think it will be a real challenge...But I say BRING IT ON! LOL Don't search for triggers man...Remind yourself: I can't do this!....and then get back on track with the progress. Thanks for sharing this
  7. I'm Spiderman

    I'm Spiderman Fapstronaut

    lol the three of us have 28 days
    longwinter1 likes this.
  8. HAHA! Triplets
  9. longwinter1

    longwinter1 Fapstronaut

    haha weird world... here's to freedom!
    Good on you man that's tremendous! I'm actually planning on setting a 90 day counter after I complete my current one. I'm hungry for this reboot -- can't go on living weak. It's not worth losing the one I love and a chance at a life long relationship over some virtual sex addiction... I wrote myself a list of relapse consequences last night and it was a page long. I'm going to try and look at it when ever I feel significant urges to remind myself. The mind has a funny way of blocking out these things and sending deceptive messages.
    I appreciate your advice man. I know I can move past that.
    Do you guys have any hobbies or enjoy/play any sports that involve getting outside the house?
  10. I'm seeing benefits too. Like deeper voice, athletic performance, attention from beautiful ladies (I'm not even the handsome guy)....Less brain fog, Better memory, My vision is waaaaay better, and CONFIDENCE. Like omg I'm glad I did this! I want to reach 120, and I know I will really love it on day 120 in the future...maybe even quit fapping forever. Yeah man, porn has ruined my life, I just realized that. You should post your journal of relapse consequences bro...it would be beneficial to other Fapstronauts.
    My hobbies are: playing guitar, working out/body building...I gained some muscle...and just talking to chicks man...even though I can be rude while talking to them...I am on my way to being charming...I learn from mistakes.
    longwinter1 likes this.
  11. I'm Spiderman

    I'm Spiderman Fapstronaut

    I love playing guitar too! its the acoustic or the electric?
    longwinter1 likes this.
  12. longwinter1

    longwinter1 Fapstronaut

    Yeah I know what you mean man! My life has improved dramatically since recognising the truth about porn... It all started with this video: . You might have seen this video -- it's a great talk and a real catalyst for change so I thought i'd share it.Abstaining didn't get great straight away no doubt and the issues of fighting addiction are no joke, but it's been a real crucial part of my development as a person. I'm happy for you man! Looks like after this 90 day counter I'll be sitting on 120 days too haha. There's a bright future ahead! We just can't lose sight of it... yeah that's a good idea. I'll put the link here when I have posted it -- I've got an exam tomorrow so I'll get to it after i knock that one off the shelf.
    Working out is great for releasing tension and channeling your energy into something stimulating man I love it! I've put on about 7 kilos... haha getting those chicken legs into gear. If only I played an instrument! One of these days.. In another world we could have done the sticky blues comeback tour...
    Aso, I used to be a smart ass to girls I liked haha.. I think it was mostly me nervously not knowing how to impress girls, or I would use it as an excuse to talk to them. Didn't do me any good in the long run :/
  13. Both bro. I have both. That's nice...we could jam sometime.