Is porn really the problem?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Zbaca7, May 28, 2016.

  1. Zbaca7

    Zbaca7 Fapstronaut

    I am very confused right now. I have masturbated regularly for a few years but my life has honestly been great. I feel like a lot of you quit PMO cuz it is the last option to gain self confidence, or to change your social life and not waste so much time. Quite frankly and humbly, I have had multiple gfs, am very social, get good grades in school, and am pretty self confident. The only thing that has really been pushing me to stop is my religion and honestly it hasn't been enough because my faith is weak lately. I am basically chillin with the fact of quitting and don't seem to care to much when I PMO. I know PMO is a problem but how do I convince my self that this is a serious problem that needs to be taken care of ASAP? Any help would be appreciated

    Like all addiction Porn is not the problem .... watching to much porn is the problem
    food is not the problem ... eating to much food is the problem

    Also i dont think everyone use porn and ''orgasm'' very quick .... its more like watch a lot of porn a shearch for the perfect moment ( so it can take 4h - 7h .... ) we have porn addiction + we have masturbation addiction

    So the problem is not porn , food , masturbation .... its addiction
    and watch to much porno is bad for ''memory'' , concentrate exetera ( so maybe u masturbate with porn but dont watch a LOT of porn )
    nfprogress likes this.
  3. jatar

    jatar Fapstronaut

    It doesn't have to be a problem for everyone. Some people drink alcohol and have great lives, others are addicted and can't have even a sip if they want to maintain control over themselves.

    It's the same with PMO, I think. For some people porn won't be an issue and others have identified it as a problem that is preventing them from living their lives to the fullest.

    If you lack motivation it may be hard for you to abstain from porn. Still, I encourage you to try staying away from it for a few weeks and see if there are any changes in you life. You may learn something new about yourself and your habits. At worst you will confirm that porn is completely not an issue for you.
    nfprogress likes this.