If porn is linked to loneliness, why is it a male dominant problem?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by TonyMontana, Mar 29, 2016.

  1. TonyMontana

    TonyMontana Fapstronaut

    So from what I've been learned quite recently, P addiction, or any addiction for that matter is the outcome of loneliness. So from that statement I had a few questions. I thought I could google the answers but I thought a discussion would more fun and get everyone thinking about it.
    1. Why do boys get hooked on it at a young age when they have lots of friends?
    2. Do boys get hooked on it when they have lots of friends or does it mainly come during the ruts?
    3. Why is it more of a problem for boys?
    4. Does society have more lonely males?
    5. What makes men choose to be lonely but not women?
  2. ShotDunyun

    ShotDunyun Fapstronaut

    The problem for me is how society works nowadays. A woman doesn't have any problem finding a guy, hell, most of them have a men's waiting list. Now, men? You know that it is way more difficult for a guy to find a woman, you need to "earn" their love. Now, I'm not talking about all women, but that's the way it works.
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2016
    leo's legacy and TonyMontana like this.
  3. DireMerl

    DireMerl Fapstronaut

    Young boys get hooked out of curiosity and a high drive to explore their sexuality. I don't think lonliness is the cause. I think it becomes a symtom later on. You don't socialise as much, you cut yourself off from others. Even if you have lots of friends and a partner,you're hiding a part of yourself. This eventually causes you to isolate yourself subconsciously. Because you have a secret. You can never be yourself. You're hiding something. This prevents good friendships forming and encourages you to hide away behind the computer. That's my thinking anyway.
    TakingTheSteps and TonyMontana like this.
  4. Golgo 13

    Golgo 13 Fapstronaut

    @ShotDunyun nailed it. Women have far more options then men. All the guys that hit on girls they might have hundreds of numbers to choose from - women are never alone. Even ugly women (and I'm talking Meg Griffin ugly) can get guys easy.
    Men on the other hand I can imagine having some difficulty not being lonely. Why? Simple. Women have options, men typically are more limited.

    Example: Lets say an average guy gets 10 numbers from different girls in the course of a month. 6 of those girls will straight up not respond/have no interest (gave him there number out of sympathy or found a superior male). The 1 of them talks for awhile, but discovers she has no interest in him. The remaining 3 have some interest. He maybe meets up with one of them, only to find it doesn't work out/awkward. The remaining 2 he meets up with. He is tied between the two, which should he choose? Eventually it may only work out with one of them. Angry of losing the other girl, he expects the one remaining girl to go above and beyond and be the perfect SO/mate/wife/sex-friend. He expects sex now (thats how it goes in porn/media). Eventually it doesnt work out.

    TL;DR Girls have more options then guys - i've seen the UGLIEST girls have more partners then I have had in a lifetime.
    TonyMontana and ShotDunyun like this.
  5. TonyMontana

    TonyMontana Fapstronaut

    All good answers guys. Thanks.
    ShotDunyun likes this.
  6. kk76

    kk76 Fapstronaut

    That is so true. Feeling dirty and disgusting. If you knew the truth about me or what I had been up to then you wouldn't like me
  7. Physicist

    Physicist Fapstronaut

    Many women are lonely. Sure they might get male attention but it seems like even though they maybe surrounded by people, they still feel lonely.

    The main culprit for such women is a lack of deep connection. I have seen women go to event I'd love to go to and being hit up everyday for weekend get togethers to the point where I actually felt jealous, but those friends are never really genuine. It is mostly superficial. This can and does make some women lonely who care about having someone close to them.

    And sometimes you wonder why an attractive girl have a crappy self-esteem.

    Just an alternative view.

    1) Who doesn't like the novelty of seeing a naked women? We are biologically programmed that way.
    2) Both. If you have lots of friends, it can lead to loneliness. The momentary release of of an orgasm is much more pleasurable than hanging out with friends isn't it?
    3) Because some men consider having a real sexual partner more difficult.
    4) hard to say.
    5) See my view above.
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