Starting with trepidation. . .

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Taodude, May 27, 2016.

  1. Taodude

    Taodude Fapstronaut

    Well, this is the strangest I've felt for a while: exposing what my wife calls my "dirty little secret" to the world. I'm clearly projecting my own shame and judgement onto you, the reader. I hope to get over that soon.

    I'm 57, and I've been addicted to porn and masturbation since I was 12. Wow, 45 years . . . that makes me want to cry. . . I tried Sexaholics Anonymous in my 20s and that was helpful, mostly. I enjoyed sobriety for nearly a year before falling off the wagon. I tried it again in my 30s with the same result. I've stopped porn for good a thousand times, I've just never not-started again.

    I feel incredibly lonely and have become increasingly isolated. There are more reasons for that than porn, of course, but I realize that isolation is a teaming breeding ground for addiction. So I'm reaching out for help -- finally. I'm exceptionally good at compartmentalizing my life. My porn addiction has gotten tucked away in a special place inside me, and I don't let it come out more than once per week. In between episodes of acting out I am so caught up in the challenges of my life that I can maintain a denial that porn is even a problem. But, 45 years later, I simply cannot stop doing it. The allure always pulls me in. When the temptation arises to get online, it is like there is simply no part of me around that can say 'no.' To be honest, in this moment I can't really imagine really being able to say 'no.' There is even some sense of grief and loss that arises in me at the very thought of never looking at porn again -- as though it has been some sort of friend -- when in reality it has devastated my life, and two marriages.

    My current wife of 13 years just found out a couple of days ago that my porn addiction is still going strong. I'd given her the impression that it was a thing of the past. But my recent realization that I had to stop motivated me to tell our marriage therapist about my life long struggle with porn, and so now she knows. She is at home right now debating whether or not to end our relationship. I can't say that I blame her.

    Well, I don't know if there is anyone out there reading this. I feel like I'm on an island and I'm writing a letter asking for help and putting it into a bottle and throwing it out into the vast ocean. So here it is. . .
    rave756 and aem like this.
  2. David95

    David95 Fapstronaut

    I can't say I know what its like being 50 something, but lots of people here are willing to talk. I like this community because we can be so open with each other and not hide our secrets from everyone.
    Sunflower80 likes this.
  3. Catbert

    Catbert Fapstronaut

    Welcome, @Taodude! I read your story and it sounds like many, many guys on here. I am even older than you - 63 - and there are quite a few of us in the over-50 range.

    If you are truly committed to healing your addiction, you are in the right place. Start by educating yourself by reading and watching the "Your Brain on Porn" web site and videos. I found this very enlightening to understand how porn can rewire your brain. Write about your experiences on a daily basis, and read others' stories.

    The support you receive here is phenomenal! Your wife may also want to get involved here, too - there are several wives here to support their husbands.

    Best wishes to you!
  4. aem

    aem Guest

    Sorry to hear about how badly porn had affected your life. I'm only 29 and not married yet! In a relationship of 4 years, living with my girlfriend and am still debating whether to tell her about my addiction.
    I wish you the best with your recovery.
  5. ILoathePwife

    ILoathePwife Fapstronaut

    Coming clean was the right thing to do, from the perspective of a wife. And coming here for support. Secrets and shame are so toxic to relationships and recovery! My husband told me 7 years ago, after 5 years of marriage. We're in the midst of a reboot together now. I highly suggest you consider a reboot! If your wife is interested, we have a private group here for spouses. I've also posted about my side of our reboot journey in the women's section of the main forum, called fupornwife journal.

    Best of luck to you as your wife considers her options and as you work to really kick this habit.
  6. Taodude

    Taodude Fapstronaut

    Thanks, everyone, for your support. Good to hear from a wife, that a wife can get past the hurt and resentment and actually be a part of the recovery. Very encouraging. And yes, I'm 10 days into a reboot. I'm feeling very encouraged by what I've seen on this site.
  7. ILoathePwife

    ILoathePwife Fapstronaut

    Its been extremely painful, 5 years of kmowing something was wrong, but not what, and 7 years of doing my best to support him despite very little meaningful conversation and emotional connection. Now, I finally have hope, wit the reboot. What has helped me the most is daily FANOS and 30 minutes of cuddling. I will tag you in a post with details.
  8. Taodude

    Taodude Fapstronaut

    I didn't see FANOS in the glossary. I'm looking forward to learning more. . .
  9. Taodude

    Taodude Fapstronaut

    And by the way, I stand in awe of your strength and perseverance. To tolerate the pain, and continue to stand by him and support him in this way is amazing. He is lucky to have you. My wife has that kind of strength and perseverance as well. Only now, she is just pissed, and under that deeply hurt -- which is, of course, so understandable. . .
  10. ILoathePwife

    ILoathePwife Fapstronaut

    Its not strictly a nofap thing, you can see in the thread I tagged you in where it comes from, but someone here told me about it and it's been so helpful for us I've been shouting it from the mountains. Lol
  11. ILoathePwife

    ILoathePwife Fapstronaut

    Yep. Exactly me too. This reboot thing has been so helpful, but it brought up buried feelings too. A couple weeks I spilled my angry and hurt feelings out like lava, all over my husband. Having other women to talk to in private, where I can rage without fear of pushing my husband into desperation and relapse, has been helpful too. But mostly FANOS and nonsexual cuddling has helped meet my needs, after years if begging and crying that they weren't being met, so, big surprise, I've been more loving and forgiving.
  12. Taodude

    Taodude Fapstronaut

    Uh. . . sorry fupornwife, I'm perhaps a bit tech challenged here, I don't know where to find that thread that has the info about FANOS. . .
    ILoathePwife likes this.
  13. Taodude

    Taodude Fapstronaut

    Hey, thanks for your support Catbert. Say, can you explain to me how I can set up the "day _ towards 90" green chart that you have on your signature? I was able to click on it and tried to follow the instructions, but simply got lost. I got to Google, found the spreadsheet, renamed it, but don't know what to do after that to get it on my signature. Thanks in advance for any help that you can offer.
  14. ILoathePwife

    ILoathePwife Fapstronaut

  15. Hi @Taodude

    I feel your pain, which is very similar to the one we all felt here when we started this program. I am 51 and was a PMO addict since 10. I have been clean for a year now, after struggling and failing so many times before I found NoFap.

    It is a big step if you can know what is triggering your urges, because this will allow you to be awake and kill those urges as soon as they appear.

    I recommend you to create your own "Emergency Toolbox" with readings that can be handy to read when you start feeling urges to screw up.
    I can share this post with you with my own Emergency Toolbox, it helped me a lot during the first few months, i had them in my cell and read them every time I started falling down:

    I wrote some tips in this post that perhaps will help you too:

    You can watch some interesting videos which are also very helpful in this post:

    I also suggest you to read "Breaking the Cycle" by George Collins, it is a must-read if you are serious about getting rid of this addiction.

    Last but not least, I would strongly recommend you to take the NoFap Academy course if you can afford it. The course is great but the best value are the weekly video calls with @alexander (the creator of NoFap and NoFap Academy) and Mark Queppet, where you can chat with them in real life and listen to other guys's stories and problems too.

    I hope that all this helps you to fight this shitty addiction.

  16. Taodude

    Taodude Fapstronaut

    Thank-you, Fercho. Wow, 382 days sober. For someone like me that is an amazing feat! I will check out the links that you gave me, for sure. Thank-you! I have explored many ways to deal with my mind, and particularly this addiction over the years, and I actually have some very effective tools in my tool box. My problem has always been that when the impulse hits me, I don't WANT to use them! So far in this 10 days of no PMO I've been getting more and more in touch with the suffering of this addiction, for me and for my wife. This is currently providing me with great motivation. I'm just wondering if that motivation will still be there on day 21, which is historically my breaking point. So thank-you for your very helpful suggestions and pointers.
  17. Hi @Taodude , I sugestivo that you write your feeling now that you understand hat you are hurting your wife and describe how egocentric and selfish you are when you fap and neglect her. It will be useful to read it when you get an urge.
    If you love her this should be your main driver for success
    If you have a weak will power Insugegst you to take the course online at NoFap Academy, because the teach you about will power and give you exercise to focus on why you are doing this, and who is your "ideal self" that you want to be instead of a creepy person that faps and watch Porn like a beast without thinking of the implications that this have for their beloved ones
    It is a hard battle and you will feel pain and discomfort, but believe me, it is worth it
    What is the alternative? In 10 years stay the same and lose your wife and everything you care for? Is your hand the best lover you can dream of.?
    Ask yourself all these questions and write them in your Emergency Toolbox
    Good luck
  18. Taodude

    Taodude Fapstronaut

    Thank-you Fercho. These are very helpful suggestions!
    fercho29 likes this.