12 years free from masturbation

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Morefree, Mar 24, 2014.

  1. Morefree

    Morefree Fapstronaut

    Hello guys.

    I hope that my story might give hope to some of you guys that are struggling. I started masturbating when I was 10 years old. I did it for 33 years. It has now been 12 years that I have been free from the habit.

    It's odd how much my mind has changed. What once seemed an almost insurmountable task is as easy as breathing. Really, how long can you keep something up that requires superhuman strength? I remember those days. Getting through three days was like wrestling a 900 pound bear. Today, I have no need to make any kind of effort to refrain from it. I simply have no inclination whatsoever to do it.

    I overcame masturbation with it's opposite. Everything that we are really talking about with porn and masturbation etc. is fake sex. The opposite of fake sex is real sex.

    Sex alone may not be the answer. When you are habituated to masturbation and porn, you have trained yourself to react to all sex in a very superficial and mechanical way as you have become very proficient in fake sex.

    A woman that does not masturbate could be very helpful. No matter what the problem is, we will always draw strength from another person whose mind is healthier than ours. This happens on a subconscious level.

    A woman that masturbates, likely will not be of any benefit to you in getting healthier.

    Sound crazy? That is the easy way to freedom and wholeness. I'm not saying you won't do it any other way but that is what worked for me.

    Will you win a one on one arm wrestling contest with an extreme compulsion? The more reliable way to overcome is by quietly dismantling the compulsion by replacing the superficiality of fake sex with the truly satisfying experience of real intimacy.

    Compulsion is based on fear. It's the unconscious fear of not experiencing pleasure. It's a self fulfilling prophesy because the more compulsive you become the less pleasure you experience. Now, I can go any amount of time without sex and I am at perfect peace. But, I don't really go too long...
  2. gettingreal

    gettingreal Fapstronaut

    yes, yes, yes -- I couldn't agree more! Thanks for sharing your story. It is very inspiring!
  3. Thanks for the great post. I am already married to a woman that doesn't masturbate. I wanted her to try masturbating because I thought it would help her learn where her buttons are so we could have better sex. Maybe I need to rethink this.
    Thanks again.
  4. MoonUser

    MoonUser Fapstronaut

    Wow- amazing story- that is great! Thank you for sharing- it gives us a vision of where we can go.
  5. HayMaker

    HayMaker Fapstronaut

    I'm really inspired by this story :)
  6. Cesar

    Cesar Fapstronaut

    Really inspiring! Thank you so much!
  7. Rafa

    Rafa Fapstronaut

    Great post and thanks for sharing this.

    God bless!
  8. Mariposa

    Mariposa Fapstronaut

    So encouraging! This is what I want. Thanks for sharing!
  9. Holy shit man, so much respect for you. Thanks for sharing your story, you probably saved more than one streak!
  10. B.A.S

    B.A.S New Fapstronaut

    A Question :D

    Sorry to ask this irrelevant questions; but how did you do your signature like that? I mean the different goals and multiple counters in the same one? the middle bar?...
    Sorry again but I really need to do something like that :D
  11. Encouraging words, I'm not married so it is a little different but still helpful.
  12. Hey thanks for the post. Very helpful, keeps everything in perspective.
  13. Thats so cool all those years!
  14. NoMadCap

    NoMadCap Fapstronaut

    Your post really inspired me...
  15. Great job man. Thanks for the insights.
  16. Time4aChange

    Time4aChange Fapstronaut

    That is amazing! Thanks for sharing your story. Glad to see someone succeeding at this longterm!
  17. GoRob32

    GoRob32 Fapstronaut

    I respect everyone here whose had a long-term success story, (100 days plus). But YOURS, yours my friend, is confirmation that this can be beat without a long-term relapse.

    Thank you for being an inspiration to me.

  18. not2late

    not2late Fapstronaut

    I'm having a hard time and looked for a long term quitter to inspire me. That's you now. Thanks for this post.
  19. Tom_meadow

    Tom_meadow Fapstronaut

    great how you illustrate the difference between superficial sex and the need to look for real intimate sex. In my relationship with my exgf we at times sort of sexed a bit, but it wasn't always that much the real/intimate deal, and it even maybe pulled me back. I should be aware of not going for that low quality sex in a new relation
  20. lbombelles89

    lbombelles89 Fapstronaut

    Yea 11months now feel the same way....now...im 25 though