My boss won't pay me, need advice

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Golgo 13, Apr 24, 2016.

  1. People shared some good advice in here. Just politely ask her without stuttering during a social meeting/while you are at her house.. She's your cousin, not aunt or mom.

    if she shrugs you off and starts playing the "tomorrow"/ "when i can" game.. just drop it, move on with your shit.. if you want to help her because she is struggling then good for you, you can do that voluntarily and there is nothing wrong with that (you said you work multiple jobs) i am sure she'll appreciate that and pay you more later on when she can/if her business succeeds.. If her business is doomed to fail then yeah..

    Either way, its your life and your relations.. I know a lot of people that destroyed and strained relationships with close relatives over money disputes (and plenty of way more dumber shit), this shit never ends well.. Usually they go to their graves with their strained relationships over something they could of probably sorted out... If you forgive her and move on to the next job without getting paid then good job.. If it turns into an argument and you strain your relationship and never talk again then bad job :(.

    Good luck dude, tell us what happens.. And the hole beta-male or not beta-male or whatever you are not supposed or supposed to be by social/internet norms.. talk is bullshit.. Be whatever you want to be and dont give 2 shits.. Who the hell am i to tell you what to do? :)
  2. Golgo 13

    Golgo 13 Fapstronaut

    I'm ganna go ahead and ask her for the money today. I'm tired of waiting. Hopefully it won't go south. I will let you guys know how it goes.

    Edit: ANNNNND She's ignoring me wow wtf.
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2016
    Star Lord likes this.
  3. Star Lord

    Star Lord Fapstronaut

    Love the avatar, IMO the most legendary band of all time. Just a shame Freddie Mercury died so young.
    I love that album in particular.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  4. Golgo 13

    Golgo 13 Fapstronaut

    Wow she is now completely stonewalling me. You see I organize her emails and stuff so I have access to her password and now she changed it. I sent her an email from my email and I know that she saw it. It was read. Now she is has changed the password.

    I haven't contacted her by phone yet but wtf is this shit like is she so cheap she won't even pay me?
    @RepentMySins I'm starting to think your right dude. She probably was never planning on paying me from the start goddamn tht pisses me off she owes me atleast $700, now she straight stonewalling me what a bitch.
    I'll tell u this I am entitled to that money and I was not in the wrong for asking politely for it! I gave her months to pay and I never asked about it before.
    She wanna fire me fine but I'm getting that $700 I'll tell u that!
    Star Lord likes this.
  5. Star Lord

    Star Lord Fapstronaut

    This honestly doesn't surprise me dude.
    Now you have to wonder whether she is either
    • too ashamed to admit she can't pay you and so is pretending you aren't on her tail.
    •she just doesn't want to know and that's why she's changing passwords etc.

    Personally I think it's the latter, unfortunately.

    Now though you should definitely phone her, morning, afternoon, evening until you get an answer. If you don't get an answer or she's dismissive then you know shes playing you for a fool.
    Then there's only 2 options.
    • tell her stuff the job and stuff the money up your pie hole.
    •im making a claim against you to get the money I deserve if you don't just pay me now.

    Be blunt in the phone call too, don't let her side track you if that's her agenda.
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2016
  6. When you think about it.. She has to pay really, it's illegal not to. ask to set up a meeting face to face with her and talk to her about it before you make a claim. Record that shit.

    Record phone calls/texts.. If she ignores you and stonewalls more you... Then really, she never planned on paying you and that sucks because you are relatives.. Sadly people think they can mistreat family and get away with it.

    Tbh 700 dollars isn't a lot, but it's the principle.. Who here with a full time job would not rage and fight for a penny if his wage was not properly delivered by his employer/company and his paycheck had errors?? I'd be on the phone instantly with the finance department even if it was 1 dollar!.

    You have done nothing wrong and she's already making it clear she doesn't care for your well-being and is covering for her ass.
    Star Lord likes this.
  7. Golgo 13

    Golgo 13 Fapstronaut

    I just texted her asking whats going on. Hopefully she responds but somethings up.
    @fluets what happens if she doesn't pay me?

    Edit: She texted me back acknowledging that she changed it, but said nothing else.
    She's playing me like I'm some kinda fool. I'm about to txt her about the payment issue.

    You guys have any suggestions on what I should say exactly?
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2016
  8. Star Lord

    Star Lord Fapstronaut


    "So I've been thinking when I should have asked about asking you about payment for my time I gave in work to you. I figure 2 months is long enough to wait, so I would like to be paid now please as I'm struggling to pay my bills (even if you aren't it will guilt trip her if she has a soul)"
    Golgo 13 likes this.

  9. @Golgo 13

    I guess that's her way of firing you.

    I am not sure what country you are from but there are legal ways to file a complaint and obtain the money you earned, i am not a legal expert but there are workers rights and wage withholding beyond the 9th day of the next month is defined as a crime in my country and if an employer/company withholds wage beyond the 9th day the worker(s) can sue them and obtain compensation. In my country you can go to prison for upto a year and a half if you do that to your workers or pay a lot of money to compensate them - this is all done through labour court, again i dont know where you are from or how its done for you. su

    Its time for you to stop feeling ashamed for asking about your money/wage!?? its your money, its your work and your TIME and your time is money!, just text her the following the moment you read this regardless of the time, dont wait for tomorrow's breakfast or launch or dinner, just do it so you can have closure and move on with your life and reminisce about this in years to come.

    "Hey X, i am sorry that you are going through hard times, but i need to know when will you pay me my wages because they are already many months overdue". you can also add at the end ", that's illegal".

    That's the polite way to ask, DONT ASK "IF" its "WHEN", no question mark.

    She probably wont even reply to that, if she wants to a bitch you can be a bitch too if you want and make matters FAR WORSE i dont recommend doing this but you can tell your parents and better yet, tell her parents about this bullshit to apply peer-pressure on her - again, only if you want to be a douche bag you can do that, then proceed to find out how you can get your money through a complaint/lawsuit (idk how its done in your country).

    Or B) Just move on and forget this and let her deal with her shit and watch her business flop and die off, dont fucking help her when she comes to you in the future. You will make a lot more money in your life once you graduate from college and you learned a valuable lesson, dont work for family and always be upfront about the wage from the start before you start working: how many hours you work, how much money you make per hour, what are the benefits, travelling expenses, when the paycheck enters your bank account etc..

    Sucks dude, i can sympathise with what you are going through, just honestly dont be shy and ask and just do it.. I hope she isnt a complete bitch and pays you if not then consider either going through the legal system to getting your money or applying family/peer pressure or just letting it go and learn from your mistakes.

    Good luck dude
    Golgo 13 and Star Lord like this.
  10. Veritech

    Veritech Fapstronaut

    She has no intention of paying you. She knows it. You know it.

    She is family. It will cost you more than $1,000 to pursue your legal rights to retrieve $700. It will screw up your relationships with others in your family.

    It's a hard lesson learned, but move on @Golgo 13 . You don't need this added stress. You do not deserve to be taken advantaged of like this.

    Go find a new job where your employer is not a relative.

    There are few things more satisfying in life than the receipt of an honest paycheque. It does wonders for your sense of independence. Put yourself back on the labor market again as soon as possible.

    Unfortunately we tend to make the all too common mistake of mixing business and family. Keep your business relationships apart from your friends and family.
  11. Star Lord

    Star Lord Fapstronaut

    Forgive and forget is so wimpish, were talking money = time vise versa here man.
    I'm a eye for an eye kind of guy.
    Fear of being disowned by the family is also wimpish. $700 is a lot of money, it can't just fade into the mist like nothing happened.
    I don't care who someone is, if they play me and exploit me, I get justice.
    Golgo 13 likes this.
  12. himmelstoss

    himmelstoss Fapstronaut

    if your family is willing to abandon you over $700 then fuck em
    Star Lord likes this.
  13. Golgo 13

    Golgo 13 Fapstronaut

    Thank you everyone, I will definitely get her about it soon
    Star Lord likes this.
  14. Veritech

    Veritech Fapstronaut

    Have any of you tried to chase down a bad debt or an unpaid account?

    The process is a pain in the ass, and can sometimes cost more than the debt itself. Even with a court judgment, good luck collecting the money.

    Companies and people have to write off bad debts all the time because of the inefficiency of and the high cost of the collection process.

    I never said forgive and forget. Sometimes getting "getting justice" is just not in the cards.

    Sorry guys. In relative terms, $700 is not a lot of money.
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2016
  15. himmelstoss

    himmelstoss Fapstronaut

    well how many hours of work are we talking about here?
  16. Golgo 13

    Golgo 13 Fapstronaut

    Ha, I'm actually taking an accounting class now. Yea bad debts expense but my situation would be unpaid salaries and wages payable.
    With companies with a bad debts expense they have an allowance for bad debts which I do not. Companies provide services or sell stuff and they accept part of doing business on credit means people will not pay.
    You have to pay your employees their salary. Hands down end of story. I don't have an "allowance for unpaid salaries". I'm a 20 year old who tried to help out her devorced cousins business and expects to get paid.
    Yes for someone pulling in $100,000 a year but I am just doing this to earn a little extra spending money. I don't have bills, a kid to take care of, I don't even have to pay for food (I'm a community college student who lives at home with my parents). To me $700 is sorta alot. It's nothing I would just sneeze over. $700 is $700 which can buy $700 worth of goods...
    The truth is it could be over $700 because I get a percentage of her earnings but according to my calculations its around $700..
    She's in her early 30s... I don't knw what telling her parents would do she's a grown woman. I told my mom but she said she can't do anything and that's between me and her".

    I'm just waiting until May and if she doesn't atleast acknowledge that she is going to me then I will say something.
    She has told me "I hafta give you your check" then backs off. I am still doing work for her idk I just wish she would pay me I mean how can she just go on about her life knowing I am working for her and she not even give me the check for March?
    The thing is she is a nice person personality wise and you all know how hard it is to break down and shatter that barrier they have without feeling bad about it.

    So I'm working up to it guys. It's a shame, I really wanna buy something though. :'(
    but atleast I still got over 4 months of no porn behind me :D haha thats whats keeping me going:cool:
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2016
  17. I know this is going to sound cruel. But you have to take a business-like approach when it comes to paying your bills. You mention that you're dependent on your parents and a college student. That's fine. More people in this country are living at home than you hear about because it's a blow to the ego to say that you can't support yourself. But what if you WERE supporting yourself? If you WERE paying your own food bill, utilities, rent, and insurance? If that were the case, 700 dollars would not only be huge, it would be ESSENTIAL to your survival. You CANNOT allow the fact that she's related to you interfere with you getting paid.

    I know it's an awkward situation because most 20-year-olds aren't familiar with small-claims court or the legal system in general. But you're a man. You need to protect yourself from people who are trying to fuck you. Even if that's your own aunt. Some people are just scummy. I may not like a co-worker. But I would NEVER in my wildest dreams give him his check late. That's burning a bridge if I've ever seen it. Stop treating her as an aunt. Start treating her as a client. Tell her, in no uncertain terms, if this ever happens again you've not only lost a worker, you've lost a family member.
    Golgo 13 likes this.
  18. Golgo 13

    Golgo 13 Fapstronaut

    Thank you, I remember we have had some arguments in the past on other threads but not on this one. We are in complete agreement.
    Although the whole “you lost not only a worker but a family member seems a bit harsh”

    One other thing I may have left out here is her son really looks up to me like a big brother and if the relationship between me and my cousin where damaged I might not seem him as much or at all. And you combine me leaving with the divorce his parents are going through and that kid will have it tough hes only 11. And she has a 5 year old daughter who also looks up to me. Its just a sad situation.

    I’ve made my decision guys. If she doesn’t pay me by May 1st I’ll say something like this…

    “Hey [her name], I was just wondering about the payment for March and April and when I will be paid.
    I will TXT her this time
    At the end of the day she owes me money and you guys are right, I gotta stop feeling sorry for asking for MY money that I EARNED!
  19. My previous post was meant less as a direct message to you and more of a statement to all NoFappers. Money might not be the most important thing in life. But it's the one thing we can control. My father drives a Suburu Impreza WRX. He's worked as a truck driver for 25+ years and filed his first tax return in 1983. He owned his own home at 26 (now 51), raised me by himself, and still manages to have a sense of humor and humility about it.

    If my father had taken a laissez-faire approach to life, he wouldn't have all the wonderful things he has today. But it takes hard fucking work, man! And the sooner you start supporting yourself and being autonomous the sooner you can start helping people and making a difference in the world. Money is the impetus behind that. So when a person tries denying you what is rightfully yours, you have to take action.
    Veritech and Golgo 13 like this.
  20. Veritech

    Veritech Fapstronaut

    I think you are missing my point.

    1) She owes you the money - this is not debatable. You did the work, you get paid. Period. End of story. Don't care if her ex-husband is an asshole or she is struggling with her children's expenses. No more excuses on her part.

    2) How do you get the money? She is fucking you over and making excuses. Unfortunately there are few legitimate ways to collect $700 (that's what I mean by it's not a lot of money). To collect a debt as low as $700 is highly bureaucratic, takes years to be decided, very stressful, costs more than $700 and even if successful it is difficult to collect on your judgment.

    3) She will continue to fuck you over if you continue to work for her, even if she eventually pays up. You are relying on and deserve to rely upon a timely paycheck and she is completely lacking in all honesty and integrity. You were there for her when she needed you and she in turn "rewards" you by exploiting you. Your own family member should not be treating you this way.

    All I am saying is do not stress over this. Lucky for you, you are only out $700 and not a higher amount - glass as half full (not half empty). If you keep working for this person, you will be out $1,400 before you know it. She is an excuse maker. You do not need to nor should you continue to put up with her bullshit. You do not owe it to her to save her business as her slave.

    Get a new job with a legitimate arms length employer. Put this ordeal behind you and never mix business with family again.
    Golgo 13 likes this.