What I feel after 9 months clean

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by fercho29, Feb 13, 2016.

  1. Hi @Oscarito
    90 days is an artificial threshold, we are in this fight forever
    Some days I feel that my addiction is over, it is history, the past.
    Some other days I realize it is still there, inside me.
    But do not be afraid, just be aware and alert
    As soon as the urges appear you need to have a strategy to abort them ASAP.
    I have what I call my "Emergency Toolbox", some posts ans readings I have saved , they help me to get conscious about all this fight is about.

    I can share this post with you with my own Emergency Toolbox, it helped me a lot during the first few months, i had them in my cell and read them every time I started falling down:


    I wrote some tips in this post that perhaps will help you too:


    You can watch some interesting videos which are also very helpful in this post:


    I hope that some of this helps, do not be afraid and keep on fighting
  2. BTW @Oscarito, if you speak Spanish, we have a Spanish speakers group and a post in Spanish at:
  3. I am back in my hometown Buenos Aires for a week.
    I have always mixed feelings when i am back here.
    This is where my addiction started, and it used to trigger sad feelings to be back here.
    My father is quite senile, and watching him like this hurts a lot. he used to be a bright man, university professor and my role model.
    Besides, my addiction and bisexual feelings were triggered by some episodes of bullying at elementary school, when I was 10 I was sexually molested and abused by some class mates.
    Anyway, I came back with 9 months of PMO clean on my back (and head), and everything feels different.
    I do not feel so sad, I do not feel that press on my chest I used to, I feel very relieved of winning this battle and having this nightmare on the past.
    I cannot delete what I lived, and the shitty things I did with PMO and male escorts, but I can plant the roots for the rest of my life.
    As some of you know, speaking out about my addiction hurt my wife a lot. Although she supported my recovery, she also felt betrayed and disappointed with me.
    I lost her trust and I am working to get it back.
    We have started this week couple therapy, the first session was very good. We both could speak out, it was a good conversation and the therapist was very helpful.
    We are having one more session in person before we get back to Miami, and we will continue via Skype.
    I hope this helps us rebuild our relation. Now that I feel recovered from PMO, it will be ironic if our relationship gets worst instead of improving.
    I am confident about the future as I have not been for years
    gaymonk and WOTL like this.
  4. Oscarito

    Oscarito Fapstronaut

    Thanks for sharing your emergency toolbox. I had actually read it before but I didn't realize it was you. It's a great read reread and rereread.
    BTW If you happen to see Los Fabulosos Cadilacs en Buenos Aires, Diles que les mando saludos.
    Good luck with the couples counseling.
    fercho29 likes this.
  5. HomeAlone

    HomeAlone Fapstronaut

    Great job turning your life around and moving forward ij th new direction. keep it up forever!!
  6. Thanks for sharing... It's really motivating to hear people talk about what its like "from the other side."
    You are an inspiration.
    fercho29 likes this.
  7. steven968

    steven968 Fapstronaut

    Really impressive!! Your story inspired me a lot! Keep on holding tight bro!
  8. Tony1

    Tony1 Fapstronaut

    Awesome post, thanks. I'm at the beginning of this journey and seeing stories like yours is very inspirational. Hopefully I'll be there someday also.
    fercho29 likes this.
  9. Yesodi

    Yesodi Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Congratulations upon reaching this very impressive milestone of yours! :)

    9 months: you did have a baby! Now keep going strong and continue setting a good personal example, so that he will be proud of you when he grows up and starts understanding! And start working on the next of many additional 9-month babies, so that the first one will not feel lonely! :p

    [I personally will be reaching my 6-month milestone, in a little over one day from now. So my own baby hasn't been born yet, but I feel him alive and kicking strongly inside! ;)]
    fercho29 likes this.
  10. Thank you @steven968 for reading my post and giving me your support
  11. Good job @Yesodi , you are almost there. Half a year is very impressive too, the worst part of your recovery is completed. Now it is a matter of being constant and sticking to what you have been done this last 180 days. Do not look back, but be alert and aware, because the addiction will some times try to get back
    Good luck
    Yesodi likes this.
  12. Thank you @Tony1
    Good luck with your reboot. it is hard and may get painful, but it is worth it the effort
  13. Thank you @Better Than This
    " From he other side" sounds funny, like I have died and reborn again, but thinking about it, this is how I feel some times. I see my "old me" and it feels as if that guy disappeared in the middle of the reboot. Feel a new man , and feels great
    Better Than This likes this.
  14. Hi @Oscarito
    90 days is an artificial timeline we set up at the beginning, just to have a reachable goal. We are in this fight forever, and we need to understand this.
    It may take years until we really get 100% rid of the addiction.
    It will back and forth, some days you feel "cured" and some days, when you lower your guard, it will try to come back.
    Do not be afraid, just become aware and alert, and you will win this battle
    Mucha suerte
    im_alive likes this.
  15. Congratulations @Engedi1 for reaching your first two months clean. The hardest part I'd over, now you just need to stick to what you have ben doing right and you will win this fight
  16. Engedi1

    Engedi1 Fapstronaut

    Thanks Fercho. Looking forward to 90. You are right, the real work was the first 30 days. 30-60 was easier and I expect 60-90 will be more like on autopilot, having broken the habits and the addictions cycle.
    Buzz Lightyear likes this.
  17. You are right @Engedi1
    The big danger after a while is to become complacent and lower the guard.
    This is when many Fapstronauts fail, so just be alert and aware
  18. incredulo

    incredulo Fapstronaut

    This site is so great . I had no idea there were that many people with this problem and I thought I was a very strange person because I enjoy watching naked people all the time. While I knew there was something wrong because human beings basically look alike, but I kept getting back looking for something as if I were to find something different and pretty soon I was into P
    Jackie Chan, fercho29 and Yesodi like this.
  19. Physicist

    Physicist Fapstronaut

    90 days is only a useful guideline. Its the same as 21 days to build a new habit.

    Its best to refrain from such a habit altogether. It is escapism.
    Gladiatori likes this.
  20. Brian V.

    Brian V. Guest

    This is an exceptionally wonderful accomplishment! Congratulations on making this far: that could not have been easy at all! I can only hope I'll make it as far as you one day!
    fercho29 likes this.