Done with it..

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Adub, Dec 17, 2015.

  1. Adub

    Adub New Fapstronaut

    Hello everyone, I've been addicted to porn since the 8th grade.. I'm now 30. It hurts to even see that in words. I guess I've always lived under the ellusion that "everyone does it" or "it's perfectly normal". So I guess it helps to call it what it actually is- an addiction. I've struggled in relationships all of my life. I never really was considered attractive all throughout school.. As a result I never had any girlfriends, so naturally I turned to the only women that were attainable. I've really only ever been in one serious relationship in my life. Looking back I can see that it ended mostly because of my emotional indifference to her. I mean why would I invest time in her when there are plenty of others out there that I don't have to work for. That attitude is why I'm done with pornography.. I don't care about anything anymore - relationships, hobbies, goals. I just feel like I live sea of grey. Never to happy, never to sad... Right there in the middle. I've tried to quit before and I remember how it felt to finally enjoy doing other things beside masturbating. I want that feeling back. But always seemed to creep back in one way or another. Nonetheless here I am 17 years later.. Still struggling with the same thing that has plagued me for what seems like all of my life.

    So here it goes. My immediate goal is 90 days..
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2015
  2. mr lonely

    mr lonely Guest

    Always remember You are not the only one struggling with PMO negative effects, so that will hopefully make you feel better :) and the most important thing in my opinion is that you took the decision to leave it behind you ... good luck and stay strong
    notonmywatch10 likes this.
  3. What he said! This is a good place to read up, post stuff and ask around. There are loads of guys like you that are struggling and succeeding, ready to help and support here. Maybe get an accountability partner?

    Same here. Couldn't believe it took me so long to come here for help. Doesn't matter now. Because we're here!
  4. j.wel

    j.wel Fapstronaut

    I am have recently joined nofap also. Thanks for being honest with your experience. I have been addicted to porn for over 10 years. I have also understood it to myself as being normal or not a problem. But now I am getting a sense that it is a problem, and it has had a big effect on me emotionally and physically over the years. I am going to start a counter today also. Good luck, its inspiring to see your initial target is 90 days.
  5. Adub

    Adub New Fapstronaut

    Thanks everyone, I'm just ready to get back what I've lost..
    notonmywatch10 likes this.
  6. ...and more! :)